What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?


What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

There is nothing more permanent than temporary ... In the justice of this statement, many of us were convinced. Shot for a time housing often becomes constant. "Random" work is stretched for years. The fleeting hobby develops into a serious occupation.

A man has a thorough job of any work and its result is preserved for a long time. To the temporary fence in the site, it is necessary to treat as a serious construction that protects the territory from unreasonable guests.

How to build it inexpensively and reliably, what materials for this can be used, we will talk in this article.

Options for temporary fencing

The prefabricated intake structures created a great set. We are primarily interested in those of them that meet the sign of temporary:
  • Low cost in combination with reliability;
  • Minimum of earthworks;
  • Lack of capital foundation;
  • Quick installation and disassembly;
  • The ability to reuse the enclosing material.

"Exotic" in the form of fences from plastic bottles, frequencies from logs and shoulders from branches for temporary fence at construction site does not make sense. The main qualities of such a design - functionality and strength.

They have fences from such materials:

  • Board (gorny);
  • slate;
  • Rabita grid (welded grid);
  • Professional flooring.

Temporary fence from boards

Once such fences were put on all construction sites. The cheapness of lumber and ease of construction guaranteed a militant fence for a long historical existence. Today, the steel mesh and reinforced concrete plates were changed on large construction stalls. They are more durable boards and can be repeatedly used to protect the territory.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

Boards, bars and pillars - three parts of a wooden fence design

In private construction, the board is still used to erect collapsible fences. Its appearance does not matter much. The main requirement is strength. Therefore, the economical hosts prefer to make temporary fences from a cheap hill, and the edged board is used for more responsible structures.

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Nekaznaya in appearance fence from the porch with its task is perfect

Installing the fence from the board takes more time compared to the designs from the grid and professional flooring. Most of all slows down the process of feeding the staketin, to speed up which no one has yet managed. Each bar has to pay attention, aligning the cord and navigating nails.

Despite the difference in the materials, the main stages of construction of temporary fences are similar to among themselves:

  • Track markup;
  • Installing columns;
  • Installation of runs;
  • Fastening the enclosing material.

When planning the construction of a wooden fence, you need to decide in advance with the method of installing the poles by selecting:

  • Copp holes or drilling wells;
  • Using support legs with bodies.

The first option is more reliable, but more time-consuming. To protect the large area there will have to make hundreds of wells for racks. Supporting "legs" connected to the pillars with the help of streaming is easier in the installation and, if necessary, allow the length and configuration of the fence. The only threat to such a design is a hurricane wind that can sow part of the sections.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

The boards and the porridge are nailed in two ways: on beams from a bar (vertically) or directly on the poles (horizontally). In the second case, the calculated length of the span of each section should not exceed the length of the planners used.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

At the end of construction, this material can be used only for extracts.

Fencing from slate

The new material for such a design does not have a sense. Holes pierced in wavy sheets make them unsuitable for use on the roof. A possible version of re-use of slate - formwork for a pool or foundation.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

Most often, slate fences put those who, after disassembling the old roof, there are a lot of "daring" material. In addition, in the ads you can find a lot of offers for the sale of slate at a symbolic price.

Mount the wavy sheets can be on wooden or on steel runs and columns. They are strong enough and tough to withstand strong wind loads. That's just the height of such a fence is not always satisfied with the owners. No matter how cool, and higher than two meters it does not raise it.

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Fencing from the grid Rabits and welded grid

Leaders of building sympathy. Such structures are quickly collected and disassembled, protecting the territory from trying to penetrate well. The only drawback is the viewing of the site. Despite the seeming harness, overcome the fence from the steel grid is not easy. Without having a solid support under the legs, overcome the two-meter mesh wall unrealistic.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

The chain grid can be put on wooden and steel poles using sections from angle or passing through its upper and lower edge of the wire (fittings) fixed to the racks.

In addition to time-consuming injection into the soil of columns, the racks of such a fence (and any other temporary fence) can be made from screw piles, thereby ensuring the most sustainable foundation.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

Screw piles - the best solution for fence from steel mesh

The relative high cost of the version under consideration is justified by high installation speed and the ability to disassemble the design without loss of material.

The main drawback of the chain grid is the flexibility that requires additional support in the upper and lower edge, has been eliminated with the advent of 3D fence. This construction consists of inventory metal racks with fasteners for sections. The welded grid is made of durable bent wire, light and rigid.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

If the territory of the construction site has a solid coating, then the columns of the fence are not bought into the ground and do not concrete. In this case, use ready-made sections. They are fixed on the support plates that, in turn, are attached to asphalt or concrete, or installed in special support blocks from concrete.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

We also recommend paying attention to an interesting way of installation using old car tires.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

Preparation procedure simple. To the bottom of the steel profile-rack weld the cross-shaped support from the reinforcement and put it in the tire. After that, the tire is filled with concrete. After hardening the mixture to homemade supports with the help of wire and clamps fasten the chain grid.

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It should be noted that the "know-how" is suitable only for mesh fences. When using boards, slate or proflist, a large "sailboat" is formed. With strong wind, the weight and the supporting area of ​​the concrete tire may be insufficient, which will lead to the tipping of the structure.

Temporary fence from corrugated

Often used on construction sites, because it has important advantages:

  • opaque;
  • easy to install and disassembly;
  • racks to atmospheric influences;
  • allows multiple use;
  • You can choose any height.

Wooden and steel runs are suitable for fastening the professional sheet. The castle principle of connecting sheets facilitates installation. Installation of racks, as in other types of temporary fences, is performed in the pits or fastening to ground supports.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

Option of using ground support racks

In conclusion, let's say that regardless of the type of the selected fence, it is necessary to respond to its installation. Before the start of work, it is necessary to draw a scheme for the placement of racks so that the distance between them is not more than 2.5 meters.

For the removal of the fence track to the site uses cord and roulette. Pegs are clogged into the ground in the corners of the future fence, strictly withstanding the design dimensions of the spans. After that, they are fixed with a cord that marks the direction and drive into the ground intermediate stakes.

What makes a temporary fence-fence on a plot for a period of construction?

The manual coppe of the pits have to do when there are many large stones or root roots in the ground. If the soil is soft and clean, it is better to use the boring. The shurn depth of 50-60 cm will be quite sufficient to set the racks in heavy grinning ground. In her sand it will have to increase to 80 cm.

Exactly exhibited and well fixed in the rack - warranty of fast installation and reliability of the fence. Therefore, pay this work maximum attention.

All of the above belongs to the fence, the pillars of which are not injected into the ground, and put on surface supports.

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