Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo


The magnificent princess dress wants to try not only a little girl, but also at least once in life - an adult woman. After all, the wedding outfit often reminds the royal toilet. And if you add to it the main royal accessory - to the diadem, then you can fully experience yourself the queen. In order for the product is elegant and stylish, you can perform it from the openwork tape. How to make a crown of lace with their own hands, will demonstrate a detailed instruction with a phased description of the work.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Thin work

The openwork crown looks carefully and does not require much effort in the manufacture.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

To create a similar product, it will be necessary:

  • lace tape (50 cm);
  • Wide satin ribbon in lace tone;
  • Large sheet of paper;
  • glue gun;
  • Small rhinestones.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

A strip is cut out of the paper with a length of 50 cm. The strip width is 2 cm. The paper strip is pasted on the central part of the satin ribbon.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The edges of the atlas along the long side are hardened on the other side of the paper and are sick, closing it.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Lace is superimposed on the prepared satin strip and is fixed on it with glue.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Work is recommended to be done carefully, so that the glue was not visible on the front side of the product.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The edges of the crown are combined and sampled among themselves.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The protruding tops of the product are decorated with rhinestones on their own taste. The crown is ready.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Brilliant output

If it is planned to use the crown at a solemn event, it is possible to facilitate its design.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

This variant of the crown is made of fine lace.


  • Wide lace tape;
  • sugar, water;
  • sequins;
  • glue.

Before starting work, make a mixture for product processing.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

To do this, mix ¾ glasses of sugar and a glass of water. Solution to put on a slow fire and boil up to the homogeneity of the composition. The mixture is removed from the fire and becomes cold. Prepared lace tape is wetted with water, and then placed in the sugar solution.

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Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Lace is neatly pressed and folded on a towel or on wax paper. The tape should be abundantly sprinkled with sparkles of the desired color.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Lace wields around a jar or a round bowl and fixed with fine rubber band. The workpiece successes over two hours.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

When the tape is not quite dry, it takes off with banks. The ends of the product are fasten with glue. The finished crown is left to the final drying.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

This version of the product looks lightweight and elegant. The crown can decorate as the head of the young princess on the New Year holiday, and become an unusual accessory on the rim to the wedding alongside a young woman.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Oddly enough, but from the lace you can do the crown and for the boy. You only need to take an openwork ribbon with twisted threads and come up with a massive decor. The next master class offers one of the options for this product.

Little Prince

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

To work on the crown, you will need:

  • lace;
  • braid;
  • PVA glue, brush;
  • scissors;
  • large rhinestones;
  • Instant glue;
  • Foil or oilfish.

Since the crown is assumed for a boy, it is desirable to choose a rough lace with a simple pattern and a braid with a restrained decor.

Master players: In the absence of a suitable lace, you should not forget that you can make it yourself. The openwork strip, skillfully tied with a thin yarn and hook, is absolutely not inferior to the purchase version, and in some cases it looks more advantageous due to a unique pattern.

The head circumference should be measured, then cut off the desired length of the lace ribbon with a bunch of the sizing.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Lace is placed on foil and thoroughly and abundantly misses glue over the entire surface. If it was not possible to purchase a lace ribbon of suitable color, it is enough to clean it with acrylic paints into the tone of the main outfit, and after that it is good to impregnate with glue. The essence of such a processing is that after drying the ribbon kept the form.

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Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The same process should be carried out with a tape, pre-cutting it along the length of the lace. Thin glue processing braid does not need. Billets are left for drying. This process is quite long and will take at least 6-8 hours.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

After the product is dried, it should be decorated at your own request. For the boy, decorations are suitable in the form of a large rhinestone imitating precious stones. To the lower part of the lace using the instant glue, the harvested braid is recorded. Openwork drawing along the edges of the lace tape is aligned, and the ends of the strips are glued.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

It is advisable to use instant glue in work, while pressed your fingers fixed, while the glue is captured. The crown for a small prince is ready.

Crown of lace do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Video on the topic

Best video selection for needlewomen who want to make a lace crown.

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