Upholstered furniture for children with their own hands: Mini Sofa


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  • Preparation of the necessary materials
  • Making a sofa framework
  • Lining and case

As you know, the production of furniture for children's rooms does not stand still and every day is increasingly improving. But at the same time, prices for such furniture are rising. Not strongly secured in the material plan to families sometimes hard to purchase expensive furniture for the child, especially since the kid will grow, it will already be completely irrelevant for him.

Upholstered furniture for children with their own hands: Mini Sofa

Figure 1. Sofa frame scheme.

For this reason, people begin to think about how to make furniture for the children's room independently of the priestly inexpensive materials.

This article will describe in detail how to build a mini-sofa from cardboard for a child.

It will be a robust design that can serve for a long time. It will endure even a ten-year-old child!

Preparation of the necessary materials

So, before starting work on furniture, draw an exemplary squeak sofa on a sheet. Remember that the simpler the form is the easier it will be done. Therefore, try to simplify the furniture as much as possible, especially if you come across such a thing for the first time. In addition to the sketch, you will need:

Upholstered furniture for children with their own hands: Mini Sofa

Figure 2. In order for the foam rubbing does not lose weight, it is necessary to apply glue only around the edges of the pattern.

  • simple pencil;
  • line or roulette;
  • acute building knife;
  • fabric for upholstery;
  • foam;
  • good glue;
  • Furniture stapler and needle with threads;
  • Thick cardboard.

Special attention is paid to the cardboard and glue. Note that it is desirable to use the same in thickness (at least 1 cm) pieces of cardboard. Then the load on the furniture will be uniform. Glue better use silicate or even superclauses. You can take the usual PVA, but then you will have to press the details for a long time until they grab well.

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Making a sofa framework

Now take care. First, on one part of the cardboard, the template is black and cut out the first blank. After that, on the finished billet, we make the rest of the parts. Choose the number of such parts yourself, but the more they are, the longer there will be a sofa or chair.

Another piece of furniture will be somewhat lengthened due to additional pieces of cardboard, which will need to be glued between the main billets where the largest load is assumed. It will look like all this will be as follows as in the diagram (Fig. 1). This figure shows two parts of the sofa: it can be both two chairs and subsequently one sofa, if these parts are glued together with each other.

Upholstered furniture for children with their own hands: Mini Sofa

Figure 3. The case is stretched over the lining, or is sewn with a stapler from several sides.

Now such a billet is completely covered with conventional unnecessary sheets of A4 paper. It is necessary in order for garbage from the cardboard, and also that the foam rubbed gently lay on the furniture and did not cling to anything. Immediately after the salary, make all the measurements to make a high-quality lining and sofa lining.

Now, while the design is captured and completely dried, work with foam rubber. According to their measurements, cut out the necessary sizes of pieces. Note that all parts of the furniture object must be processed in the foam rubber: both side and rear and seats.

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Lining and case

Prepared pieces are glued from all sides to the sofa using good glue. At the same time, rushing well with glue and press the edges. The middle should remain untouched, since otherwise the foam rubber will not be sprouting and will not give softness. It looks all of this in a general form on two parts of the sofa about the same way as in Fig. 2.

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It is good to attach a conventional fabric to the foam rubber, which will serve as additional protection against rapid wear. You can grab it with threads and sew covers from it. It does not play a big role here. You can also put extruded wool for greater softness, if there is such a desire.

The last stage of the finish is the case. Here you have two options. By pre-prepared sizes, you can simply sew a cover from upholstery fabric and put on a sofa. It is more practical, because at any time you can remove it and wash it. Another option is simpler, but less practical, attach cloth with a furniture stapler. It will be good to stick, but if the upholstery is contaminated, it will be impossible to remove it. It is also problematic to clean, since the cardboard does not tolerate moisture.

So, the option of how to make a simple sofa or a chair for your own hands, completely considered. As you could understand, the manufacture of children's furniture is pretty simple and at the same time an interesting occupation. Finished upholstered furniture looks like the way in fig. 3. If you wish, you can additionally decorate it with different funny stripes, tissue loops that can serve as handle holders. Just turn on your fantasy - and everything will work out!

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