Playground: Ideas and projects


Playground: Ideas and projects

Perhaps every person spends his first ten, and more years of life in the playground. The first sense of joy and the first taste of victory, when you can completely go through the "slide" and the proud views of your mother and grandmother for the first perfect feat. Therefore, the playground takes an important place in the life of every child.

  • 2 What is the playground for?
  • 3 What are the playgrounds on the plot?
  • 4 projects of playgrounds
  • 5 ideas for the playground (video)
  • What is a playground?

    Traditionally, a playground is understood as a place where children of preschool and younger school age play. Accordingly, the junior age-oriented platform will not contain any complex elements such as stairs and ropes, so the children of this age barely learned to walk.

    Playgrounds are aimed at mental and physical development Children in gaming active form. The playgrounds can be both a sports type and thematic.

    Modern Russian playgrounds must match GOST R 52169-2003 which regulates how they should be equipped and what safety tests must be carried out immediately before children begin to play them.

    Playground: Ideas and projects

    Playgrounds should be fenced from passage parts, be well lit, around each game element there should be enough free space. All equipment must be made of hypoallergenic materials The height of the structures should be safe and permissible for certain age groups.

    The length of the tunnels should not exceed 75 centimeters, and the elements involving the possible fall of the child should be no higher than 50 centimeters.

    The slides must be equipped with special crossbars, and at the end to have a soft rounding. Game elements should not be subject to corrosion and impact of moisture , temperature drops and frost.

    In addition, the coating from playgrounds should be rubberized and have a shock-absorbing effect, softening strikes during fall, as children are active and often fall.

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    What is a playground for?

    The playground is a place allotted to simulate adulthood. Communicating with each other, children " rehearse »Various life situations with which they will certainly face in adulthood. At the site, children learn to resolve conflicts, be friends, to cost relationships, including family.

    Playground: Ideas and projects

    Due to various game elements, such as houses, sandboxes, slides, rockets, etc. Children try on various Social roles , moreover, if desired, every day is different. Therefore, the presence of a playground is very important in the life of the child. The children's playground for a child is about the same as the autodrome for the future driver, there they are preparing for adulthood, "try on" various life situations on themselves and are trained in the skills of communication.

    What are the playgrounds on the plot?

    Modern playgrounds have recently produced from plastic, but sometimes in areas you can find a platform from a tree or metal. The playgrounds usually look bright and colorfully from different colors.

    Sites on sites are usually universal and visually divided into Sections:

    • sandbox;
    • sport equipment;
    • Balances;
    • simulators;
    • swing on the spring;
    • swing;
    • Carousel;
    • slides;
    • Arbors or children's houses;
    • benches.

    Playground: Ideas and projects

    It is important to calculate the size The playground and the approximate number of children, which will spend time on it, based on the place where it will be located.

    Playgrounds are also advisable to establish in the territories of children's hospitals. Despite small spaces, taking into account modern technologies, you can organize a gaming space of any size. Playing, children are distracted from a tense hospital situation and go faster.

    Projects of playgrounds

    It is necessary to take into account that children of the new generation have, another, different from their parents, "push button" thinking, so it is useful to develop children's playgrounds for them, corresponding to the conditions modern society.

    Modern manufacturers offer playgrounds for every taste and wallet. They can be thematic For example, a toy ship that combines all the above elements can be placed on the playground.

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    Or, for example, a project of a playground for a fire-fighting topic or to provide emergency medical care. In such a playground, children playing, will acquire the necessary and important skills and experience. Projects of playgrounds, repeating fairy tales and cartoons will allow children to feel themselves in the role of favorite heroes.

    So, here are some tips from experts regarding the equipment of the children's playgrounds:

    • Playground: Ideas and projects

      Sports playgrounds will help develop to certain sports Early age interest which in the future may turn into a serious passion.

    • Good idea to do on the playground Sandbox under a canopy which will protect the sand from moisture and rain. Such sands are especially suitable for coastal cities or in playgrounds located near the sea. The quality of the fenced sand will not be cleaned, as it will not dance. Canopy also prevent dirt, dust, leaves and other items from entering the sandbox.
    • The most that neither the trivial building material concrete is suitable for creating interesting projects of playgrounds. Intelligent designers can pour out slides, climbers, stairs, while all game elements must be covered with special protective material ensuring the safety of children.
    • Re-equipped under the playground can be anything, for example, a small plane shot, remake the aircraft salon to the game or a training room. Such playgrounds approximate to modern life cause a stormy delight in the child and develop children's fantasy.
    • An interesting option of the playground is represented by modern designers in the form of hobbit houses. Such options for closed playgrounds are suitable for almost Any weather conditions.
    • Recent studies of children's psychologists have revealed that children's playgrounds of acid and bright colors are not necessary for children. The color of the natural tree is positively affected by the psyche of children, so the playgrounds should be made from Natural natural materials and use neutral colors.
    • Moreover, the platforms should be surprised by the child, and not consisting of a standard set of swings and a slide. So, children will be interested in playing in specially built towers, lighthouses and ships for them.
    • Playground: Ideas and projects

      An interesting project is Dragon Playground The body of which from two sides are two slides, each of which is designed for a specific age, respectively, small children will not be able to get there on their own, and there are hiker and ropes instead of classic Swedish walls instead of classic Swedish walls.

    • Instead of a conventional staircase, special boxes are installed, climb not so simple, you will have to try a little. That is, all elements are designed to, taking into account age, Physically develop a child.

    Thus, modern playgrounds develop children well affect their health, and also decorate the yards. And it is important that in the playgrounds there were zones for different ages, as well as harmoniously allocated a place for parents.

    Ideas for the playground (video)

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