Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video


Instead of ordinary home slippers, you can use your hands made by your own hands from motifs. Such home shoes will appeal to both adults and children, is done quite easily and will last long. Multicolored and monophonic, openwork and dense, high and low. How to link boots from hexagons with crochet, consider in the article.

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Basics of knitting motif

The motifs knit according to the schemes. For the start of the crochet, the chain of 3-6 air loops fit, connects to the ring and knits according to the scheme. The yarn can be one color, but several colors of threads are used more often in one motive.

The size of the motive is calculated in advance and depends on the size of the foot and the number of the motives necessary for this model. If the motifs are large and on one boot, they need only 6, then the size is calculated as follows. Put your leg on a sheet of paper and circling the contour of the foot. Measure the length from the tip of the thumb to the heel. The diagonal of the motive (hexagon) will be equal to the length of the foot divided by 2, plus 1 cm. If the length of the foot is 24 cm, then the hexagon diagonal will be equal to 24/2 + 1 = 13 cm.

If the motive is smaller than the selected scheme, the smaller is required than it is required, it can be used in a circle in a circle of the same pattern or any other optional. Linking 12 motifs, they will only remain assembled in the finished product.

The motives can be small, then to create boots they will need more. The height of the shin can be adjusted to the addition of new motifs at will.

Schemes of six adhesives in the photo:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Mastery soles

The sole may be associated from the same yarn as the motives. In this case, it is born according to any scheme, for example:

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Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Even if the base of the sole will be from another material, on top of it in any case, the sole of the fabric is pronounced.

The skin is also often used. The sole is obtained comfortable, does not shine movements, more durable than just knitted. The disadvantage is just that it is thin. Then the felt or other dense fabric can be paved between the knitted and leather layer.

No less often used felt. You can buy ready-made insoles on the size of the right one and just tie them. For this purpose, punctures are made at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge and among themselves. According to these holes, it is necessary to bind the soles by the columns without a Nakid 2 in one hole. The sole is obtained easy and sufficiently dense.

If boots do not fit not only for the house, but also for the street, you can use a rubber sole from a sole or home slippers. At the same time, the slippers can not be cut, but simply to tie in a crochet in a circle, but from the motives only the upper part of the boots.

Build product

When all the motifs are connected, the sole is ready, you should proceed to the assembly. The motifs can be copped with each other by simply sewing thread and needle. Often, the connecting seam from the columns without Nakid is used for these purposes. In this case, the seam is hard and convex, but in some models it does not interfere at all, but on the contrary, decorate the product.

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Another way is to associate an additional row of air loops and columns without Nakid. To do this, in the corner of one fragment, tie 1 column without Nakid, then tie a column in the corner of another fragment. After 3 air loops, make a hook under the air loop of both hexagons and to stick the column without a nakid. Therefore, the seam bound is flat and not tough. For this method of stitching motifs, you can use a thread of another color. This will highlight fragments on a general background as a frame.

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Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Next, the top is sewn or tied with the sole. If desired, boots can be decorated with flowers, bows, pomponchiki.

Green boots

Master class knitting boots from hexagonal motifs in the photo:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Scheme and Description Motive:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Scheme and Description of the sole:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Description of the assembly and the top plank scheme:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

This model is also notable for anything that can be any desired height. Depending on the number of motifs, a key or boots are obtained.

White exercise

This model can also be slippers, and boots. For slippers there will be enough 6 motifs, and for boots - 10.

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

As a sole uses the usual finished insole per 1 size more than the size of the leg. Material any - felt or leather. He retreating from the edge of 0.5 cm, on the same distance from each other to make a swee hole. Through them to tie the stamps without a nakid, making 2 columns into each hole.

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Measure the length of the resulting insoles. The length of one side of the ready motive should be 8 times less insoles.

For each boot, link 5 motifs according to the scheme:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

If necessary, add or remove the rows so that the length of the fragment side corresponds to the calculations.

Sew motives according to the scheme:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

  • 1 - sew among themselves;
  • 2 - seam on the heel;
  • 3 - sewn to the insole;
  • 4 - Leave as it is.

Sending motif to the insole, the corner on the sock should be shown a little to the side to get left or right boot. On the shin, sew another 2 motif. Boots are ready!

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hexagon boots in the photo:

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Hook hexagon boots: master class with diagrams and video

Video on the topic

Video on the manufacture of boots from hexagons:

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