Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features


For an exclusive interior, you can create door sliding doors with their own hands. Using such a detail helps competently plan the space of the room. In order to make such an installation yourself, much effort will not need.

Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Pencil for sliding doors.

Some features of the design

Before making a solution and install sliding interior doors, it would not hurt to explore all their positive and negative sides. These factors influence the moments in operation and their location in the interior of the room.

Strengths of sliding doors:

  • Practically do not occupy a useful area of ​​residential premises;
  • Due to the absence of door loops, there are not terrible drafts such doors, it means they will not slaughters;
  • a fairly light opening and closure system, but only under the condition of working and timely care for the roller mechanism;
  • If desired, the door can be equipped with automation;
  • The door mount technology implies the absence of thresholds with their own hands, but in this moment it should be borne in mind that individual models may have lower guides that are something similar to the thresholds.

Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Mechanisms for interroom sliding doors.

Weak sides of sliding doors:

  • The device of such sashs does not very well prevent the penetration of foreign sounds into the room, as well as, despite the fact that the doors do not chlo in drafts, still they skip cold;
  • Such a sliding door is not suitable for the role of input, but in the country house it can be used to exit the terrace;
  • Still, due to the originality of the design, door fittings has a fairly high price, this is taking into account that the canvas themselves are also notable;
  • Frames can arise from the furniture formulation next to the opening.

Sliding doors systems

Doors can have a difference not only in the external design, but also the type of work. The basis of such products consists of roller mechanisms, upper or lower guide and the door flap (one or more).

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Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Schema fastener sliding doors.

Each design may have 1-4 roller devices, besides or upper, or lower (and can both) guide and door or door web. Accordingly, as additional equipment goes panels that are designed for the decor of the mechanisms, the necessary door fittings, good and cash.

Interior door with their own hands you can make the following types:

  • door coupe;
  • cascade sliding door;
  • single-two-three and four-dimensional door;
  • Radio-sliding door.

Completion of sliding structures

Since sliding models are a fairly original design, of course, it needs a suitable fittings. Equipping the canvas with handles, they are "inserted" so that they do not interfere with the open position, especially if the door drives into a niche. And the locks are presented in a vertical position.

Often, the sliding design has a standard set for its model. But at the same time, if you wish, you can change it to the one that you like. But it should be remembered that before such a replacement it is better to consult with experts, because not all mechanisms are comparable to such doors.

Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Retractable door installation circuit.

The original method of opening the canvas is provided by special rollers on the rails. Each type of door, depending on the method of opening and the number of cloths, has one or another type of mechanism and its definite number of guides. It also affects the material from which the canvas is performed, because they can be very different in weight (glass will always be heavier than wood).

Some doors open on a specific principle (cascading and doors-coupe), as a result of which it is necessary to additionally buy not only guides, but also a gutter that give the right direction of movement.

On such elements, as a guide and roller mechanism, cannot be saved. They ensure the reliability and stability of the operation of the structure. This is especially true of glass doors and structures from the massif, and it is them because of their greater weight, additional lower guides are required.

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How to make a interroom door?

Before making interroom doors with your own hands, you should know about the options for its installation.

Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Installing the sliding door.

  1. Separation of residential areas. Most often choose two sash, which will be divided into zones one room. That is, when the door is closed, two different zones are obtained, and in the open position it combines them.
  2. Separation of the room and an extension. It can be a loggia, a balcony or terrace. Since such extensions have the main purpose of giving light into the room, then it is best to install glass canvas in this case. Plus such a model will visually increase the living area, especially if it is the doors in a private house with access to the terrace.
  3. Department of technical premises. In the house or in the apartment often there are storage rooms or a subsidiary, and for their cover, you can install the door with your own hands with a variety of coupe.

When applying the door in the bathrooms, radius doors are considered the most complex design. This model can be found in the arrangement of shower cabins. They have curved canvases, most often glass, as well as specifically under them constructed curved guides.

Independent installation of sliding doors

After all the nuances of the room were taken into account and in accordance with this, the necessary design was purchased, it is possible to start its independent installation. For the first time it is better to start with a single door. If everything works out with her, in the future it will be possible for more complex tasks.

Sliding doors Interrooms with their own hands: Features

Types of sliding doors.

Cooked Tools:

  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • Depending on the type of fastening: dowels, brackets or wooden timber.

The work sequence is as follows:

The first thing that all begins, markup. With the help of roulette, the height of the opening is measured, but taking into account the lower gap (1.5-2Cm) and the finished roller mechanism with the guide. The corresponding marks are located horizontal line on the wall above the opening. After which they are connected. Of course, it is possible to mark the markup by the stand of the web under the opening and already note the line at its top edge. But here, too, add the height of the guide with the sliding mechanism.

In order for the doors to go smoothly and did not ride themselves, the line should be perfectly horizontal.

This can be achieved by controlling its construction level.

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System of folding doors.

Next, the railway rail itself is attached to the drawn line. Choosing fastening is purely individual. There is an option to attach a dowel to the wall, and you can use the subranges or a wooden bar.

It should be noted that in order to avoid the clothes of the wall, the rails are attached at a certain distance from the wall (approximately 0.5 cm). But again, each guide can have its own nuances in the fasteners, because it can be attached to ceiling or outdoor surfaces.

As already mentioned, the sliding doors save space on the radius of the opening of the ordinary door, but it is still necessary to leave the place to depart aside. And all because the length of the guide is always twice the width of the canvas, and the specialists at the same time advise to take the stock of another 5 cm.

The assembled roller device is inserted into a specially intended carriage, which is attached to the rails at the expense of the bolt.

Next over the door flap, anchors for roller carriages are installed. Their fastening should occur at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge of the canvas.

After that, the door canvas is attached. To do this, it should be lifted and screwed up the bolts into the appropriate door staples located at the top of the web. If the door does not have a smooth horizontality, then with the help of twisted bolts, this moment can be adjusted. The last step should install door accessories.

Modern technologies do not stand still, so every day there are increasingly new and interesting materials. And thanks to this, the disadvantages of sliding doors can be transformed into their features and even advantages.

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