Separation measurement


Separation measurement

Buying a land plot may be associated with some difficulties, like the work of measurements, documentation, registration in supervisory authorities.

But the measurement of the site may be needed in other cases. This usually happens when you need:

  • clarify the size of its land possessions, for the work, say, calculating the useful area;
  • In the event of controversial situations with neighbors about the borders of a particular area;
  • In case of income of the earth, her donation or inheritance.

One way or another, each of us may be faced with such a necessity. Naturally, accurate measurement is not done with a roulette or construction twine, here special equipment is needed.

Conducting a measurement of any site in an independent order only in case the desire arose simply clarifying its borders. Then you can do on your own and means.

However, in the event of a dispute between borders with the available areas of neighbors, refinements of sizes when buying, or in order to measure, for subsequent buildings, this will require the involvement of specialists who will not only carry out accurate measurements, but also will be an act, on the basis of which it will be possible to resolve everything controversial moments.

Measuring a section of small sizes, within half of hectare, can be carried out using a roulette, and for large areas it is better to use a special measuring equipment, for example, such as the Nikon Tacheometer on Aspector. Other.

All boundaries of the site must be measured over their entire length, and in the event that a roulette is used, this procedure is carried out in parts, you can also carry out parallel straight lines.

It should be borne in mind that the error when measurements regarding the border up to 20 meters should not exceed 0.02 meters.

In addition to borders, all existing on the plot are measured. In the sketch of the plan, in addition to the main structure - at home, all capital buildings, such as the shed, garage, bath and others, should be applied.

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Not taken into account in Abris only fences for giving any types, temporary buildings, as well as formwork. The measurement is made on the base of buildings, so that it will be possible to calculate the area building area.

Separately, you can immediately measure the walls, from the base to the roof, which will help calculate the area of ​​the structures themselves. If there are protrusions on the buildings with a width of more than a meter and a thickness of more than 0.1 meters, then they should also be included in the drawing.

Among other things, trees, tracks, large bushes should also be applied to the abis of the site. Also, the gas line, supply of water supply, light and other available communication benefits, including wells, are mandatory are entered into the sketch of the plan of the site.

How to measure the site?

What the sequence needs to measure the site, as a rule, does not play a big role. To begin with, you should specify the form and dimensions of the site.

Those landowners are lucky, the plot of which does not have irregular bends, and strictly rectangular or square shape. Here measurements will be produced much easier.

But there are cases of cases where the existing site has sites around the edges, lunges or sharp corners. Then it becomes harder to determine the land area.

Since the surface of the Earth often has various kinds of irregularities, such as biases, recesses, elevations and others, then for the enclosure of the borders on the Abris, they measure the not their length along the Earth line, and the projection on the horizontal plane.

Otherwise, irregularities on the site will lead to the impossibility of dusting dimension lines.

Even if the visual site seems perfectly smooth, in any case it is required to check it. For these purposes in the corners of the site, stakes are driven, on one of which, with a simple pencil, a mark is put.

At this mark, the plane is littered with the aquatic level, noting the points on the remaining seals. Then you need to pull between the stakes of the twine, fixing it in those places where the marks were made.

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Separation measurement

There is a cleaning of a plot from high grass and other obstacles that can prevent perfectly flat line.

Next, you should record the results of measuring the lengths of each side of the area on the abis. It is important to know that it is often not a rectangular form that it is practically impossible to determine visually.

Therefore, one measurement of the area of ​​the site in this case will not be enough to reproduce the exact form in the absection and it is necessary to measure the diagonally in the same way as the parties were measured, only the installation of the calays on the same level is made every 2-4 meters.

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