How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home


All those who at least once watched fantastic films have seen various luminous liquids in them. Surely you wondered how to make a luminous liquid from the girlfriend and is it really possible. It is possible that you will succeed!

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Chemical glow

Not only chemists can masterfully create various luminous substances. In fact, they borrowed this idea of ​​nature. Animals and plants with bioluminescence can glow in the dark. Why do they need it? For example, fireflies attract females with their glow. Some types of deep-water fish attract prey to this way. Other animals use glow or disguise. Such a glow is a complex physicochemical reaction, as a result of which the chemical energy turns into a light.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

People have learned how to use bioluminescence for their own purposes. For example, during the war, the Japanese used dried races with a glow for reading cards. Forces of this light enough to read cards and reports and at the same time remain invisible to the enemy. Boluminescence in medicine and analytical chemistry is widely used - with the help of glowing bacteria, the content of some substances in cells is checked.

And you can use the glow and entertainment purposes - to create an atmospheric party or color the walls of glowing paint. We suggest you to explore several recipes for creating luminous liquids at home.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Safety technique

Do not forget about such an important aspect as a safety technique when working with chemicals. Although the recipes offered to you in this article will not contain caustic and poisonous substances, it is still worth observing Some protective measures:

  • The dishes in which you will mix substances should be such that it is not sorry to dispose of it.
  • Protect your body using gloves, safety glasses and a bathrobe or other non-synthetic clothing.
  • The workplace should be well ventilated.
  • Do not allow children to work.

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How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Simple recipe

In general, all recipes for the preparation of luminous liquids are divided into two types: recipes using luminol and recipes without luminol. Since it is possible to get this substance only in specialized stores that implement chemical reagents, we will not consider recipes with its use.

Try to make a luminous liquid from water, peroxide, salt and vinegar. To implement this experience you will need:

  • Conventional water 500 ml;
  • Salt food 2 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar table 4 tablespoons;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% 4 teaspoons.

Almost in any house you can find all these ingredients, and if something is missing, just buy in a pharmacy or store. All you need to do is mix these components in a vessel with a tightly closing lid.

You need to shabby very carefully, for 10-15 minutes, so be patient.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

With brown and tonic

To prepare a luminous fluid using a storm you will need:

  • Water 140 ml;
  • Three cap three percent hydrogen peroxide;
  • Half of the teaspoon of the borants (sodium tetrabrate);
  • One teaspoon of food soda.

Buru and peroxide can be bought at the pharmacy. The secret of this recipe consists in accurate proportions and alternate mixing of components. Baister!

Powder borants must be dissolved in water. Then add there soda. In this case, the chemical reaction will begin with the separation of carbon dioxide - the solution will begin to hiss and foam. It remains to add hydrogen peroxide, mix the ingredients thoroughly and turn off the light. Glowing liquid is ready!

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

An ordinary tonic, which contains a quinine, can glow. To do this, it is enough to pour it into a glass and highlight the ultraviolet lamp. The liquid has a pleasant uniform blue shade.

Only to highlight must be needed from above - the glass does not miss UV rays.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Markers and sticks

In the free sale you can find luminous sticks and fluorescent markers. What you just don't go for the sake of obtaining the cherished luminous liquid! We will make it from the marker. To do this, you need to take a fluorescent marker, it glows in ultraviolet light. This glow gives substance phosphor. Widely used for industrial and entertainment purposes. In such a marker, you can write secret messages that are not visible without a special lamp. And it is possible to apply in welding work. You need to extract this substance from the marker. To do this, it is necessary to attach a little effort and skill and remove the rod moistened with ink marker.

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How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Remove the material similar to cotton from the rod, and place in a glass with ordinary water.

Naturally, the more water you take, the weaker the glow will be, so either increase the number of consumable markers, or take the cloth less.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Leave the liquid for about an hour so that the dye completely passed into the water. Persoet the mercy carefully - you do not need to miss a lot of magic ink!

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Now turn off the light and highlight the glass from above the ultraviolet lamp. Incredible beauty Glowing liquid is ready! Markers are produced different colors, which means it is possible to experiment to experiment with the color gamut.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

It is easier than dissolving the luminous wand in water and nothing can be invented. Remember only the law of dissolution - the smaller the concentration of the starting material (phosphor), the weaker the glow will be. For the preparation of such a solution, simply take a few luminous sticks and pour their contents into a glass with water. To enhance the luminescence, add some hydrogen peroxide.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Well, the simplest! Visit any needlework shop and buy paint with a phosphor, it glows in the dark. You can, of course, apply it on the wall, picture, clothes, or even on the body, and you can and dissolve it in water and get a luminous liquid.

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

How to make a luminous liquid from undergraduate funds at home

Video on the topic

After seeing a small selection of video, you will learn how to make a luminous liquid at home.

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