How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment


How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

All modern apartments are equipped with individual heating, so make a warm floor will not make problems.

The coldest room in the house is always a bathroom, since it is heated only from the heated towel rail, so the question of how to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating, especially important.

This article will feature all aspects of the installation with the advantages and disadvantages of the system. Having understood with the presented questions, it will be possible to put the warm floors even with their own hands.

Installation of warm floors in the bathroom: pros and cons

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

Do not connect the water circuit to heating without resolving the relevant instances

Installation of a warm floor in the bathroom can easily be made to himself. In central heating apartments, changing the heating system without the necessary permits is illegal.

If independently, without the knowledge of certain organs, make warm floors from central heating, then the neighbors will complain that it is cold enough in apartments, because the pressure in the pipes falls. If it is found that the warm floors were made wrong with, it will be necessary to remove the system and pay a fine.

Considering such facts, in high-rise homes it is recommended to start mounting only after the design of the necessary documents and permits.

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

Two-way valve

An alternative option can be electrical floor heating systems.

If the water heating system will be laid, then it is often used to connect from a heated towel rail. The main thing is, in this case, take care not only about yourself, but also about neighbors.

They may have a decrease in temperature in batteries. In order to avoid thermal losses from other people, a two-way valve is put.

Before installing, you should familiarize yourself with the disadvantages and advantages of the system, which are shown in the table:

oneThe system is invisible for the eyes and does not occupy unlike radiators.The initial cost is quite high.
2.Take a bath and be in the room more pleasant when you stand on the warm floor.With warm floors, some types of coatings cannot be installed. But in the bathroom, as a rule, a tile is applied, so difficulties should not occur.
3.Fast return on heating system.

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If you make installation with your own hands, then the cost will be significantly reduced and only positive emotions will be from the heating system.

It is necessary to remember the permissions that will be removed from paying fines when connecting the system to central heating, as well as from litigation.

Stepped Instruction Installation of Heating

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

Those who are interested in how to make warm floors in the bathroom from heating, you need to get acquainted with possible nuances:

  1. The heating system operates from hot water, so the circulation pump must be installed for constant filling.
  2. To eliminate stagnation of water and hydrowards, the pressure leveling device is put.
  3. You always need to remove air from pipes.
  4. All water, which moves through the system, is very hot, and for the floor it is unacceptable. It is necessary to install a mechanism by which warm and cold water will be mixed, and the temperature is leveled to an acceptable 40 degrees.
  5. To purify the water mounted filter.

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

Be sure to think about the mechanism for regulating the water temperature

It can be noted that the heating system of the bathroom does not end on the pipe laying. Additionally, you need to purchase and deliver different equipment. The mounting scheme itself looks like this:

  1. Preparation. It is necessary to replace the plumbing and sewage, as well as calculate and think through the pipeline scheme for future heating. At this stage, the purchase of materials is carried out and the old floor coating is removed.
  2. Waterproofing. The stage implies the use of a special film or rubberoid as a protective layer from water flowing to neighbors. It is this layer that will serve as the only defense that will not allow water instantly to get to the neighbors below.
  3. Chernovaya screed. The basis of the floor is laid by claympsit or crushed stone of a small fraction. After that, the fill of the screeds on the beacons. Then the room is left for a week to dry. To exclude cracks over the frost, the screed is wetted with water.
  4. Heat insulation. To eliminate thermal losses to the floor, the material is stacked, which is covered with foil. If the height of the bathroom allows and it is not critical to losing it, the extruded polystyrene is used. Reinforced grid is installed on top of the film.

    How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

    Only on a flat screed of a water circuit will function correctly

  5. Installation of pipes. Installation of the water circuit is made on the project. For contour, both metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene can be used. The fixation is carried out with the help of clamps or slats, and the laying itself is made by the snake method.
  6. Clean screed. Applied concrete M200 and poured above pipes by 5 cm. You can use other formulations, the main thing is that they can withstand the temperature differences.
  7. Finishing work. A month when concrete dries, you can start installing a tile or other flooring for the bathroom.

It is not recommended to allow the junctions to eliminate the flow of pipes, as well as laying the pipes near the washbasin and under the bathroom. This will not give any result, and the consumption of funds for the purchase of materials will be increased. Detailed description of the process of mounting screed See in this video:

For bathrooms in high-rise homes, the collector does not use often. Due to the small quadrature of the room, the water circuit connects to the heated towel and this is quite enough.

Pouring floors and connecting heating

In the case of self-filling in the bathroom in the bathroom, it is recommended to use self-leveling and leveling mixtures, in addition, the screed is applied taking into account certain requirements:

  1. Resistance to temperature differences. Independently to make a cement mixture that will not give cracks after several years of using warm floors is very difficult, in connection with which it is better to buy ready-made compositions.
  2. Strength. For the heating system of floors, constant loads from different temperatures and moisture are characteristic. A reinforcing grid is applied to strengthen the base.

Only a high-quality mixture will be able to securely connect all the layers of the warm floor, which are described above, and make a monolithic design.

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating in the apartment

To connect heating in the bathroom, you should use one of the following options:

  1. From the heated towel rail. In this case, the temperature will not change, and the system will work from hot water, which enters the heated towel rail.
  2. From central heating. This connection method is rather problematic because it requires not only permits, but also to create a project.
  3. From the boiler. Allows you to adjust the temperature. This method will require the installation of the thermostat.

Before installing the floor heating system, you need to consider errors that often arise from many people:

  1. The waterproofing layer is required, leakage may occur without it. Waterproofing will not allow condensate and moisture to neighbors.
  2. If there is no clear plan of work and the method of laying pipes, then work can significantly delay the time, and the desired estimate will be incorrect.
  3. All permits are obtained before the installation start, after the work is carried out, it is more complicated to get documents.
  4. It is forbidden to apply a conventional cement solution. It should have additional additives that will not crack and do not crumble the screed in a few years. Water contour connection scheme To batteries, see this video:

Having studied the basic rules for mounting the system of warm floors in the bathroom from heating, you can do work yourself, given all aspects. If experience in work is not enough, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists, because the flow of such a system can do in expensive repair not only in the apartment, but also in the neighbors.

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