Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself


Applying drywall partitions for redeveloping their own apartments, homemade masters are asked how to make it in such a way that the whole process goes without problems, but at the same time the materials for the materials were minimal. It would seem a difficult task, but she is simply solved.

It is important to accurately comply with the rules for holding the installation process and accurately calculate the loads that will affect the partition.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Frame partition with door

In most cases, this type of room element is a design in which the doorway is left for the door. But the plasterboard partition with the doorway requires a very responsible approach to the framework of the frame. It is from the strength and reliability of its design that the quality of the whole wall will depend on.

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Mounting frame under the partition

First of all, the place is determined where this element of the room will be erected. After that, on the floor, the profile of metal is stacked on the outlined circuit, which is attached to the base of the floor with dowels and self-drawing.

Please note that the profile does not fit the entire length, that is, from the wall to the wall, and to the place of the doorway.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Frame to the doorway

  • If the door is located at the wall, then a solid profile to the opening is placed on the floor.
  • If somewhere in the center or close to it, then the profile will have to be placed from two segments on different sides of the opening.

Now it is necessary to determine the place of installation of the profile on the ceiling. The easiest option is to establish a laser level that will display the line on the ceiling surface.

If you do not have such a tool, you can use the old Dedov's way. To do this, with a plumb, which descends from the ceiling, is installed on it points (two or three), through them and the contour on the ceiling is carried out.

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The fastening of the upper profile is also made by dowels and self-drawing. By the way, the distance between them - 50-60 centimeters . Now each wall needs to install vertical racks that are attached to the wall surfaces are all the same self-draws.

Attention! To increase the sound insulation of the entire frame design, it is necessary under all profiles that are attached to the elements of the building, lay a special sealing tape.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Doors in plasterboard partitions - Creating an opening

We form a doorway

  • Next, two racks are installed, which will determine the doorway itself. They are attached to profiles that are laid on the floor and the ceiling.
  • Now from each wall at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other, it is necessary to install intermediate racks. It is clear that between all the racks this indicator will not be the same, this is an unimportant part of the process (as it will, so it will).
  • But now you will need to cut off a small piece of profile, the length of which will be equal to the width of the doorway plus two small stands of centimeters for ten each. That is, from this segment you will have to form the letter "P" and attach it upside down at the place of installation of the horizontal crossbar above the door.
  • In order for this element to be durable, you can install a small rack (or two), the size of which is determined by the distance from the ceiling profile to the crossbar. That is, a small framework is created above the opening.
  • All this is bonded by self-drawing. Sometimes a wooden bar is inserted into it to give stiffness of the doorway (the price of the structure increases). Such a doorway in the plasterboard partition will have high strength characteristics.
  • True, manufacturers of metal profiles today offer reinforced models that can withstand sufficiently large loads.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Installation of sheets

All, on this we can assume that the frame for such an element, like a plasterboard partition with a door, ready. It can be launched with plasterboard sheets.

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The only thing you need to do in advance is to conduct wiring if it is necessary. The wires are usually placed in the holes of the vertical racks.

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Installation and fastening of plasterboard

It is necessary to start laying from whole sheets, that is, from the wall (from above). Please note that the plasterboard on the partition is laid and fastened by the same technology as during the veneer or ceiling.


  • The distance from the edge of the sheet to the installation site of the self-press should be in the range 1.0-1.5 centimeters.
  • Distance between fasteners should not exceed 25 centimeters Ideally, this indicator should be 10-15 centimeters.
  • Small neighboring sheets must be shy on one profile.
  • Hat fasteners need to be dragged into a leaf to depth 0.5-0.8 millimeters.
  • Self-press length should not be less 2.5 centimeters If the septum is erected into one layer of plasterboard. If a two-layer method is used, then the fastener length should not be less 4.0 centimeters . It is very important to withstand one indicator - this is the penetration of self-press in the profile, which is determined by the size of at least one centimeter. By the way, in a wooden frame, the self-sufficiency should penetrate the depth of at least two centimeters.

When all the sheets of plasterboard are installed on one side of the frame, you can go to the other side. The next step is the laying of mineral wool.

Here you can use or mats, or rolled material. The width of the material is best to choose a little more than the interdistrict space so that the heat-insulator came between the racks, so to speak, in the tension, without leaving the gaps.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Warming partition

Now you can begin to stoke and this side of the plasterboard. The technology is identical to the one that was conducted from the opposite side.

I would like to draw your attention to one moment, which some masters consider very important. This concerns the installation of plasterboard. It does not matter whether there will be a door in a plasterboard wall or not, but there is such an opinion that sheets need to be installed on the frame with a shift in forty centimeters vertically relative to each other.

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Thus, the uniform distribution of loads is achieved, which occur during the operation of this element.

We will not condemn anyone, and we will not argue with anyone. Each Master has its own approach to solving tasks set before him.

If he believes that such a displacement is necessary, then no problems, let it make with the displacement. You, as beginners who make this whole process, will not advise this.

Plasterboard partition with door - how to make yourself

Final result

Conclusion on the topic

So, we summarize the foregoing. Make the doorway in the plasterboard partition is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance. But still, some nuances are there. Therefore, for you, as an instruction for use, the video is placed video, see it and deal.

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