Franch Press for Tea and Coffee


Franch Press for Tea and Coffee

Franch press is a convenient device for making coffee and a variety of cocktails from it, which is often used as a substitute for a conventional teapot for brewing tea and tea drinks.

The story of Franch Press began 100 years ago - at the beginning of the 20th century. First, an option was appeared without a filter to delay the coffee grounds, and then, in 1929, the invention, already piston coffee maker, was patented under the chambord brand. It began its production in France. Thanks to this fact, the name of the press for coffee and got a "Frenc" add. Franch Press Bodum is a modern analogue of ancient device.

How to brew coffee and tea in Franch press?

Franch press for coffee is the perfect device to get a fragrant drink without additional skills or purchases of an electrical coffee maker. Many Barista assure that it is in the French press that the delicate taste of some coffee varieties is manifested (especially not in the mixture, but in the form of monosort). Often in the Franch press prepare elite varieties of coffee when they want the automatic cooking to harm the flavors of the magnificent drink.

Piston coffee makers consist of 3 details:

  • Piston with filter;
  • covers;
  • Glass vessel called flask.

For brewing coffee, it is preferable to use coffee a large grinding. Several spoons (depending on the volume of the flask) are flooded with hot water (not boiling water, and about 90 °) and it is 3-4 minutes. Then the piston with the mesh filter must be omitted to separate the coffee itself from the thick. It turns out a fragrant drink without unnecessary inclusions, and the filtered coffee is on the bottom.

Raw tea in Franch press is even easier than coffee. To do this, simply pour into the flask the required number of spoons of tea leaves, pour with water, which is necessary for the selected variety of temperature, give it to be broken, and left the piston before use, giving the leaves to the bottom.

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For the preparation of tea, a 600 ml french press is perfect for making tea, because it is necessary to brew tea in such a device not for welding, which then should be diluted with water, but already in the finished version, since it is not recommended to store a drink in the press.

Many coffee cocktails and coffee beverages were once prepared with the help of a french press, and not with the help of modern cappucciners and coffee makers. So, Raf is a drink consisting of espresso and cream, and prepared with the help of the press, it becomes completely different taste.

You do not need to forget to clean and wash your piston coffee maker on time so that its parts are not oxidized and served for a long time.

Advantages of Franch Press

You can highlight a few advantages of Franch Press:

  1. The use of a piston coffee maker is a quick way to cook delicious coffee or tea at work or at home, when there are no massive electric coffee makers at hand.
  2. Franch press perfectly reveals taste quality coffee.
  3. Piston coffee makers are available to any layer of the population. There are models of different price categories, design and volume.

Disadvantages of Franch Press

Despite the fact that the Franch press for tea and coffee has many advantages, it has disadvantages:

  • Franch press is a more fragile design than a ceramic brewing kettle or a turk. As a result of improper use (due to the sharp effects of boiling water) and violation of the production technology of the flask for a French press may be damaged (simply burst).
  • Do not store cooked drinks in a piston coffee maker long: its components will be oxidized and deteriorated both themselves and change the taste of the drink.

Franch Press for Tea and Coffee

How to choose a french press?

You need to come to choosing a press for coffee seriously, after studying all possible options. Several qualities of french press requiring special attention:

  1. The material of the flask can be diverse. In cheap models, it is plastic, in more expensive - glass or metal. The material significantly affects the taste qualities of the resulting beverage. Ideally, in this respect, glass is like the most neutral material that does not affect the taste and smell. By purchasing a french press, pay attention to the quality of the glass, whether there are cracks and chips on the flask.
  2. Filter material. Its selection depends on two factors: preferable coffee grinding (synthetic mesh holds fine grinding, metal - only large) and the desired service life (the metal serves as long as longer).
  3. Quality of handles, volume, external design - these qualities depend on the price and desire of the buyer.

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The use of a French press is a modern way to manually prepare drinks, which can be mastered. Having learned about this version of cooking coffee, many refuse harmful and tasteless soluble analogs and begin to appreciate the real coffee and tea varieties and enjoy the benefit and taste of these beverages.

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