Restoration of plumbing with liquid acrylic


The method of using liquid, or as it is also called, the bulk acrylic, which recently appeared in the domestic market, not only finds new users, but also becomes popular.

Restoration of plumbing with liquid acrylic

Any bath with time gains some flaws and disadvantages, but it is not necessary to change it to a new expensive body, it is quite advocated to restore the old one.

High-quality restoration of baths with liquid acrylic allows you to give old plumbing equipment a new life and update the interior of the bathroom, thereby saving money for repair and purchase a new bath.

In order to restore the bulk acrylic, the specialist's help is not always required. It is often possible to do it and independently, using the advice of professionals as a guide. For example, planning restoration work, you must choose the correct material. The buyers offered today, liquid acrylic, independently of the manufacturer, is almost no different in quality and composition, so the main criteria for the choice should be the volume required for the restoration of the bath, color tint and the shelf life of the material.

Preparation for restoration work with liquid acrylic

The mechanism of operation of the liquid acrylic is extremely simple - the material is poured into the bath and under its own weight spreads along its surface, creating a smooth and even coating. The advantages of this method of updating the old plumbing are obvious: the simplicity of application, the minimum duration of drying, the ability of the acrylic coating to amortize and repel dust. As a result, putting the minimum effort, you get a shiny and smooth bath of any desired color.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

Before the start of the work, it is necessary to clean the surface of the bath from unnecessary objects and dust.

  1. Self-leveling acrylic (quantity depends on the size of the bath).
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. The nozzle for a grinder intended for grinding.
  4. Circle for metal to remove the strapping under the bathroom.
  5. Means for degreasing (acetone or solvent).
  6. Malyary Scotch.
  7. A wand is about 30 cm long for acrylic stirring.
  8. Sheets of paper or newspaper.
  9. Stamp under the bath.
  10. Detergent powder ("Pemiolux", etc.).
  11. Clean cotton rags.
  12. Putty knife.

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Restoration begins with surface preparation. Any bath, regardless of its degree of wear and pollution, before filling with liquid acrylic, it is necessary to thoroughly polish with a grinding nozzle worn on the grinder. The main goal of grinding is to remove the gloss, which is present on each enamel coating. The absence or presence of a gloss will determine how much a new surface is served, created from the bulk acrylic.

When the surface of the bath has become matte, it is necessary to rinse well and degrease. To do this, you can use PEMOLUX powder or similar to it. All surface contaminants are carefully removed from the coating. To this process, it should also be approached very responsibly, because its results are largely affected by the duration of the service life of the acrylic surface. After applying the powder, the bath must be rinsed with a strong jet of water.

Restoration of plumbing with liquid acrylic

Application acrylic is made along the edges of the bath, in order to give her on their own split over the surface.

When the bath is fully processed by the detergent powder and well produce, it is necessary to cut the old strapping with a grinder with a circle of metal. As a rule, the strapping is curly cut, and then knocked out with a chisel and hammer. If the binding under the bathroom remains in untouched state, then a small plastic cup should be put into the drain hole. It will serve as a kind of plug, which will not allow the material from entering the sewer pipes and the subsequent scoring of the liquid acrylic.

At the next stage of the restoration, it is necessary to wipe the surface of the plumbing with clean cotton rags, decompose on the floor of the newspaper or sheets of paper, burst the crane into a plastic bag, thus eliminating the dust, water and small garbage in the bath. After that, you can proceed to the degreasing process. It is extremely thoroughly and carefully, any solvent or acetone.

Basic restoration work

When plumbing is fully ready, a direct restoration is produced. First of all, acrylic should be prepared. As a rule, the set, with which the baths are filling, consists of 2 main components - acrylic itself and hardener. It is the hardener that allows the material to create a smooth and solid surface that does not crack even under the influence of mechanical shocks.

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In order for the restoration to be as high as possible, it is necessary to gently mix acrylic and hardener. To do this, a hardener is gradually added to the liquid acrylic jar and stirred for 10 minutes. The mixture must then be left to dissolve for 15 minutes, after which it is poured into the bath. Incorrect mixing of ingredients can lead to what acrylic does not freeze, and it will be necessary to produce work.

Filling with liquid material starts from the side. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the surface and smoothes with a small spatula. When the sides and walls of the bath are processed, the spatula is aligned with the bottom. If the material meets all the presented quality standards and shelf life and is properly prepared, it is usually necessary for about 36 hours. After that, you can install a new strapping under the bath. After mounting the strapping it is necessary to add a renovated bath with a strong pressure of cold water.

Restoration of baths with the help of bulk acrylic is a fairly executed event. It will save you from worries about the choice of new plumbing, from problems with its installation. At the same time, your bathroom shines with new paints and will delight you for a long time comfort and comfort.

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