Starus style in the interior


Starus style in the interior

Application in the modern interior of the old-circuit style is quite logical, because everything always returns to the forecasts. This style combines convenience and environmental friendliness, and this is exactly what modern young people need. In fact, to embody such a stylist in his own home or even in an ordinary city apartment is not so difficult.

Main attributes

In order for the design of your home really in an old Russian style, at least some attributes of this stylist should be present in it.

  1. Old Russian apartment must fill items from natural wood. Of course, the "overseas" mahogany or wenge will look, to put it mildly, not logical. Give preference to traditional Russian trees - ash, oak, cherry, pine.
  2. In the decor, whether it is a decor of walls or furniture, a floral ornament must be present.
  3. It will be very appropriate if you add artificially artificial furniture to the interior. This furniture can be bought in stores, because it is now in fashion, but you can independently create a simple inexpensive wooden furniture.
  4. The furnace is the traditional object of the interior of an old Russian style. In the modern version, you can stylize a fireplace (normal or electric) under the oven. Use bright paint and clay for the fireplace decor.
  5. Of course, you will need all sorts of accessories in the style of folk manual fishing. The list of such accessories is very wide. It may be lace, clay dishes, smoky toys, Orenburg scarves and much more.
  6. Simple chairs and sofas in the old-Russian interior can be replaced by wide wooden shops. It will look very typical.
  7. And finally, it will help complete your textile design. For curtains, choose the most simple fabrics, such as sitheria and flax. Avoid complex drapes, remember that everything should be as simple as possible. In addition, use wicker mats and patchwork blankets in the interior. If you are engaged in embroidery, wonderful, manually embroidered towels and napkins will become an excellent addition to Russian design.

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Starus style in the interior

Subspecies style

Old Russian style is a prefabricated concept. It combines three designer flows. After reading each of them, you can more accurately understand what you want to see in the interior of your home:

  1. The first style is the most common. It is known and widely applied worldwide. This style of "A la Ruse" is called. The basis of the style is an ethnic and folk fishery. Furnaces, samovars, lapties and other typical symbols of Russia - for this style will be as appropriate. Many modern designers do not want to use the style of "A la Ruse", as it is too colorful and crowded with accessories from tourist shops. However, despite this, "A-la Ruse" still remains unusually popular.
  2. The second style is more thoughtful and "useful." He is called "Russian hut". The main sign of the "Russian isob" is that there is not a single unnecessary and useless subject that they like to fill the "A la Ruse" stylist. Russian Izba carries centuries-old traditions. Before you take for its implementation, you need to carefully consider each slightest nuance.
  3. The third style - "Terem" - is more like the excitement of a simple resident of Russia, but for the princely chambers. This stylistics is a bit pompous, but certainly very fabulous.

Starus style in the interior

Bedroom and living room

The most harmonious old-Russian style will fit into your home if you dedicate to her not one separate room, and the whole apartment or house. In fact, a similar style look good in all rooms.

Walls, floor and ceiling living room need to cover wood. The surface of the wood needs to be lacquered or covered with ocher. It is very important to preserve the texture and relief of the tree. Special attention is paid by the floor of the living room. For him, you can use either the woodhouse of a tree, or a woody array, but no parquet or laminate. The last two material is very modern and European, they will not fit into your vintage design. If the wall covering with wood for you is too expensive, you can use plaster for these purposes. However, it is better not to save on door and window frames. Prefer pine frames. In addition, by the possibility of windows, you can decorate with original carved shutters and romantic curtains from lace.

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Starus style in the interior

Furniture for the living room in an old Russian style should include a low sofa, several rocking chairs, a servant and a simple coffee table. The rest of the furniture items you can add to your taste, however remember that they should not be too much. On the floor of the living room you can disseminate the Russian carpet, and even better - the skin of the animal (of course, not a tiger and not leopard). For the walls, paintings are suitable for the image of Russia's nature, for tables - openwork tablecloths. Depending on the selected subspecies of the stylistics, you can add some traditional accessories - matryoshki, samovars and so on.

Starus style in the interior

The center of the ancient Russian bedroom should be a spacious double bed. The headboard bed can be made of wood or make forged. Try traditional bedside tables. Try to replace with small chests, and do not forget that all the rest of the furniture is a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and so on, must be done under the old days. Nothing is suitable for the decor of the bedroom as good as textiles. Colorful bright curtains on the windows on the windows, on blankets and pillows. Turn the traditional covers, on the tables spread the tablecloths and napkins - all this will make the bedroom unusually cozy.

Starus style in the interior

Kitchen and bathroom

When creating the design of traditional old-circuit cuisine, the emphasis should be done on the right selection of furniture. Wooden and painted buffets, chests, cabinets, long tables and benches are suitable for the kitchen. If the kitchen area is large enough, the fireplace stylized under the oven can be placed here. Walls in the kitchen can be covered with ceramic tiles. Ideally, such a tile should be packed manually. When choosing accessories, follow the rules: any item of the decor can be used by directly intended. Thus, beautiful utensils, wicker baskets and all sorts of luban products can perform as decor.

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Starus style in the interior

Wood for trimming bathroom is not the best option (if you, of course, do not want to turn your bathroom into the bathroom). To finish the bathroom, it is best to use the "wood" or tile of natural woody colors. A shower cabin in an old-circuit bath will not look too harmonious. It is better to give preference to a traditional bath that you need to install in the center of the room. All plumbers are recommended to use in bronze or silver tones so that it does not get out of the overall design. For the decor of the bathroom, use large bath towels with drawings, mirrors in wooden carved frames, linen curtains and curtains, small clay pots. It will be especially great to look like a birch broom in your old-circuit bathroom, whether a prominent place.

Starus style in the interior

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