Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY


This is another article from the outlet rubric. Computer sockets differ from the usual in that they have the type of wires, like twisted steam. This means that the socket has 8 copper wires, penetrated with each other in 4 pairs. Thanks to it, all electrical interference is distributed and provide high data transfer rate (about 1000 Mbps). In this article we will tell you how to connect the Internet socket.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

How to step bypass connect online outlet

Computer socket has a distinctive design and a special connector.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Plug and cable for internet outlet

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to pave electrical wiring for the Internet, if it was not done during the construction of the house. The wiring must be paved to one point in the apartment, and it is already connected to the Wi-Fi router.

After you spend the wiring, you can install the conversion. To do this, you can use a perforator and a special crown. Thanks to these devices, you can wipe the suitable hole in the wall. A finished niche must necessarily clean from dust, and only then put the penetper into it. It is possible to fasten it with a thick alabaste mixture. If you are interested, then you can read about the main types of outlets.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Preparing and place a place for pickle

After that, you can already be approached by wiring.

Connecting the Internet socket

Each Internet socket has a clermin to which twisted pairs are connected. It must be disconnected from the mechanism of the socket. To do this, you need to turn the outlet to yourself and find a white retainer there.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

We prepare the lock, turning it

This retainer (it is also called the locking ring) must be rotated clockwise so that the removable part disconnects from the socket case.

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Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Remove the clermin outlet

If you have a stationary clermet, you will not have to remove anything.

Wire Couple Connection Schemes

When you disconnect the cable from the outlet, you can safely start connecting the wires.

First, through the back of the clermin, you need to push the Internet wire.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Wake up part of the clermet through the wire and perform further instructions

After that, it is necessary to carefully clean the tweeer pair with a knife and barbing the veins. Then the veins must be reappeared and prepare for the connection.

Important! When you wrap a twisted pair, do it very carefully and do not press the knife on the protective shell too much, otherwise damage the veins.

Next, we connect the veins of a twisted pair, but first need to figure out what the numbers and colors are indicated on the clerme. There are 2 Connection Standards: A and V. To understand what a scheme should be used, it is necessary that it duplicates the circuit of conductive channels to the outlet.

Important! In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the connection scheme, you must be consulted with the supplier who will prompt which scheme is involved during installation.

Now it should be sorted out, which means colors on the clerme. Each pair of wires is indicated by its color.

For example:

  • White-blue blue.
  • White-orange-orange.
  • Etc.

Due to the color marking, you can connect 4 pairs of twisted wires.

For more detailed explanations, you can use this scheme:

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

How to breed wire twisted couple

T568B - option. In T568A - Option A. Connecting the Internet socket is similarly quite popular.

Connecting wires

When you figure out the scheme, you can start connecting the veins of the Internet wire, inserting them into the appropriate grooves on the box.

Important! Before connecting the wires, their ends are not protected. Because the correct connection is provided by the contact pad mechanism.

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The photo shows that the color of the wire corresponds to the color scheme and is located opposite each groove.

You can deepen the wires in the grooves with a cross-knife. This will ensure high compound strength.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Connect the wires to the outlet, observing it marking

The platforms that are made in the form of pointed plates, which are apart at a short distance, so that when the lid fell on its seat, the insulation lived was cut by blades. After that, they will touch the cores that conduct an electrical signal. This compound ensures uninterrupted operation of the socket.

Installing a clerk in a power outlet

After the connections of the wires were made, the terminal can be returned back into the outlet in the same way that it was removed from there, and then tighten the locking ring firmly.

Make sure you did everything right. To do this, connect any device to the outlet. If it works, everything is fine. And if the device does not work, then you need to double-check the correct wires.

Important! To connect to the right, make it with a special cable tester.

After checking the performance of the new network, cut sticking veins and proceed to the installation of the outlet in the opposite. If you are interested, then read about connecting a phone outlet.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

We twist the locking ring and check the correctness of the connection

Mounting socket

This process is absolutely similar to the installation of a conventional electrical outlet. But you need to check that the cable is neatly placed in the box. And only then screw the socket with screws.

After mounting the socket into the wall, it is equipped with a decorative overlay.

Connecting the Internet Outlet DIY

Installation of decorative lining is the final stage

Connection diagram Twisted pair and mounting sockets can be used for all types of online sockets. They may differ from each other only the form of contact groups and the installation method, but the essence of the connection does not change from this.

Connecting the Internet Outlet with your own hands to everyone, but it is necessary to follow the rules for connecting the twisted pair and follow the digital and color schemes. Otherwise, you risk making a serious mistake.

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Video on the topic

Also look at some rollers who will prompt you how to connect the Internet socket at home without using a special tool.

Twisted pair connection:

As you can see, you can almost anyone connect the Internet socket. This process does not take much time. Also, thanks to this you can save your funds.

We recommend to your attention: installation of sockets in plasterboard.

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