How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?


After installing new windows, you need to take care of the finishing of such elements of the window opening as the slopes. Many firms offer finishing services, but knowing how to make slopes on the windows, it can be done with your own hands. There are several finish options:

  • plastering;
  • shuttering with insulation;
  • covering PVC panels, ordinary or cellular;
  • Sheathing plate MDF or plasterboard sheet;
  • Install plastic slopes from sandwich panels.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

How to choose a window opening option?

Determining with the type of finish, it must be borne in mind that it will affect not only the aesthetics of the room. The dismissed surfaces of the opening shift the dew point inside the room, as a result of which condensate is formed around the frame. Incorrect warming can lead to the same result. By purchasing new energy efficient double-glazed windows, you need to take care of the thermal insulation at the joints of the frame and the wall.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

Watching Watching

Playing slopes - the most familiar option, can be said, the classic of the genre. If the climatic zone allows not to take care of thermal insulation or the window, the opening is located in a submissive unheated room, then the easiest way out is to trim with plastering without heat insulation. The use of such insulation, as polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or dutch plate, sustained conservatives. This option will be insulated with a traditional appearance. Special plaster mixes with chopped additives can also be used, which also provide high thermal insulation properties.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

Plasterboard and MDF.

The disadvantage of finishing with the help of drywall (GLC) is its weak moisture protection. Advantages - stiffness of construction. It is important if the depth of the surface is more than 30 cm. If you need to separate the opening of a complex configuration or arched type, then the plasterboard is almost indispensable. The same advantages and disadvantages and at the MDF slab. Despite the fact that it is protected by a moisture-proof film, there is no complete moisture insulation in it. If the choice is between the sheet of plasterboard or MDF, the second option has some advantage - it does not require subsequent finishes. The design of plasterboard will have to put off and paint.

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How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

PVC panels

PVC panels are used only with a substrate from the heat insulating material. Most often it is Minvat, although you can pick up another insulation. Not only panels are suitable for finishing - it is possible to make slopes on the windows using siding, lining. Well proved panels from cellular plastic. The disadvantages of this type of finishing are low rigidity of the PVC sheet and its fragility. Advantages - installation speed, low price, especially if you do the installation with your own hands.


If you stopped at an option from PVC panels, you very carefully choose the manufacturer. The poor-quality panels are quickly losing appearance, and they have to change them.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

Finishing with sandwich panels

Sandwich panels for slopes have good rigidity and thermal insulation properties. Such a panel consists of three parts:

  • layer of perfectly smooth glossy plastic;
  • polystyrene insulation;
  • A layer of rough plastic (attached to the wall).

Their cost is higher than that of conventional plastic sheets, but taking into account the fact that there is no need to purchase additional materials here, as a result it will come out about the same. Advantages - easy to install with their own hands, beautiful appearance.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

Surface preparation

Regardless of the selected material - plaster, drywall, PVC panels - before finishing the slopes with their own hands, you need to close the film with a window. This is done not only for plastic profile protection. Very often, during repair work in the window mechanism, construction dust falls, which can lead to a deterioration of his work. Folds are poorly open, closed and can be easy to fit.

The next step is to prepare the surface of the window opening. You should start with the removal of the old layer of plaster and excess mounting foam, which remain after mounting the window. The next step is impregnation of the surface of the opening. To do this, you must purchase impregnation of deep penetration. It protects the wall from fungus, mold and prevents destruction from temperature drops and humidity levels. Then the cement mortar close the recesses, chips, potholes and cracks. To make the finish correctly, and outdoor, and the internal slips are arranged only after such training.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

Marking reversal

To properly install the slopes, this stage is important as marking the turns. Sucks in relation to the wall rarely stand at an angle of 90º. As a rule, they are a bit unfolded into the room. This is done in order for the light penetrating through the window, illuminated the room more and evenly. The angle of reversal can be different and depends on how the frame is located, as well as from the thickness of the wall.

