Panel from fabric: choose the theme and manufacturer options (+45 photos)


Panel from fabric for many unpretentious decor. But often a simple handicraft in the hands of a talented wizard can turn into a work of art. Here you can not bring certain patterns, as everything is built on your own imagination and representation. The main factor remains the development of technology, this will help various master classes. In the future, it all depends only on the fantasy flight.

Choosing the subject to create a panel

Before starting work, it should be understood that the panel must be sustained in a certain stylistry. It should cross the decor in which it will be. Otherwise, the product can be out of total themes and to strive all those present by their chalk.

Many ideas and stylistic decisions can be handled in different articles that are accompanied by a large number of photos. It remains to choose the idea that most liked the most and is suitable for an existing interior.

Classic, Country, Provence

The ideal topics of the panel for rooms decorated in the style of classics, country, Provence is various still lifes or floral motifs. It looks good and compositions in the form of landscapes. Try to get away from cordiality, it is better to give the appearance of the product of maximum simplicity and cheerfulness. The composition should be in the interior of the atmosphere of rest and cause only positive emotions.

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Appropriate in the interior of the appropriate style and abstraction. It can be noted that it is a universal option, as it is in principle to any style.

Panel from fabric in autumn topics


Modern is distinguished by the presence of strict geometric lines. That is why compositions with different flue drawings should be present on the Moduran style panel. Product design should also be moderate. Frames for framing panels are used fairly simple, almost invisible.

Panel from Modern fabric

Scandinavian style

One of the rare subjects on Slavic spaces is a Scandinavian style. It implies brightness and practicality, is distinguished by the presence of appropriate ornaments and motifs. Create such a panel from the tissue on the wall using various infirm materials, such as beads, seashells, ribbons can even beginner wizard.

Panel from fabric in Scandinavian theme

Also on the tissue panel can be images of deer, christmas trees, letters, lines, cells and other things.

Panel from fabric in Scandinavian theme

Loft style

In the design of the modern interior, designer solutions in the style of Loft are considerable. There are also certain requirements here. The subject is quite diverse, but the panel should be performed only in two or three tones.

Despite strict and laconic lines, Panel in Loft style attracts glances and looks in the interior perfect.

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Fabric on fabric (basics of work)

Pictures on the fabric began to enter the fashion relatively recently. But, recently, the panel is increasingly starting to hold a leading niche in the interior of the room. The admirers of such art a lot. Some needlewomen are trying to perform compositions with their own hands.

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You can often find options for paintings that are obtained by painting on the fabric enclosed in the frame. But such compositions can not be called panel. It is quite another thing when the fabric creates a drawing by other tissue. This is the real panel. The composition looks gorgeous, if a volume effect is attached using tissue.

Volumetric panel on the wall of the fabric

Main rules

Full compliance of the panel of the design of the room design is the main requirement. But there is no rules without exception. If a product is performed in another topic, but the color accents are observed and do not violate the overall impression, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure to put the composition on the wall.

Working on creating a decorative panel must be:

  • knowing of limits;
  • compliance with the design of the room;
  • Complete interaction of the components among themselves.

Panel from fabric in the interior

Tissue panel

You can perform the composition using different techniques:
  • Applications;
  • Kanzashi;
  • patchwork;
  • Zd modeling.

Fundamental options

Getting Started For the first time, it should be understood that the first time is hardly a work of art. To do this, it is necessary to fill the hand at least a little. Permanent training, perseverance and compliance with the advice of experienced masters will give their results.

The first time to make panels is better from the materials that spoil not sorry. And the second and further, by purchasing skills, you can swall ash and for expensive blanks.

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

There are several options for preparing the basis for creation:

  • The basis of very dense cardboard, fiberboard or plywood is prepared. On the front part of the workpiece stretch the fabric, the edges of which wrapped on the wrong side. In order not to move the leaf, its edges are fixed with glue. In this way, the basis for which the appliqué elements begin to secure.

How to make the basis for a panel of fabric

  • Take wooden rails and form a frame from them, then it is covered with a cloth. To do this, we cut the web of the rectangular form on the dimensions of the frame, adding 2-3 cm so that you can wrap on the wrong side. After the tissue is stretched, the edges are fixed to the frame by the stapler or small carnations.

Article on the topic: Original paintings and panels from wallpaper do it yourself

How to make the basis for a panel of fabric

  • Polyfoam is perfectly suitable as the basis. On such a workpiece, the pencil is planned a drawing or scheme, then the flaps of the tissue of different colors and textures are selected. According to the intended lines, the edges of the pillars are deepened to the foam with a sharp tool.

