How to grow tomatoes on the balcony


Urban residents who do not have a cottage house or country plot have been trying to grow balcony tomatoes in their apartment. It managed to many, and then the opportunity appears not to be happy to be successful, but also to use the fruits of their work and collect a rich harvest, without leaving the apartment.

Created by breeders, certain varieties of tomatoes are perfectly leaving in ordinary flower pots and plentifully fruit. They are unpretentious in care, do not require steaming and give a wonderful harvest when complying with some rules of cultivation.

Variety of varieties for growing on the balcony

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

The cultivation of tomatoes on the balcony begins with the selection of the variety of this plant. Among the huge variety offered by the sellers, you need to find those who eat well and do not require artificial pollination. All realized varieties - hybrids, so choosing the most suitable for growing at home, it is worth native:

  • to the height that the bush is gaining;
  • the number of fruits;
  • the need for steaming;
  • The possibility of growing without pinching tops.

The last condition is important to observe because the size of the seating is rather small, and the amount of soil is limited. That is why it is better to acquire seeds of lowest varieties. The fact is that after pinching the tops, the growth process and the bloom is noticeably slowed down by no less than 14 days.

Variety balcony miracle

Ideal for growing on the balcony and enjoyable demand are such varieties as "Pinocchio" and "Balcony Miracle". Although the latter will probably have to pinch, or provide them with high-quality garter. No less popular:

  • Micron;
  • Bonsai;
  • Cascade;
  • Pearl red;
  • Yellow pearl.

Studying the description, it is worth paying attention to the ripening period of fruits and buy seeds of early varieties. Lined at the end of September or the very beginning of October, they will give an abundant harvest just to the new year.

The usual date from landing to the collection of fruits is from one hundred to one hundred and ten days.

How to put balcony tomatoes

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

Before you buy seeds and start boarding them, you need to learn how to grow tomatoes on the balcony and get a rich harvest. The selected seeds first work should be soaked in a weak solution of mangartages, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm running water and put it on a wet cotton fabric.

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You can use conventional paper napkins or cotton wheels, but you need to take into account the fact that only the roots that have appeared can germinate through them and when transplanting into the ground they will simply break.

Seeds are not necessary to germinate on the fabric, you can use 100 gram cups. This method is a landing with picking. The container is filled with fertile soil, not reaching the edge of 2 cm., Moisturized and lay out on the surface several seeds. Pop with a centimeter soil layer and exhibit on the windowsill or in a different bright and warm place.

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

When boarding without picking, the seeds lay down immediately into the pots or a selected large capacity, filled with earth without reaching 4-5 cm to the top edge of the pot. Carrying out tomatoes on the balcony step by step, it is necessary to accurately comply with the procedure for performing work and take into account all the nuances. For example, the soil in pots do not sleep because the subsequent addition of the Earth will replace the pickup.

Seeds are laid out on the moistened soil and do not cover the surface with glass or film. The soil must "breathe". Otherwise, instead of the greenhouse effect, rotting will begin, and the seeds will die.

In an effort to achieve a greenhouse effect and closing the container with planted seeds of the film, you will have to raise it daily, providing air access and ventilation.

First sprouts and seeding

Seeds will germinate in a few days. First, two thin leaves will appear, and after another 3-4 days you can see the appearance of the third and fourth sheets. Now they will have a curly edge and a barely intimate smell of tomato tops will appear.

Now you need to monitor the uniform distribution of the light flux and the moderate flow of moisture. This means that it is necessary to rotate the pots with sprouts at 180 ° every day around its axis and adhere to the rule "it is better to nourish than to pour." Excess moisture will result in root rotting. To ensure complete access of oxygen to the roots of seedlings, the land in pots regularly loose.

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How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

Water intended for watering is defended within a few days. It should be room temperature, and the first feeder is carried out no earlier than 60 days after the first searches. The best fertilizer is recognized by humus, which sprinkle the surface of the soil. In the process of loosenings, it is mixed with the ground, and the roots receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Picking and formation of bush

In order to grow balcony full-fledged tomatoes, it is necessary to choose and leave the strongest from several sparkles that rose in a glass or pot. The rest will have to delete. Performing a pickup, a cup with a selected sprout turn upside down and carefully free the soil. Preparing the container into which the seedlings will be transplanted, the drainage form on the day, using clayjit and some foam. The first will provide air access, and the second will hold the desired amount of moisture.

Check out the video about the cultivation of tomatoes on the balcony:

The fertile land is falling asleep in the container so that after setting growth to the upper edge, the pot remained at least 3 centimeters, and the distance to the side walls was 1.5-2 centimeters. The right growth and distribution of roots depends on the shape of the pot. Therefore, avoid the fence or deformation of the root will allow the use of a circuit round or oval shape. The main thing is that the bottom did not have corners.

Long trunks of tomato bushes uncomfortably feel if they grow tomatoes on the balcony or on the windowsill. Of course, you need to equip a retaining structure and tie each plant, but to form a proper lush bush or pinch its top or choose a certain form of support. It is better to take care of everything in advance and when buying choose varieties of low, whose bushes grow not more than 50 centimeters high.

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

Low bushes are worth growing, leaving only two escapes, removing all other extra sprouts (stepsing). Long Liana grown, leaving one escape and getting rid of all steps. This will noticeably speed the flowering, and for better pollination, the blooming tomatory bushes once every two days gently shake.

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Another feature of the balcony tomato lies in the fact that during the flowering period you need to get rid of the colors located on the top of the bush before the first marking appears. In this way, it is possible to improve the nutrition of the fruits on the lower branches, achieve an increase in their quantity and speed up the maturation.

A large amount of tomato on one bush requires more frequent irrigation. However, do not forget that the land in pots should not be too wet, but a slightly wet. It should be watered by directing the water stream not under the base of the stem, throughout the contour of the crown.

Excellent video of cultivation on the balcony Tomato:

If you wish, it is necessary to get lush bushes, you need to abandon step-down, continuing to climb the top flowers. Harvesting should be carried out regularly, as fruits ripening. Some of them are broken by "burly", they are unreasonable. This avoids the exhaustion of the bush, accelerate the formation of a new launch and ripening of fruits.

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