Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes


Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

Good day!

My favorite topic is decorative pillows. I love it equally and sew them, and knit. I have all the pillows preferably a classic square shape and only two in the form of intricate colors. Today I want to tell how to make Pillows rollers do it yourself, - Cylindrical cushion, which have recently become very popular.

Usually they perform a decorative function and look perfectly on the bed or sofa among square shape pillows.

Sofa pillows rollers are very convenient to put under the head, they can perform the function of the head of the bed and armrest on the chair or sofa.

There are special orthopedic pillows. The orthopedic pillow roller is placed under the neck, while the load is evenly distributed and the stress from the neck is removed. Thus, you can get rid of fatigue in the spine and lower back.

My readers asked to talk about how to tie a crochet cushion.

Pillows rollers decorative can be associated with any pattern as you like. For example, use everyone's favorite Babushkin square.

Today I offer two simple interesting options for knitting such pillows. By the way, this is a great way to get rid of the remains of yarn!

Pillow roller with her hands with lips

Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

I found this idea here >>.

Basic black yarn. True, I do not really like this color. How do you think it can be replaced?

Blinds and side parts are connected from yarn of different colors.

Knit in the diagram two circles, in each row we change the yarn to another color.

Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

Separately, according to the following scheme, knit a straight belt of black shirts, having spun-colored bumps (they are also called popcorn or book). Description of knitting shishchek can be viewed here >>.

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Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

I think it will be more convenient to stretch all the colored threads in each row from the wrong side according to the jacquard knitting method than each time it is knitting a binge binding and tear down the thread. What do you think about it? Maybe there are other options?

We cross the rectangular part over the long side, we attach one side round part of the crochet.

Knitted cover for pillow pillow wear in advance stitched or purchased pillow. Attach the second side part.

I think that rolling the pillow with your own hands is very interesting and easy.

Pillow roller with your own zigzag pattern

Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

I took the scheme and photo of the pillow from the old German letter Kissen.

Here is an interesting continuous method of knitting.

We begin with knitting one of the lateral parts and continue to further knit the long part in a circle according to the scheme of the zigzag pattern. We have already considered such a pattern for bright plaids.

Pillows rollers do it yourself with crochet. Photo and schemes

Tied to the end, the pillow roller is practically ready and not needed to sew anything. It will only stay to attach a separately connected second side part.

Internal Pillow Pillow Case

Sew an internal case with your own hands is not difficult to still easily sew. It is better to use tick as material.

You need to cut two round parts and one rectangular, and then sew them. Naturally, the second side of the side is sewn after filling the cover with a flush, pen or holofiber.

In orthopedic pillows, buckwheat husk is used as a filler. If you can find it, it will be the best option!

But you can use a synthetone or foam rubber. Pillow roller from the foam rubber will be smooth and comfortable. And it's easy to make it - just need to turn a piece of foam rubber to a roll and insert into the case.

Finished pillow decorate braid or brushes from threads.

Article on the topic: Crafts for needlework made from saladders

Pillow roller do it yourself much more interesting purchased options! And most importantly, we enjoyed knitting!

Creative success! Do not forget to look at me, there is still a lot of interesting things!

I recently met an interesting video for creating textured paintings. Their author floor is Bozozo.

I suggest you to your attention. It is so unusual and beautiful. It seems to me that it is not even necessary to be an artist to do so, in addition, you can use any items that you have at hand.

.We have other interesting crochet pillows: Links of pillows from squares with volumetric colors

Pillow flower crochet

Fluffy cushions from yarn residues

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