How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?


How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?

Radiators are important in the heating system. Currently, several types of heating devices are applied: cast iron, steel and aluminum. Cast iron heating radiators are most popular, they have a long service life (more than 50 years), they are very resistant to corrosion. But periodically they require preventive repair, flushing and painting.

How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?

Cast iron battery design.

To fulfill such work qualitatively, they must be dismantled and disassembled.

Dismantling pig-iron radiators

To dismantle such heating devices with their own hands, the following tool will be required:

How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?

The size of the cast-iron battery.

  1. Pipe key number 3, to turn off the lock nut and hoods.
  2. Truboresis for trimming pipes or Bulgarian.
  3. Metal hacksaw.
  4. Chisel.
  5. Hammer and sledgehammer.
  6. Brush for rust removal.

Work on the dismantling of such heating devices is usually carried out in the summer when the heating system is disabled. Before the start of dismantling work, it is necessary to drain the water from the heating pipelines.

Then the tubular key turns away with the pipes, standing on the pipes pipes, turn away the hoods and the radiator is removed from the brackets.

In the event that the lock nuts cannot be unscrewed, the supply coolant pipes are cut and the device is dismantled.

Disassembly of radiators

Before starting disassembly, you must prepare tool to perform work:

  1. The key to disassemble the batteries (5/4 inches size for the radiators of an old sample and 1 inch - for modern).
  2. Deployer key (№2 or №3).
  3. Piece of chalk.
  4. A piece of inch pipe from 500 to 1000 mm long.

Prepare a place in advance to disassemble the radiator, a flat platform or a wooden shield.

To disassemble the removed heating radiator, put it horizontally on the shield. Then we determine the direction of the thread on the deaf traffic jams and turn it out.

How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?

Disassembly scheme for cast iron radiators.

Diagram of disassembly of cast-iron radiators. Read more than start spinning the radiator, you need to note the length of the key to the nipple turned out. To do this, we put it on top to the radiator and combine the working tip with a place where we plan to unscrew the tightening sleeve, and at the end of the battery, we make a circular mark on the key with a chalk. Then we insert it into the battery to the level of the mark.

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Before you start rotating the key, it is required to determine the direction of rotation. Battery thread can be the right or left. When the nipple is rotated, in one direction of the section, they are tightened with each other, and when rotating in the return diverge.

To determine this direction from the side where the key is inserted, we screw the free hoods and determine the direction of the thread.

If you have determined that the thread right (the plug is screwed down clockwise), it means to promote the battery the key is required to rotate counterclockwise. And if the left thread, then in the opposite direction.

Now you can promote the radiator, for which you want to unscrew the section. Initially, it is necessary to make about the floor of the turnover "to disrupt" the thread from one nipple, and then another parallel to the first one.

Then begin to promote the cast-iron battery, by observing the width between the sections of about 5 mm. The key alternately rearranged from one nipple to another.

The sections are wider than the specified size not recommended, as this can lead to their distortion and threading. When the batteries are promoted as an amplifier, a piece of an inch pipe can be used.

Similarly disassembled sections and other types of modern radiators. Plugs and hoods on them have notation indicating the direction of thread (D-right, S-left).

Disassembly of old batteries

How to disassemble your own pig-iron battery?

The key will be required for the assembly and disassembly of the cast-iron battery.

To disassemble old cast-iron batteries, as the threads in them accumulates, they are necessary at the location of Nippel to warm up autogen or soldering lamp. The heating is made in circular motions at the location of Nipple, sequentially warming up parallel junctions of the battery.

After heating the joints, while they are hot, the radiator key is inserted into the inside and approximately half the turnover, then the key is quickly rearranged into another nipple.

In the same way, they are turned out from cast-iron batteries, jamming corks and funki.

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Sometimes it is impossible to unsax nipple, due to the fact that his turnkey protrusions completely ate corrosion. In this case, the sections in the joints of the joints are cut with a metal or a grinder. Then out of sections are turned by the warm-off nipple cutting method. After that, the carving is cleaned with a brush for metal.

If the old heating radiator cannot be promoted by the above methods, then one remains with the help of a sledgehaft part of the sections. To do this, the battery is placed horizontally to the floor, and on the middle part of the sections they are punched by a sledgehammer until the pass-through piece of the section is interconnected. Then the battery is turned over to the other side and split the other half of the section.

After that, the cast-iron radiator is installed in a vertical position and strikes the remaining pieces of sections, then they are spinning them. However, when performing this operation, the heating radiator loses hermeticity on other joints. And you can lose half of the battery.

Dismantling and disassembling cast-iron radiators is a rather difficult process, but sometimes it is necessary, so it is very useful to know how this operation is performed correctly.

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