What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?


Each person who has a car or its own home, at least once a need for the use of compressed air to perform work on home or car repair. To solve such tasks, you can buy household electrocompressor, to use which is possible not only for applying paintwork materials with your own hands, but also for another, not less important work.

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

How effective is the compressor for painting?

To date, a modern painting compressor can have a high capacity and necessary performance, thereby be compact, which is very convenient in everyday life.

Now the construction market presents a huge variety of devices that can help get compressed air. Therefore, further we will tell about some nuances that will help you choose the most appropriate type of compressor, which will mostly satisfy your requests and needs.

Next, we will tell you for what criteria to choose a good compressor for painting and how it costs to extend the life of its operation.

Breaks of compressors

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

Compressor for painting, how to choose?

Today, compressors have different differences among themselves not only by technical characteristics, but also by the type of engine, the principle of operation and the type of power plant, which causes the device to work.

According to the actuator, all devices are classified into 2 categories:

  1. Electric Engine Devices

In this embodiment, the usual compressor scheme is presented, which is known for its reliability, low noise and an acceptable price category. But, there is one nuance - it is necessary to have access to electricity for the device.

  1. Compressor on internal combustion engine on diesel or gasoline

This instance of the device is although absolutely autonomous, but has many drawbacks:

  • low motor weight;
  • creates a lot of noise;
  • has a lot of weight and dimensions;
  • high cost;
  • Constant need for refueling device diesel or gasoline.

If we consider the above information, fuel devices are not the most common, which is why electrical compressors are recognized as the most popular.

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What principle does the device work?

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

Compressor for painting in finishing works

The compressor for painting with your own hands by the type of its device and the principle of operation is divided into 2 types:

  • screw;
  • piston.

2 parallel screw shaft with screw threads are taken for the screw device, which are synchronized between themselves with gears and rotate in the opposite direction from each other.

The advantages of such a device are as follows:

  • The screw appliance has a high level of performance and blows a uniform air flow to achieve high pressure;
  • The device with low wear does not need constant cooling and repair;
  • During operation, the device is not noisy and does not create a lot of vibrations;
  • It is considered less energy-intensive, as a result of which about 25-35% of electricity can be saved.

The piston device is greater popularity. The work is to compress atmospheric air. By its design, it is more complicated, if compared with a screw device, and has more moving parts that require forced cooling and frequent lubricant.

The pluses of the piston compressor can be called:

  • available cost;
  • diverse line of devices of different dimensions and power;
  • simplicity of design;
  • With the device you can "cooperate" in a dusty not heated room and in the open sky.

According to the above information, the conclusion suggests that the piston devices are best used for home.

Subtleties that require attention

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

Compressor for painting various surfaces

Deciding which power unit you need and designating the type of air unit, it is necessary to own information that all compressors for applying paint have more distinctive features on various testimony that can affect paint and the speed of the work done.

For domestic purposes, it is better to use electrical devices, the principle of connecting the connection in a diagram with one phase into 220W.

The limits of possible pressure for operation vary in the range of 6-12 kg / cm2. This is enough for most of the pulverizers and other pneumatic devices (see Table.).

Variety of devicePressureConsumption


Pistol for painting works3-4200-400 l / min
Grinder machine6.350-450 l / min
Purge gun4-6150-250 l / min
Pneumatic breeding6.150-250 l / min
Gaikovert.6.150-500 l / min
Pneummodrel6.200-300 l / min

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The nominal productivity characterizes the number of compressed air produced by the device for a certain time interval. This value is very important, because its testimony has an impact on the speed of the device and the speed of its wear. So that the device worked well, the performance is worth choosing according to the amount of consumable air that consumes the used pneumatic device.

The volume of the receiver can be determined by the amount of air, which is placed in the accumulation tank at atmospheric pressure. The greater this indicator, the longer the time the air will be charged to absolute filling, as a result, the compressor will be required with a smaller frequency to be included to maintain the desired pressure. The amount of 50 to 100 liters is recognized as the most suitable for use in everyday life.

Is it possible to make a compressor from the refrigerator with your own hands?

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

We use compressor for painting

As it is not sad to realize, but it will be possible to make such a device from the refrigerator with your own hands, especially if you do not have the right tool and any knowledge and skills behind your back.

No one is news that create something with your own hands is much cheaper than buying ready in stores. The compressor is no exception here, because there is such a device for not small money. Therefore, if you have an old refrigerator and a desire to save it to save - dare!

As we said, a powerful electrical engine is installed in the purchase device, which transmits the work with the help of belt transmission. When using the refrigerator, and the engine, and the camera will be located in a single case, and the belt transmission will not be at all. In the homemade device from the refrigerator, the automation will also be much smaller, but protection against possible overheating will have to be installed.

Get ready for the fact that in your work there will be many difficulties in your way: there may be no hose to the filter, the device will connect poorly, there will be no reaction from the compressor, etc. But, do not lower your hands immediately, it will be possible to correctly please rightfully.

In general, the compressor from the old refrigerator is the thing is irreplaceable and useful. But, pay attention to the fact that the motor of the modern refrigerator although quite productive, but not so powerful as the engine of the Soviet refrigerator. Therefore, if you need to create a large pressure, finding a suitable item will not be difficult.

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Recommendations for the operation of the device

What is a painting compressor and how to choose it?

Compressor for painting

At the level of the quality of the work and the life of the device for applying paints and varnishes with their own hands has a direct impact, whether you follow the rules of operation. The impact has the impact of the timeliness of maintenance, both planned and emergency due to breakdowns.

So that the device worked unfortunately, and nothing prevented its functionality, it is necessary to adhere to such elementary rules:

  • If you work on the street or in a room with negative temperature indicators, the oil in the device can be thickened, which will lead to an increase in the load on the engine and will adversely affect the operation of all parts and mechanisms. To do this, before the first time to start the device, it must be left in a warm room or heat the construction hairdryer, so that its temperature was about 5-10 ° C.
  • Since condensate periodically accumulates in the receiver, it is necessary to drain it from time to time through a special valve, which is located at the bottom of the cylinder or on the filter-sump. Such manipulations should be carried out before each paint application.
  • If the compressor is in intensive exploitation, try at least once in a month to inspect and clean air filters, edge cooling, grid, casing from dust and contaminants.
  • Before bringing a device to work, evaluate the oil level.
  • Upon completion of the work, turn the output pressure regulator lever to zero.

If your finances are limited - not trouble, because you can not buy a newcomer compressor. For household needs, you will be enough former in use of the device, for which the former owner worked well and held a timely service in a timely manner.

We hope that in our article you found many useful information for yourself, which in the future will help you save a family budget.

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