How to save water costs through the usual crane?


Does each of us think about what stocks of fresh water still remain in the world? Does this problem worries us when you turn on in the kitchen or washing machine? In fact, it turns out that the daily broadband consumption of water is very large. But you can fight with this, with great efforts from us this does not require. In addition to optimizing personal consumption, it is possible to establish a very convenient special equipment in the form of economical mixers, which will allow many times to reduce the volumes poured into any time.

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Scheme of water tap.

How much water is spent from the crane every day?

To optimize the flow, you must first understand where it is where water is leaving for household use:

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Mixer assembly scheme.

  • cleaning teeth, shave, washout require us to use up to 5 liters of water for each time;
  • From the open crane for each minute, 15 liters are poured, slightly less required for each flush toilet;
  • For washing multiple plates in the kitchen, when the strong jet is turned on, an average of up to 100 liters of water goes, with a weak - a little less;
  • Bath adoption requires volume three times more than for the shower.

In percentage ratio, the cost per day looks like:

  • To wash the toilet - 30%;
  • Bath - 21%;
  • Taking a soul - 12%;
  • Washing - 13%;
  • Washing - 8%;
  • For drinking, food - 5%;
  • Other - 12% (cooking, defrosting food, etc.)

How to save water consumption and reduce financial losses?

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Crane repair scheme.

To optimize consumption through the crane, you must first find out what volumes of consumption are observed. To clearly represent how much water is needed, and how much stateslessly goes into the sewage system, it is necessary to establish special water accounting sensors - counters that, when passing the flow, show the total volume of fluid consumed.

Today, the presence of such water meters is far from novelty, many utilities servicing organizations require their mandatory installation. If you did not use them before, then in the first month of operation you will be pleasantly surprised at how fewer your utility payments have become. And paying attention to consumption, you can effectively control water consumption, reduce it wherever possible.

Verification and replacement of plumbing

Another way to save water is to check the sanitary equipment, holding its replacement to more economical. Large volume of water we lose with all sorts of leaks and when using obsolete designs of mixers. In order for the flow rate through the crane is optimal, it is necessary to completely exclude leaks, that is, check the plumbing and eliminate faults.

It is recommended to purchase and install special cost-effective mixers that will help many times to reduce consumption that in the first month will become noticeable when paying utility bills.

In more detail, what types of economical mixers can be used, one should be considered separately.

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It is not so difficult to save water consumption during personal consumption, it can be done absolutely in anything without limiting yourself, simply optimizing your actions.

Economic Crane is something new

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Crane device.

With domestic use, consumption through the water crane can be quite large, in many cases excessive. It is possible to avoid this using special economical faucets that are in large numbers are offered today in the market by different manufacturers. This is especially true for a large family, where the volume of water used per day can be up to 200 liters.

Today, the most different designs of economical mixers are used, among which such models are particularly distinguished:

  • crane swing;
  • sensory mixers;
  • Mixers with backlit.

Crane swing makes it possible to avoid water overpower when washing hands or dishes. Most of the people during the embarrassment of the hand water does not overlap, that is, it continues to flow, not using. For 30 seconds. Such an absolutely useless stream is losing about 6 l, and if you multiply this number for the total time?

Specialists have developed a crane that avoids such a situation. The mixer received the name of the crane swing. The appearance of its very stylish, it is great for the interior of any bathroom or kitchen, as well as for public restrooms. The principle of operation of this device resembles children's swings: when the crane is pressed on one side, the water begins to flow, when pressed to another, the water flow overlaps, the liquid soap begins to drip. Fully break the faucet is easy, you just need to balance the edges of the lever in an equal position.

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Scheme of replacement of gaskets in the crane.

Today and sensory mixers are distributed, consumption through the crane is quite economical, and the use is comfortable. This option is excellent for domestic use, as it allows you to minimize the volume of water used and keep the cleanliness of the surface of the crane from dirty and soap traces from the fingers. It is worth noting that the cleaning of the surface of the mixer also requires water consumption, that is, such a device provides double benefits.

