How to wash off whitening from the walls: Methods and recommendations


It is known that no repairs do without removing old coatings and dismantling. So, often get rid of wallpaper, plaster, linoleum, whitewings. The last option of the premises in our time is used extremely rare. With the exception of public institutions, entrances and warehouses. How to wash off whitening from the walls?

How to wash off whitening from the walls: Methods and recommendations

Tools for removing old whitewashing and overlay new: brushes, rollers, spatula, trim and other brush.

As you know that this process is laborious and not simple. In addition, this work is associated with a large number of dust and dirt. Therefore, in its process it is necessary to wear all sorts of protective equipment in the form of a respirator, glasses, a handkerchief, closed clothes.

Required materials and tools:

  • putty knife;
  • Pallet for a spatula or scraper with a container;
  • spray;
  • sponges of foam rubber, rags, rollers;
  • a hammer;
  • water and tank;
  • stairs;
  • Polyethylene film, newspapers, accessories for external protection.

Preparation of the surface: Recommendations

How to wash off whitening from the walls: Methods and recommendations

Removing the old whitening from the walls: A - Moisturizing with a roller; B - removal of the layer whipped with a spatula.

Wet sponge should handle the wall several times. Then, after wetting the surface, you must use the spatula. As one of the layers are removed, the other is actively soaked with water. Continuity of such a process will be a key to quick completion.

As soon as the base is finally cleaned, you need to wash all the walls. There should be no trace of chalk.

To answer the question than washed off whitening, you need to pay attention to some nuances. To carry out this process, put on the hands to put on the gloves, close the head to the weapon, and the eyes protect the glasses. To work it will take a roller protected by a plastic lid. In this case, you can not worry about the fact that dirty water stalks in the sleeve.

Then you need to pour warm water into the basin and moderately treat the walls with a spray gun. Together with this way the entire wall 2 times and having achieved a good impregnation of the surface, you can proceed to removing the chalk layer.

If the outer layer is impregnated enough, it will be possible to wash off the whitewash without much difficulty.

To facilitate the removal process of the old layer, several drops of acetic acid can be added to the water. Remains are removed using a steel brush.

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How to wash off whitening from the walls: Methods and recommendations

Wall cleaning scheme from old finish: a) Cleaning, b) smoothing, c) Move tool.

Also washed off whitening can be placed in conventional soapy. This method is well suitable for walls with a thin layer of chalk. In addition, instead of ordinary water, you can use a hubby or glue. The use of the adhesive solution is reduced to the next process: it is applied to old newspapers, then they are glued onto the wall, leaving its free edge. Then the glued base is taken off with the old layer.

As a successful option for processing the surface surface, the use of the finished construction mixture is suitable. It is sprinkled on the wall, then read the spatula.

Once the main part of the old layer is removed, you need to remove the remaining dirt. To improve the result, you should use a sponge that you need to make 2 times. The processed parts of the walls are clean in the predetermined direction below. Well, if there is an assistant in this case: one of them wets the sponge, and the other is vigorously launders the outer layer.

The salt is wonderful. Added to the solution, it will easily remove all pollution. To prepare such a solution, you should add 1 kg of salt on 10 liters.

In order to protect the floors from the deposits on them, it is important to cover them with a layer of polyethylene. In this case, it is not possible to mince the chalk of cracks later. Also as the protective base will be suitable old newspapers.

Additional methods

If it still failed to protect the surface from a limescale, it is important to wash off whitening from the floor by the following methods:

  1. Add vegetable oil into water per 100 g per bucket. Then wash the floor well. To the following capacity, add any detergent, vinegar, white. In conclusion, wash the surface with ordinary water.
  2. In a water bucket, you can add manganese.
  3. With whitewash, the vinegar is well coped to the water.

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The final washing of the outer layer will exclude the emergence of divorces from the chalk. All listed tips will help effectively remove whiten from the floor and walls. Armed with these materials and knowing the removal of the old layer of lime, it is possible to cope with this, it would seem not easy.

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