Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper


Main problem

Almost everyone who came across the repair in the old apartment, especially if we are talking about the so-called "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnevka", it was certainly faced with the problem of aligning curves of walls. However, the houses of more modern buildings also, unfortunately, are not distinguished by high quality finishes. It is for this reason that it becomes necessary to take some measures to correct the situation. How to align the angles of the walls, especially if it is necessary to do in order to glue the wallpaper efficiently? What needs to be considered, because the angles, as you know, can be both external and internal.

Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper

If you have never even done this, it is quite realistic to fulfill all the work with your own hands. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions.

In order to have a more detailed view of alignment, let's consider the most frequently used methods and materials that are used. In total, it is possible to distinguish 2 basic material used during the work of this kind: it is plasterboard and plaster.

Causes of the appearance of curvature

For a more detailed understanding of how to align the angle of the wall, we will need to get acquainted in a detaimate way how the curvature appears and what can be the reason for this reason. First of all, it should be noted the fact that, despite the use of bricklayer builders a whole set of tools (ranging from simple vertical plumbs, which can be easily made with their own hands from the remedies, and ending with complex laser levels and other high-tech tools), brick or block The laying still does not work perfectly smooth. It turns out that as a result of manual masonry, all sorts of convexities can occur, concave, inclination and deviations of both partitions and bearing walls from the vertical may occur. We must not forget about the irregularities that are in the horizontal plane.

So it turns out that it becomes difficult correctly and smoothly blew the wallpaper, which, as a result of curvature on the walls, as well as in the place of their contact, becomes completely unattractive. They may disperse, or on the contrary, form ugly folds.

Note! Since any angle is the very point in which two walls come into contact, their evenness and is a determining factor. In cases where the walls are smooth, the angle will also be straightforward (90 degrees, with rare exceptions). However, if the partitions themselves are curves themselves, and they also adjoin not at right angles, it can lead to the formation of excessive curvature and the appearance of irregularities noticed by the naked eye.

Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper

Before sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to measure whether the angles are smooth.

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In other words, the same line, which is a kind of "transition" from one wall to the other, instead of a straight line turns into a curved curve, which, in very poor cases, is a kind of wave-like sinusoid. Moreover, there may be such an option when the line is noticeably deviated both horizontally and vertically, from the parameters initially specified. By the way, in addition to the impossibility, exactly stick wallpaper, such cases are also fraught with the fact that you can experience difficulties in installing floor and ceiling plinths, and even when installing certain furniture items.

So, it is unlikely that there is a need to give further evidence of the difficulties and problems that may occur in the case of the curvature of the corners in the room. Of course, for high-quality repair we will need only direct angles. Therefore, now let's go to more specific descriptions of what exactly needs to be taken in such cases.

How to be in case of insignificant curvature

First, let's look at how to align the angle of the wall of 90 degrees to correct small curvature and irregularities. In principle, in such cases you can do without significant difficulties in your work. Since this task does not imply some radical alterations and the adoption of special measures to eliminate curvature.

How to align the inner corner of the wall?

In such cases, unfortunately, you will not be able to use this way as using the so-called perforated corner. The use of this approach can lead to not very good consequences, which will subsequently have to be eliminated, and this, as you yourself understand, an additional time and financial resources.

So what to do in such cases? The optimal solution in such difficult cases is the use of such a tool as the plaster rule. Instructions for the sequence of actions:

  • Apply a rough putty on the problem area along the place of the adjoints of one wall to the other.
  • Using the rule, form a smooth internal angle. This is done by alternate movements of the rule first along one wall, and then - along the other.
  • As well, treat the angle and adjacent sections of the walls using sandpaper. If necessary, you will need an additional use of finishing putty, which can be used to fill small irregularities that remain after the first stage.

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Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper

Alternatively, you can use an ordinary putty for internal work.

By the way, with regard to tools. In addition to the long rule, you may need a wide spatula. It is used for final alignment with the help of finishing plaster. Alignment is performed using movements that need to be done in the direction of the corner in the same way. By the way, we recommend that you see the instructions on how to align the inner angles of the walls of the video):

How to align external corners

If we talk about performing this task, I immediately want to make a reservation that it can be done somewhat easier. To do this, you will need to buy a perforated corner, which was mentioned a little earlier. Its installation does not represent special difficulties and can be done without any problems. So, here is a brief instruction with a sequence of actions:

  • Prepare glitter for drywall. Also quite fit and ordinary shtatlevka.
  • So, first of all, you will need to apply one of the above-mentioned adhesive materials on the walls of the walls that are located on both sides of the corner.
  • Apply the corner, gently press it into putty or glue and align using a long construction level.
  • Remove the excess putty or glue using an ordinary spatula. If necessary, it will be necessary to clean the surface with emery paper.

Thus, in this case, the corner plays the role of a kind of lighthouse. In addition, there is an alternative solution to the same problem. Align the outer corner of the wall can be used smooth wooden or plywood rail or metal profile. Wheel one of these designs in such a way that the edge of the rail or profile can perform the function of a kind of lighthouse. Alignment is performed using a putty.

Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper

External angles should also be as long as possible.

Note! Of the two methods considered, the first is more preferable, since it allows not only to align the angle of the wall, but also to strengthen it with a metal corner. On the other hand, the second technology is cheaper and advantageous at the final value, since you do not have to buy a corner, hoping with infirred materials, since the rail or profile can be found almost anywhere, and the tham is more, during repair.

How to be in the case of big curvatures

As noted, in some apartments, especially in cases where it comes to houses of the old building, it is unlikely to solve the problem described in the previous chapter. How to level the corners and walls in such cases? We will have to refer to more serious ways. These include, above all, drywall and putty.

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How to align plasterboard

This method is the most simple of complex, if you can express it. Before aligning the angle in the apartment with it, you must take care of the preparation. Get rid of the old layer of wallpaper and other garbage, which can interfere with the work. As for the installation of drywall, then there are two main ways how it can be installed:

  1. Installation of plasterboard for glue. This technology is intended solely to ensure the alignment of the walls, without any additional options.
  2. The second method involves the use of an additional framework, which is manufactured from profiles. It allows some additional options, such as insulation or noise insulation, which are made using minvati and other materials necessary for conducting such works.

Alignment of the angles of walls before sticking wallpaper

When aligning the angles with plasterboard, you can make the basis of the frame made from the metal profile.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. The advantages of the first include its relative simplicity and low cost. At the same time, its main drawback is the lack of an apartment insulation or performing sound insulation work. On the other hand, the frame method allows this to do, but takes a considerable site of the useful area of ​​the room. In addition, carrying out work on this technology involves the presence of a certain experience and skills that are not found. In other words, you will have to hire a builders brigade, and this, as you know perfectly well, means additional costs.

We use plaster

This method is somewhat more complex, since when it is used, most likely you will have to align not only the angles, but also the walls themselves too. Brief instruction manual, listed the main steps, is approximately as follows:
  1. Preparation of the surface (cleaning from old wallpaper, paint, primer.
  1. Next, mount the plaster grid and fix the lighthouses by checking their evenness with the help of a construction level. In extreme cases, the vertical plumb is suitable.
  2. After that, we prepare the plaster mix and carry out all the necessary work.

As withdrawal

So, as we see, aligning corners in the room is not something impossible. In any case, it is recommended to carry out all the work in accordance with the instructions, as well as listen to reviews, advice and recommendations of experienced masters. In addition, it will not be superfluous to explore other sources of information. To do this, we recommend that you learn how to align the angle of the wall with your own hands (video):

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