The principle of operation is simple: to turn on the water, it suffices to touch any part of the mixer. Such a mixer is often also called smart, it does not respond to random movements, turns on and turns off the water strictly on the command. Previously, simpler models were used, which often could not guarantee economical water consumption. Infrared sensory cranes can be attributed to them, which did not turn off the water on time or left the crane open at a time when it was not required. The touch mixer works on the principle of capacitive resistance. That is, a low voltage current is supplied through the spout of the device, when this chain is interrupted when touching with hand, the shut-off armature works and the water turns on. Consumption through the crane of such a design is minimal, since even if you forget to touch the second time to shut down, there is a sensor of an automatic interrupt.

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Backlit mixers on the market appeared not so long ago. They have a special LED backlight, signaling about what temperature water is supplied. Such a crane reacts to the touch of hands if you touch once - cold water goes, with double touches the warm water is served, with triple - hot. This type of sensory mixer makes it easy to optimize consumption through the valve just controlling the touch to the body surface.

How to optimize water consumption at home?

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Replacing pads in the crane phased.

Clear water is not infinite, sooner or later its reserves will become minimal. To avoid this, you must start saving yourself. It is not so difficult to do this, there is no need to completely stop using water, you can continue to prepare normally, wash, wash the dishes, but it is necessary to do it with the mind, observing some simple rules. There are several secrets of the economical water consumption of the house, which will not fall into comfort.

  1. Repair of all cranes in the house. Water consumption largely depends on how good the equipment is for its feed. Even a couple of drops per minute in the end turns into a large amount of fluid consumed in vain, one day can lose hundreds of water liters. And this is not only moisture, which literally merges into the sewer, but also the money that you pay for water losses. Avoid this simply - check the cranes in the house, replace the flowing, it is not so difficult to make your own hands. Some of the mixers can be replaced with special economical, which will not spend water at a time when it is not needed.
  2. Did you think about how much water is necessary to fill one tank in the toilet? Even the smallest tank requires a volume of 4 liters, and usually goes about 15. Multiply this number on the number of toilet visits per day - it turns out a rather impressive amount. This is also not only water consumption, but also the waste of financial resources that are literally merged into the toilet. The situation is also corrected, today manufacturers offer a large number of tank models that allow you to make a flushing economical, that is, water will be spent at least twice as fewer.
  3. During the reception of the most ordinary soul, the large amount is consumed extremely irrational. One minute in the shower is approximately 6 liters of water, and how much time do you spend in the shower? Today, the market you can buy not only economical mixers, but also economical canoe glasses, these are small expenses in comparison with what volume of water you can save when used. There are some more tips that will help reduce consumed volumes. Try to install the shower watering can as low as possible, this will allow water to get more on you than on the walls and shower blind. Try to use the watering can of such a plan, which is more spraying, that is, with narrow holes, and not wide. Such simple secrets will save up to 30% consumed during the water shower.
  4. Try not to wash the dishes on one plate, soak her big volume, then wash everything at once. The ideal option is the use of double sink, in one part of which you can collect dirty dishes. If financial capabilities allow you to make a dishwasher, which is distinguished by the extremely economical consumption of water with excellent water quality. Consumption will decrease in five to six times.
  5. Do not chase an empty washing machine, try to upload it completely. In this way, it is possible to save not only water consumption, but also electricity, which will have a positive effect on the family budget.

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Recommendations for mixers

How to save water costs through the usual crane?

Scheme repair of single-art mixers.

When installing mixers today, experts are recommended to use special Touch-active sensors. What it is? Everything is very simple: this is a device that, when pressed, turns on the water supply. At first glance, its use is small, but the installation of such equipment on the crane allows each time to save up to 5 liters of water when washing hands or cleaning teeth. That is, water from the crane begins to come only when it is needed, and its temperature can be set in advance.

When choosing, what a mixer to install at home to save water consumption, preference must be given to levers, which are faster than the flow, that is, choose the temperature easier and faster than for two-fighters.

Today, water consumption in the crane under household use is becoming increasingly important. It often does not pay attention to how much water is poured with a simple hand washing or washing the toilet bowl, but even for one day the volume can be quite significant. How to avoid water waters?

Today on the market you can find a variety of mixers, showers, toilet tanks. There is a large selection of special equipment connected to cranes, which allows you to make such a consumption minimal, but with saving comfort for the user.

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