Panel from fabric on foam

After the basis is ready, they begin to pick up the items from which the drawing will be created. To do this, you can use both multi-colored textiles and any other accessories that are appropriate in the composition and are combined with the main elements. Supplement the applique of all sorts of beads, buttons, rhinestones, and so on.

Panel from fabric in New Year's theme

Even adults are waiting for the New Year holidays miracle. And for the kids, the new year is the most long-awaited holiday. Therefore, try to decorate the room original and truly festively to create New Year's comfort. One of the successful decor elements is a panel in the New Year style, with which it is easily achieved.

New Year's panel with Santa Claus from fabric

To perform the composition with your own hands it is necessary to prepare:

  • frame for framing panel;
  • Fabric in blue shade for background;
  • Felt flap, tissue cuts of different colors;
  • Tight cardboard as the basis.

To begin with, the cardboard is covered with a blue cloth, firmly fixing the edges of textiles on the reverse side. Then cut from the cardboard elements of Santa Claus to form its volume shape. Getting out the outfit: from the material of the red color, clothes and cap are cut, from a white fabric or a piece of fur, a mustache, beard, and a hatching caps. For a sled, a silver or gold fabric is used.

Prepare all the workpieces, begin the overall assembly of the composition on the cardboard. You can glue parts by means of silicone glue, which is heated and applied with a special pistol. Panel version options for Christmas topics you can see in the photo below.

Composition with fabric flowers

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a more complex picture on the panel, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology of its creation. Previously, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and pick up or draw the appropriate scheme. It takes away from you no more than an hour, but then will significantly help in work.

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Imagine step-by-step instructions, how to make a flower panel of fabric with your own hands:

1. To begin with, pick up pieces of fabric, with which you can create flowers. Of these, circles of different diameters are cut.

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

2. If the flower petals want to give a beautiful wavy shape, then it is pre-burning the edges of the circles above the candle.

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

3. Collect each flower in this way: there are mugs in descending order of diameter.

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Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

4. So that future flowers do not disintegrate, firm them in the center.

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

5. As a final stroke, a bead in the middle is sewn.

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

6. After all the elements are ready, it remains to correctly attach them to the base. Silicone glue uses silicone glue for fixing very small items. Larger parts should be sewn.

Panel with flowers from fabric with their own hands

Flowers do not need to be round shape. Turn on fantasy, creativity and experiment. In this can help panels from different fabric, the photos of which are presented below.

On video: Panel with roses from ribbons with their own hands.

Creative panel of flap

Any hostess in the house will have multicolored flaps of fabrics that are not necessary to throw away. You can create a gorgeous panel of multi-colored textiles, especially if we are talking about the admissions of abstraction. I am a little bit around the flaps, you can get the original composition, which will subsequently become the pride of the hostess at home.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

For the manufacturing process of the Patchwork Panel will need:

  • Several flaps of fabric contrasting shades;
  • dense cardboard for the base;
  • Wooden frame (you can make it yourself from the rivers);
  • threads and sewing machine;
  • Glue for fabric.

All work will not take much time with you and lies in the following steps:

1. Initially, a schematic picture is formed, then harvesting is selected. To exclude confusion, it is better to numbered them according to the scheme. The resulting composition can be transferred immediately to cardboard.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

2. The blanks are cut out of the flasks and begin to be placed according to the scheme. To do this, each piece of fabric needs to be bending in half, so that the cut part is not visible on the other side of the future picture, and stacked on top of the previous ones.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

3. To achieve the necessary brightness and implementation of an interesting decision, it is necessary to accommodately approach the selection of color scheme. The tint of the base should be in full compliance with the subject and stylistics of the interior.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

4. To fix the lobs, you can use as a standard way - flashing on a typewriter, and use glue designed to work with textiles.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

5. The finished composition remains only to insert into the frame. There are several such jewelry of flap, then a modular panel will be obtained on the wall.

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

Panel of flap fabric do it yourself

As you can see, perform panels with your own hands is quite simple. This entertainment can be made family. This is especially true for children. Working with the kids, do not forget to control their actions, since the scissors are used in the process, and the child can be born.

Different techniques for creating paintings from flap (3 videos)

Beautiful textile panels (45 photos)

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

Punk on the wall of fabric - creative decor with your own hands

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