How to choose a sedent bath


How to choose a sedent bath

A seating bath is one of the most common types of small-sized baths, which can rightfully be considered a "magic wand" for bathrooms with a small area. And if wooden barrels used in antiquity as wooden barrels, now people use metal or acrylic bathroom attributes.

How to choose a sedent bath

Pros and cons

The main advantage of the sedentary bath is its compactness - it can easily be placed even in the smallest bathrooms.

Among other advantages, it is advisable to highlight the following:

  • It is ideal for disabled people and elderly people - if it is equipped with special handrails, then a person who has health problems will be very easy to enter it;
  • It is very convenient for pregnant women, since they are known to be quite difficult to lean and highly raise their legs, and loads on the abdominal muscles should also be avoided;
  • This is a find for those who can not take a bath lying (for example, people with a weak heart).

However, this subject plumbing has a significant drawback - these are small sizes for a normal person - not everyone will be comfortable to sit in the bathroom.

How to choose a sedent bath


Sitting baths are classified according to a variety of parameters - form and sizes, material and functionality.

Standard Sizes Sitting Baths:

  • small (usually 100x70 cm);
  • standard size baths (120x70 and 150x70 cm);
  • The most comfortable (120x110 cm).

How to choose a sedent bath


Sitting bathforms:
  • rectangular;
  • Square
  • oval;
  • Corner.

Additional features

Of the additional features you can note the presence of a side door that serves for a comfortable entry into the bath. In addition, many products are equipped with hydromassage devices for healthcare aqueous procedures.

Having done a wall or hanging a special curtain, you can equip a shower.

How to choose a sedent bath

What bath to choose

By material, from which are made, seated baths are divided into:

  • steel;
  • acrylic;
  • Cast iron.

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How to choose a sedent bath


The main advantage of steel seating bath Its availability is considered - it costs it is very not expensive, especially rectangular shape. It should also be noted its low weight and high hygiene.

The disadvantages of it is much more:

  • heat bath is poorly maintained, so it is desirable to warm it with the help of mounting foam;
  • It does not differ in longevity - one small scratch can cause corrosion, which will not be able to stop;
  • It can deliver discomfort associated with loud noise when filling it with water;
  • The need to ground steel bath when installing
  • To clean such baths, you can not use cleaning powders - they damage enamel.


Currently, acrylic is currently the best of all kinds of sediment baths.

Since acrylic - the material is quite plastic, the baths are made of it differ in the widest variety of forms. Also, acrylic perfectly holds heat, not noise, when water is recruited, and it is easily restored in case of a variety of damage (even through samples). Acrylic baths are very simple in processing - they can easily embed absolutely any equipment.

To disadvantages Such products can be attributed only to the price (compared to other types of baths, they are the most expensive), as well as the fact that a hard metal frame is necessary for their installation.

In addition, it should be aware that import acrylic plumbers does not always withstand the chemical composition of our water, so it is desirable to choose the baths of domestic production, which are adapted to much more stringent operating conditions.

How to choose a sedent bath

Cast iron

Sitting baths from cast iron Many consider the remnant of the past, and in stores they are much less common. However, such models have so far been successfully used in some "Khrushchev", and that is, their weighty reasons.

Preference to such baths is given mainly due to their ability to keep warmly well. They cost much less than showers. They are durable, durable and resistant to mechanical influences. In addition, some modern models of cast-iron baths are equipped with the door, which will certainly have to do people who need help in order to take the bathroom.

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However, cast iron products have disadvantages - They are characterized by a lot of weight that cannot but affect their installation, and the lack of a variety of forms (usually it is just straight baths). Of course, it is quite possible to make a bath of a challenging configuration from cast iron, just worth such a subject of plumbing will be an order of magnitude higher.

How to choose a sedent bath

Read more about what bathroom to choose: acrylic, steel or cast-iron read in another article.


Sitting baths are characterized by a very wide range of exposure, which includes both prevention and treatment of already existing diseases. They can take people regardless of their age. It is necessary to pour water to such a level so that the lower part of the abdomen and the upper parts of the thighs turned out to be under water.

It should be remembered that the total time of such a procedure should not be more than half an hour.

The scheme for receiving water procedures in the sedent bath is presented in the following figure.

How to choose a sedent bath

To strengthen the healing effect from the adoption of the bath, you can add floral and herbal infancy and decoction into the water or aromaasal.

However, even if you decide to try the most seemingly, the famous folk remedy, consult your doctor! The body of each person is individual, so it is better not to risk - what is useful to one can go to the detriment of the other.

The use of aromaacel should also be careful and thoughtful - as well as the use of medicines. One bath is usually required 5-10 drops of oil (no more due to its high concentration). So that the aromamasla is easier to mix with water, it must be added to salt (cook or sea), bath foam or dissolve in a small amount of milk.

How to choose a sedent bath

Essential oils should be chosen based on the target. If you are constantly experiencing stress and sleep badly, you will be helped by lavender oils and chamomile. Rosemary oil is suitable for rosemary oil and legs. If you want to lose weight, use lemon oils, juniper and black pepper. Bergamot, orange and grapefruit oil is suitable for combating cellulite.

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We wish you a pleasant and useful water procedures!

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