If you decide to make an outdoor vase ...


If you decide to make an outdoor vase ...

In the design of interiors, the floor vase, with their own hands made from different materials, will always be used as an unusual accent or addition to a common style.

The homemade element will perfectly fit into a rustic or country style, it will be nice to look like a decorative detail of an ethnic or minimalistic setting. Outdoor vase, with their own hands made from the cast material, you can also put on the village veranda or balcony, to use as a garden decor.

What can I make an outdoor vase?

Materials for self-creating an unusual interior detail can be a variety of and unexpected: from wood bark and sticks before putty or papier-mache. Their choice is reduced mainly to the ease of processing and the correspondence of the finished product of the total topic of the room.

If you decide to make an outdoor vase ...

Figure 1. Production of a vase from newspaper tubes.

In order to make an outdoor vase, you need to prepare:

  • The basis - most often for this use the brine of a plastic pipe of a large diameter, a cylinder from film, wallpaper, linoleum, large capacities of different shapes;
  • Material for the formation of a decorative vessel - newspaper tubes, cardboard, bark, plaster or papier-mache;
  • Decor - depending on style it can be natural materials, twine, cold porcelain, drawings for decoupage, cereals, beads, sealant, etc.;
  • varnish and paints, the best acrylic;
  • glue, hot pistol;
  • Knife, scissors, hand saw.

Before starting work on creating a decorative vase, you need to draw a sketch on a sheet of paper. This will help determine in advance whether the desired shape and the size of the product is the room that you want to decorate.

Upon giving a vase of complex contours, the sketch can prompt and an unexpected solution in the form of using some objects as details of the form. Give your idea a visual embodiment, you can move to work with the materials.

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How to make a simple outdoor vase?

Beautiful and unusual products are obtained from newspaper tubes. Fig. 1. From old newspapers and magazines, craftsmen create real masterpieces, resembling and woven from the vine or straw, and collected from raffia fiber (palm trees) or bamboo sticks Exotic vessels. It will help create vases outdoor with their own hands master class on the manufacture of decorative waste paper.

For the production of newspaper tubes, you need an old press, glue and thin needles. Newspapers need to be cut into strips at 5-10 cm wide.

If you decide to make an outdoor vase ...

Figure 2. Cardboard floor vase.

Putting the needle at an angle of 35-40 ° to the strip, twist the paper, winding on the tool (1). The end to fix the liner's drop so that the tube does not turn around.

Billets can be immediately painted in the desired color or do it after assembling the vase.

As the basis, a cardboard cylinder is suitable from paper towels, films or other rolled material. To get a vessel of a non-standard form, a plastic bottle can be useful, a box or other container.

In the simplest embodiment, the manufacture of the vase is to stick the vertically located newspaper tubes to the base. At the same time, the vessel looks like assembled from bamboo or smooth sticks associated in a beam (2). For the completeness of the similarity and strengthening of the structure, you can make "belts" from horizontally pasted tubes.

I am also quite simple to imitate raffia or the twenty: from 2-3 tubes you need to make a harness, by reclaping them with each other.

It is not worth twisting to twist so as not to break the structure of the tube itself, although in some cases it may give more naturalistic.

Completed harness, it is necessary to wind up the basis, the spikes are neatly, close to each other in the horizontal direction (3).

Palm fiber is better to depict with the help of not very neat harvesters, imposing them at an arbitrary angle to the vertical axis of the base. On top of the first layer of "Rafia fiber", several surface turns can be made at a high distance from each other. In painting the finished product and covering it with varnish, stick the decor to taste.

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Vases from cardboard and papier-mache

If you decide to make an outdoor vase ...

Figure 3. Stages of manufacture of cardboard vase.

Even the usual cardboard can be turned into an original vessel. It is necessary to "lie a little" above the part of the box from the corrugated cardboard, in a mixture of its surface with a sponge.

As a result, the upper smooth layer is easily removed, exposing the corrugated inner part. Cutting off the edge of the cardboard sheet of diagonally across the "waves", you can get a decorative edge.

The billet turns into the tube will acquire the type of a trend asymmetric vessel (Fig. 2). Such a cardboard vase can be supplemented with decor from the same material.

If you take a cardboard tube or parts of plastic bottles as a basis, then floor vases, with their own hands made from cardboard and paper, it will be easy to confuse with ceramic. Fig. 3.

Having attached a cylinder to the deployed box, you need to portray the curve that will correspond to the desired form of the future product. Cut the blank and use it as a template for the manufacture of 20-25 identical elements (1).

With a hot gun, apply glue to the base and consolidate all the workpieces, forming the framework of the product (2 and 3). Glue the circle bottom to the bottom. Newspaper paper cut into stripes, lubricate the PVA paper and salary the frame in several layers, aligning the contours (4). You can apply a papier-mache mass or gypsum putty, finally smoothing the surface of the product (5).

High outdoor vase from cardboard and papier-mache can be painted in colors of ceramics and decorated with crustaceous varnish, which will give it similarity with ancient amphoras (6). If the master owns the skills of the modeling, then the decor in the form of flowers, leaves, etc. can be cut out of a salt dough or cold porcelain. These elements are easy to glue the surface of the vessel.

The design of the decor can be the pattern of the twine or protruding over the surface of the strip of sealant. From the putty applied to the surface, you can perform relief in the form of smooth waves.

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If we lubricate the surface with glue or lacquer and pour on it a millet or a croup of mash, peas, then you can simulate the finishing of the metal vase, painting all the surfaces and cutting the elements that resemble wrought or wire patterns.

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