Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only


Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

At one time I was very talked on LiveInternet and started a lot of friends there. Charming social networks are that they allow it very quickly and sometimes even by chance to find people with similar interests. Therefore, I and now often come across the diaries of interesting people on Lear, creative personalities, handmakers and needlewomen.

Recently met there with the creative man of Natalia, who loves to make crafts from papier-mâché, and she makes them so virtuoso, which will not even say, from what material they are made. I was very impressed with her Christmas trees with their own hands made from papier-mâché, as well as Christmas toys from Papier-Masha and a lot of other papier-Mashai? Beauty.

To be honest, I myself never tried to do anything from this material, but now, seeing all this beauty, I really wanted to try! Moreover, before the new year there is still time and you can have time to make similar balls on the Christmas tree (and for gifts to friends). In general, see and impress, like me.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

Such Christmas trees and christmas toys were before painting. The Christmas trees are made so - in the base of the tree inserted a thick wire, and the upper part is already glued to the wire.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

But such beautiful painted balls from Natalia turned out as a result. Just wonderful! she says. that they are quite sweaty, but her tree (see the photo below) will withstand them.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

Unusual New Year's Eve! Its frame is welded from the reinforcement in the form of a triangular pyramid, and then wrapped with rods from tarpaulin.

How to make a simple Christmas tree from cone

Additionally, on the Christmas trees for the New Year, I advise you to see this video master class.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

All these decorations, pendants, beads, too, from Papier Masha. That's yes, at first glance, you can not guess!

Article on the topic: Fliselin Formsland - Water-soluble glue fabric

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

Funny catals and also from papier-mache. I can not imagine how they were made! Natalia writes that each of them she pulled out her own hands.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

One of the ethnic jewelry.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

I especially shook the bracelets, which are not at all out of the tree, as you can think at the beginning ... they ... Well, the most awaited already guessed - too, from Papier-Masha! Fabulous, right? Natalia opened me the secret of their manufacture -

She picked up a jar, suitable in terms of her arms, glued a paper strip of the width of which wanted to get a bracelet and applied a paper mass. And those that right in the photo (3 pcs) are made on the "Bobin" from Scotch, and on top of paper harnesses.

Crafts from Paper Masha - New Year's Eve and not only

Well, finally, the Sun of Papier-Masha. To all shine?

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