Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern


Every girl wants to look beautiful. And the girl waiting for the kid is no exception. The choice of clothing for future mothers does not always have such a variety, as would like to. Therefore, a good option will sew the tunic itself or tie it with a crochet. Today we will look at the master class with a description of how to tie a tunic for a pregnant woman, consider the schemes and learn how to make the pattern.

Style and coziness

Tunic is a thing that should be in every wardrobe. Having attached to her various stylish accessories, we will have a diverse image. The tunic can be combined with pants, leggings, leggings, jeans. The feeling of comfort and style will not leave the owner of this model. It is easy in mating. This master class goes to 44-46 size. But you can easily calculate how to tie the tunic on your size.

You will need materials:

  • 350 grams of yarn, composition: 96% cotton and 4% acrylic;
  • Hook №3.5;

SBIFINK without Nakid. The pattern will be better made in full size.

Here is such a model we will learn to knit:

Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern

The main pattern of the tunic must be performed according to Scheme No. 1. But the number of looping should be divided by 16 + 1 with the edge of the loop + 3 air loops for lifting. We begin knitting with the loopback before the rapport, then knit the rapport and finish knit the loops after the rapport. You need to knit 1 time from the 1st to the seventh row, and then repeat from the 2nd row to the 7th row.

Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern

Knit, starting with Kaima, by typing the desired amount of loops, which is multiple 16 + 1 + 1 V.P. lifting. Now knit according to the scheme, but this will already be a scheme number 2. Knit pattern from the 1st to the 5th row. The density of our knitting will be: 21 p. X 9 rows = 10x10 cm.

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We start knitting back. We score a chain of 113 air carelets + 3 loops for lifting. Knit the main working pattern. Measure 37 cm from the edge and leave 4 cm on both sides of the tunic. When you take 60 cm in height, our work will come to an end.

Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern

Now we will knit the front of the tunic. We begin similarly to knit back, but we need to make a neckline for the neck. For him, at a distance of 52 cm from the edge, we will leave 8 medium ottops, the two sides will already be finished separately. To make a rounding, you need to leave 2 cm internal side twice and 1 cm four times in each second row.

Knit tunic sleeves. For a sleeve, you type a chain of 65 air carelets + 1 lifting loop. We will knit the pattern according to the scheme, we make supplies on each side of our parts for the twinks of 1 cm in each 2 row - 7 times and by half a cavantimeter in the next row - 1 time. Tied 23 cm from the edge, we will finish work.

Build details of the tunic. On the back and in front of the bottom, you are in front of the kaima. We are wearing the seams on the shoulders, we need to sew the sleeves, after the sleeves of the seam saving on the side and seams on the sleeves. Sleeves we will tie a failure, like a neckline.

Product of emerald color

Another tunic that is perfectly suitable for the style for pregnant women. This outfit has the strings on the sleeves, which were in the trend at the end of 2019. So this model will come to taste absolutely everyone, and especially those who are in pleasant waiting. The model that we will disassemble is designed for size 42-44.

Necessary materials:

  • 750 g yarn, composition: 75% polyacryl, 25% wool, 162 m / 50 g;
  • Hook number 5;
  • Thread rubber.

The number of loops is multiple 62 + 1 V.P. lifting. Knitting begins under the rapport, the loop of the Rapporta must be repeated and completed the knitting by loops after the rapport. Tie 1 time from the 1st to the 4th row, after that repeat the 3rd and 4th rows.

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To knit ties on the sleeves - two pieces, emerald and rubber thread to do with the help of a hook with a chain of 54-58 air loops and tie up this chain by columns without a Nakid.

Openwork pattern:

Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern

Back Tunic: Knit a chain of 146-158 air hopes + 1 air lift loop, we will knit openwork knitting. After connecting 50 cm from the edge, where there was a set of loops, connecting the strips of 4.5 cm by the columns without a nakid. In the first row, you need to perform 120-132 columns without Nakid. After that, knit openwork again. In the first row, tie 146-158 columns without Nakid. After 23 cm from the band, we will leave the middle 22 cm for the cutting of the neck and the two sides of the tunic will be finished separately. After 27 cm from the knitting strips finish.

In order to tie before, we will knit similarly to knit back. But we will make a deeper neckline for the neck. To do this, after 15 cm from the band, you need to leave 22 cm in the middle and again two sides finish separately.

Sleeves begin to knit from a chain out of 104-110 V.P. And we will knit openwork viscous. Mind 58 cm from the edge and finish work.

Tunic for a pregnant crochet: schemes with a description of the pattern

The assembly will perform the joints of the seams on the shoulders, cover the sleeves, make side seams on the sleeves. On the sleeves, 9 cm from the edge, leaving the sleeves with birt.

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