Decorative plaster - species, advantages


Using decorative plaster, each person will be able to create a unique and luxurious house. Most often, the repair is performed in the summer, however, it always wants not only to create a beautiful interior, but also to spend a minor amount of money. For this purpose, decorative plaster is perfect, which is applied to the walls, which are the main place that can be seen in any room. Using decorative plaster from the building materials store, you can even turn the most unattractive or everyday housing into the castle of the aristocrat. It can be used in any room and applied to any surface.

Decorative plaster - species, advantages

Advantages of decorative plaster

There are quite a few advantages of this type of coating. It has many bright different and extraordinary colors and structures, so it can be easily hidden with minor surface defects. Thanks to the processability of decorative plaster, it is possible to finish on any base: concrete or brick, wooden or drywall, as well as metallic or other. The coating is very simple, so repairs are reduced several times.

Decorative plaster has high performance properties, so it is a rack to various exposure to mechanical or climatic nature. Color pigments are added to the decorative plaster. This allows you to get a variety of shades.

Types of decorative plaster

Industry produces different types of decorative plaster. The material can be sold in the form of a finished paste-like mixture or dry powder. You do not need to mix the finished paste before applying.

When applying plaster use roller, plastic grater, spatulas, steel chest. In order to get a complex pattern, you can apply a curly roller. With it, a beautiful embossed pattern is formed on the wall. It is necessary to apply the solution to the wall at an accelerated pace, as the plaster dries quickly.

The texture of the plaster is obtained volumetric, and small irregularities on the wall becomes invisible. Therefore, it is not necessary to thoroughly align the surface before applying the mixture.

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Decorative plaster - species, advantages

Silicate mix. Silicate plaster is sold in the finished form. It has durability and durability. It includes potash glass. If large granules are present in the plaster, then to obtain a pattern, the composition applied to the wall is aligned with a smooth or spatula. Sometimes special brushes are used to obtain relief protrusions.

Mineral mixture . Mineral plaster includes plaster and cement. Such plaster is used to apply on concrete surfaces, for decoration of plasterboard and brick walls. Before starting work, the fine powder is mixed with water. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the proportion of components. The surface is covered with primer, which contains small quartz sand. The material is withstanding mechanical loads, it does not miss moisture. In order to improve the decorative properties of mineral plaster, you can add small marble particles and sequins. Plaster covers buildings facades. It is also used to finish modern interiors inside the house. Mineral mixtures have low elasticity, so microcracks may form on the wall.

Decorative plaster - species, advantages

Acrylic mixture . In order to make acrylic plaster, you will need a synthetic polymer. Such a mixture can be purchased ready, it is usually packaged in buckets of solid plastic. Acrylic plaster is capable of stool on the wall, it has high elasticity. The material does not absorb water, and therefore such plaster is recommended to be used in various rooms, where there is an increased humidity. The mixture is applied to the surface of the wall with a metal spatula. Before that prepare the foundation, protect the walls well and cover them with primer.

Silicone mixture . The finishing mixture, which includes silicone resins, has durability, elasticity and increased moisture resistance. If the plaster is applied to the outer walls, then the rain can remove various contaminants from its surface (water-soluble). Silicone plaster fits tightly to the surface of the wall, does not form cracks.

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Decorative plaster - species, advantages

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