Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews


Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

To date, most owners of private houses and country sites prefer to use modern designs to arrange the sewer system. It is easy enough to do so, as building markets offer many different options. Local sewage seats (LOS) or septic tanks are most popular, equipped with aerobic wastewatering.

Buying and installing such structures is expensive. Therefore, it is preliminarily recommended to familiarize yourself with how they are arranged, which service requires and which there are flaws. In addition, read about the selected system positive and negative feedback.

Septic Topp: Design Device

Cleaner system Topa is an alternative to Czech products. It has mobile parameters, it has a high degree of flow processing and is equipped with four cleansing chambers.
  1. In the receiving chamber The initial cleaning occurs. There are stocks come here, and the separation of large garbage is going.

  2. After reaching the drains of a certain level, the sensor is triggered, and the drains are shifted into Aeration Camera . In this chamber, with the help of aerator, favorable conditions are created for the vital activity of microorganisms, due to which a large number of pollution is processed.

  3. After water with Il comes to defend the third chamber or Separator of active ILA.

  4. As soon as Il will fall on the bottom, he goes to Camera-stabilizer , and water - to exit.

After the alone accumulates a large amount, it will be necessary to dispose. It can be added to compost, and after overloading to use as fertilizers.

Benefits and Disadvantages Septic Top

Among consumers, the Cleaning system Topa is quite popular, as it has many positive qualities . It can be attributed to its advantages:

  1. Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

    The high efficiency of work, due to which water at the outlet from the system can not be pushed, and immediately use to water or drop in the reservoirs.

  2. Compact design dimensions allow it to be installed on a small platform, the size of which can be from 1 to 3 square meters. m.
  3. The ability to install on a plot with any soil.
  4. Ease of service.
  5. Feedless work.
  6. Full sterilization of odors.

In addition to the above, it can be noted that in the septic tank, waste is disposed of due to aerobic decomposition, which occurs under the influence of thermal energy. Therefore, in frosts, such a system does not require additional heating.

There are Topas and its cleaning station limitations:

  • For the normal functioning of the device, its power supply is required, so when the electricity is frequently, the use of septic will be problematic;
  • The design needs regular maintenance;
  • The local cleansing station has a fairly high price.

Criterias of choice

Los Topa have A wide variety of modifications , Some of which are intended to clean the sewage effluent in cottages or country houses, while others are suitable for summer cottages.

  1. Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

    Little models of devices (topaz 5) have small dimensions and weight. Their easily can easily install even one person in the pit. However, despite the small size, this sewer construction is able to serve a family of five.

  2. Middle Size Models (Topaz 10) have more performance, so they can be used for a house in which 10-12 people live. Such septic tanks are installed with two or three people, and sometimes a lifting equipment may be needed for their installation.
  3. Large heavy systems (topaz 100 or 150) are designed to clean the sewage in sanatoriums, children's camps, holiday homes, hotels, hotels and many other facilities, where the number of residents up to 150 people. Special brigade and lifting equipment are involved in installing such systems.

Service Tips Septic Top

In order for the station to work efficiently and for a long time, it must be cleaned regularly and remove waste from it.

Cleaning septica

Cleaning in the design it is necessary to erlifs and filters of large fractions. Cleaning process:

  1. Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

    Disconnect air hoses feeding into erlifeds.

  2. Remove pumps from the housing.
  3. Remove clips.
  4. Remove the filter of large fractions.
  5. Rinse everything under a jet of water, which is fed under pressure.
  6. Installed in the air distributor nozzle clean the needle.

After everything is washed, the equipment should be installed in places, performing action in the reverse order.

Waste removal

Approximately once every three months with erlifta follows produce . For this, the plug is removed, the bucket is installed in which the hose is sent and the pump is turned on.

After all the drains are dumped, the camera will definitely be filled with clean water.

When working on cleaning the active ral stabilizer, it is necessary to wear gloves, and after the completion of the procedure, your hands should be rinsed with soap.

Reviews of Septics Top

Visiting numerous online forums, you can see that users mostly write positive reviews There are practically no negative reviews about this station's septic. They are most often associated with selling or service organizations.

Positive reviews

Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

For the equipment of the sewage at its summer cottage, there were many options. A septic tank caught on the eyes, which is capable of not only to defend all wastewater, but also to actively process them. I especially liked the fact that the equipment is quite small - two and a half meters deep and meter per meter twenty in width and height. That is, it is suitable just for the cottage. We decided to put, and put! What unusual - the device works the compressor to which the electricity needs to be connected. But with it no problem . We launched and already have half-summer use. All perfectly! Water at the outdoor view is clean (specially watched), there is no smell from the system.

Vyacheslav, Moscow

Installed station at the cottage, where it works only in the summer. The remaining months it does not function, but the network is connected. And what is surprising, water in this system is no different from the one that is served in the apartment. When installing the equipment, two pits were dug: one under the topaz, and the other for excess water. I learned that this water is useful for plants and now water the beds only.

Irina Ivanovna, Moscow

In his new country house, I did not want to use a cesspool. Moreover, after visiting the associates, a resistant unpleasant smell remained for a long time. We decided to scatter and buy Top. After installing it, finally Enjoy the smells of nature . Recommended the cleaning system to neighbors. They entered wisely and equipped three houses at home by the Topa-20 device.

Anna Petrova, Moscow

For a long time, a cesspool was used in the country and, of course, suffered with her. Now installed Topa, which seemed to us with the riding of civilization. Connected a shower cabin and washing machine to it. Withstand!

Nikita Sergeevich, Pushkino

We have a big family, so it's often to wash and a lot. To drain and clean the sewerage, we use Topa. Sometimes after the big washing it floods. I want to give advice that in this case you do not need to rush with a call to the master. The system itself will redistribute all over the day. And yet - it is impossible to use chlorine-containing bleaching.

Ulyana Petrov, Pskov

Negative feedback

Septic Topa: Description, Positive and Negative Reviews

Two days after the installation of Topasa, the water in the device did not get into that compartment, poured compressors, as a result of which the plug knocked in the house. The malfunction was eliminated. Some time later, the system began to pass water through the seam, metallic parts were oxidized, as a result of which compressors broke. Technicians waited long. Hired local guys, which for 9000 rubles cleaned cameras and Replaced all details . Septic works, but I lost the right to its warranty service.

Semen Alekseevich, Yekaterinburg

I want to leave a negative feedback about Los Topa, which I have for about three years. All this time at the system breaks something. Most often comes in a malfunction of the float, as a result of which cameras are overwhelmed, and The electrical part of the device is charged . Sometimes the overflow is clogged between compartments. Almost every two months I have to change any detail on this septic.

Peter, Voronezh

For almost a month, we use the cleaning system to topaz. And all this time from the reservoir comes the rotten smell, and the wastewater at the exit of the mercury.

Svetlana, Moscow

Septic bought approximately four years ago. Recently, they noticed that the drains became muddy. Opened the container and saw that the first compartment was filled. I had to call the Master, who took the money for his work. And promised that the station will work without pumping.

Elena, St. Petersburg

Curved positive feedback, installed Los Topas-8 and He got a bunch of problems . They installed the septic tank in the summer in the summer, in the winter they did not use, and in the spring the whole design surfaced from the pit. Of course, all the pipes that were connected to the device were damaged. It turns out that the septic tank had to skip, and on the bottom of the well, lay a plate with eye pieces.

Andrei, Moscow region

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