Folding doors do it yourself (photo)


Set the collected folding doors with your own hands - this is the task forces to every man who knows how to apply the hammer to the appointment of the hammer and the rule. Immediately after delivery, the product is quite possible to install it. However, before switching to business, consider the features of the harmonica design.

The mechanism of work of the folding door.

Foldable design: maximum freedom and convenience

No living area does not happen much. And this statement is fair regardless of the number of rooms and square meters of dwelling as a whole.

Since most apartments have a standard planning, then there are very often close hallway or a corridor, which is usually connected, usually with a toilet, bathroom and kitchen. If the door is installed by a swing type, then two thirds of a narrow room overlaps it, which causes considerable interference to tenants.

Folding doors do it yourself (photo)

Varieties of folding doors.

The radius of swinging flaps makes the hosts of housing to be considered with its magnitude and place the furniture not the one we would like and not in the place. Often, it is necessary to abandon the object of the furniture as such a situation. After all, dimensions do not allow it to put it, as they interfere with the movement of the door canvase.

Of course, there are options for what you can replace the door. For example, hang a filament curtain and fabric curtain, you can install a sliding design. True, in the latter case, it also takes place for the movement of the sash along the wall. For this issue there is a solution much more interesting - the device of the folding door. After all, her sash is not necessary to swallow, move along the wall surface, mask in the penalty.

The folding door provides for an assembly of 2 or more than the number of segments that move along the guide, fastening along the top of the design. The doors of this device equipped with public transport: trolley buses, buses and trams. Fixtures with two sash peculiar to city transport are referred to as books. These devices are very reliable, but have a substantial flaw - the flaps have a lot of weight.

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Folding doors do it yourself (photo)

The folding door can have both two canvases and a whole design of the folding flaps.

Frames of these products when adding are already 2 times, rather than the classical door of the swing type. And the sections from which the sash are in relation to each other are symmetric and endowed asymmetry. The last option is especially original. In accordance with the design features of the sash, the doors are shifted or in one direction from the doorway, or according to its parties. In the folded form of the sash or gather at the edges of the opening, refuel inside the foam, or are placed next to the wall.

Structurally harmonica is similar to the musical instrument of the same name. In Europe, for example, such products are called accordions, since such a name for Europeans is preferable. In their sash there are more than 2 sections, in width they are equal to 10-12 cm. Their sash resemble the lanes of the blinds with one difference - the components of the harmonic of the planks have a rather rigid loop mount between each other, and at the top (sometimes lower) are headed In rails-guides. For movement on the guides, a segment with a handle is responsible, and the segment close to the door jammer is attached to it using metal axes.

Independent assembly and installation of folding design

Before starting the installation of the folding product, check the presence of all the elements of fasteners and parts. A fixed set of components is provided by a standard set of folding design of the "Harmoshka".

Set of details for assembly

  • aluminum guide (for top);
  • panel segments;
  • carriage rollers (2 pcs.);
  • key adjustment;
  • loops for combining segments;
  • Details for installation.

If there is a doors of typical dimensions (up to 1 m in width), the guide is not installed below. Doblyo components and platbands are not provided with a complete set, they are prepared separately.

Algorithm for assembling doors-harmonic

Folding doors do it yourself (photo)

Scheme of elements of the folding door.

  1. To make it easy to calculate the number of segments, the values ​​of the doorway are measured before the design is selected and delivered home.
  2. The arrangement of the folding product is starting with the attachment of the guide. At the same time, the size of the rails-guide is: the height of about 3.3-3-3.9 cm, the width is 3.3-3-3.9 cm. When the width of the opening is less than the size of the guide, the latter is shortened by sawing with a metal cutting. The distance between the mounting holes for fasteners are provided at 25-30 cm. If the rails are cut, part of the holes were cut off, then they should be drilled again.
  3. On the revolving side of the rails from the direction of movement of the sash, when opening, the snap-down mechanism is set. The mechanism is mounted in the direction of the sash (right-left). The design of the extreme panel is set in the design, the carriage runner is placed in the guide. The rail at the top of the opening is fixed using selflessness, the length of which is 2-3 cm.
  4. In the panel extreme leaf mounted 2 axes of metal: upstairs and down. For which the location of the axes is noted and drilled holes (if there are no such). The depth of the latter is made slightly less than the length of the axes. The end of the axes will perform a bit from the panel (in the installation instruction the dimension is indicated). The axes are strengthened on the panel, and the location of the axis from above and the bottom should be identical. Under the bottom axis, located in the lower corner of the doorway, decorate the receiving plate. The position of the latter is carefully placed in accordance with the latch, before that attached on the guide.
  5. From the edge of the panel at the top installed after the panel with the metal axes, drill the hole to attach the roller slider. Drill a hole for mounting a roller rack.
  6. Segments that make up the harmonica sash are laid nearby, placing them in the way they will be connected by loops. It is important not to confuse the placement of the extreme right and left panel segment.
  7. Attaching loops.
  8. With the maximum thoroughness, their location is noted on the sash, putting the necessary labels with a pencil in compliance with the required gap. Between adjacent flaps, in addition to the 2nd extreme, there are three loops. The location of the loops on one horizontal line on all sash should exactly match each other, otherwise there will be a breakdown, which will result in the design breakdown. First, the 3-loops are attached vertically to one sash (bottom in the center and on top), carefully marking the position of each. They are exhibited on the other side of the future sash. Either make it between the sash. What will have to cut landing sockets, which is quite problematic without factory training segments for installation of fittings. The compound of adjacent panels using loops is produced in such a way that in the opening state of the sash, the gap between them was 0.3 cm.
  9. Under the fastening of the handle on the panel from the edge, the groove drill. The groove is placed closer to hinges. Between adjacent segments in the center drill the groove for mounting the locking device. Moving to hanging the sash to the fastener elements attached in advance.
  10. Folding the sash, lifting it and shade the axis attached to it into the planting plates. Fix. Next combine the axis of the carriage-runner with a suitable plate on the panel with the edge.
  11. To accurately adjust the position and stroke of the harmonica design will help the key for adjustment. Armed with the latter, set up the sash, tightening either weakening the nuts on the axes of the edges and carriages.
  12. If the opening has a width of more than 1 m or the sash assembly is carried out from heavy segments, then the number of runners should be increased from above. It will be useful to add support that controls the course of the sash at the bottom of the opening. In this situation, it is necessary to provide a lower guide to which the wheels of the carriage with attaching to one or several sash segments will begin. However, the presence of such a guide will require its disguise with a threshold or by drowning in the floor. And one more minus - the channel of the bottom rail is a great place to collect dirt, eliminate which will not be very easy.

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Prettyly spinning in the algorithm of actions, it is quite possible to move to independent arrangement of the folding door. Good repair!

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