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Marking angle of dawn (reversal) can be performed according to the following scheme.

  • There is a central line of the windowsill.
  • The width of the window is measured and the resulting value is divided into two. On the edge of the measured segment, a mark on the inside of the windowsill is put. For example, if the windows width is 120 cm, then 120: 2 = 60 cm.
  • Add 3-5 cm. The more digit, the greater the reversal angle. Based on our example, 60 + 5 = 65 cm.
  • Measure the value from the center of the window sill, but already at the outer edge, which is located closer to the room. Here also put a mark.
  • If you connect the marks located on the outside and the inner edge of the window sill, then we get an angle of reversal.

Further, the sequence of installation stages depends on the materials used. For drywall, MDF and lining need to pre-make a crate, and the sandwich panels are reached in a plastic profile.


If the windowsill is not yet set, it is not recommended to start the opening finish, as it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the slope to the windowsill. In addition, when it is installed, you can damage the finish.

Stuccoing of slopes with insulation do it yourself

For insulation, the opening is needed to choose a good thermal insulation material. Here you can use slab insulation - facade polystyrene foam, EPPS sheets, basalt minvatu or PPU plates. They are attached to the prepared dry wall with the help of glue and are additionally fixed with dowels. On the side surfaces, the use of dowels is not necessarily, but over the window the insulation must be secured reliably.

The surface of the insulation must be rough. This improves its hitch with the surface of the opening. There is an insulation with a corrugated surface, if smooth plates are purchased, you need to process them with needle roller. Polyfoam has sufficient adhesion and without additional processing.

After mounting the insulation, the plaster mesh is attached to it. A plaster solution is applied over the grid and smoothes. To give an aesthetic appearance over the plaster, putty is applied and sandwiched.


If external work is carried out, you need to monitor the temperature regime. The conditions for using glue and plaster mixtures The manufacturer indicates, and if they do not adhere to them, it will lead to a substantial result.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels

To properly install the slopes with your own hands using sandwich panels, you will need to purchase a starting P-shaped profile and F-profile. Installation begins with the installation of the starting profile. The end part is attached to self-edges along the edge of the window frame and in the profile. In the profile at the top of the window, the sandwich panel is started. After that, 4 slicing of the starting profile, cut off the size of the depth of the opening, are becoming a profile, top and bottom installed on the sides. This is done in such a way that they are perpendicular to the window and parallel to the windowsill (bottom) and the top slope (at the top).

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Now it turned out a frame from the profile, into which the side parts from the sandwich panel are started. The final stage is the mounting of the slope cover, that is, the F-profile. For this, the stripes of the desired length are cut and snapped on the cut edges of the panels. Initially, the transverse band of the profile lies with the brass. Excess part must be carefully cut off, and the joints are treated with liquid plastic.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands?

The difference between internal and external slopes

External slopes have several differences from the internal. The most important thing is that you need to take into account - the external openings are exposed to the external environment: the temperature difference, freezing / thawing and others. Therefore, not all materials are suitable here. The PVC panel may be sworn, drywall finish will also not withstand precipitation.

One of the most reliable and inexpensive options will be insulating foam with subsequent plastering. If a dry plaster mix is ​​bought, you need to pay attention, whether it is suitable for facade works. So that the external slopes have had a longer service life, their surface must be plastering correctly, according to the technology and cover the waterproof.

Internal slopes are one of the elements of the interior of the rooms, so elevated aesthetic requirements are imposed. Plastic windows will look harmoniously with trim from sandwich panels. The slope from the drywall looks like a plastered surface and is ideal for a room with painted walls. The selection of the material depends on the overall interior solution of the room, wall decoration and other factors. Choosing the type of finishing for the inside of the window opening, you need to combine a beautiful appearance and thermal insulation properties. If you set the slopes with your own hands, observing the technology, the room will be cozy, beautiful and warm.

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