Brick imitation do it yourself


Brick imitation do it yourself

Decorative imitation of brickwork lately gains increasing popularity. First, the brick wall makes the room more cozy, homemade. Even in a noisy urban apartment there is a feeling that you are in a country house. Secondly, brick walls - an integral attribute of many stylistics. For example, the Loft Interior involves the mandatory presence of a brick wall. Make this wall with your own hands is easy. There are several options to embody her. You can choose the one that will seem most acceptable to you.

Brick imitation of gypsum

Imitation of bricks from plaster is the most common way that is choosing almost all the masters. To realize it with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  1. Gypsum and the container in which you will breed it.
  2. Tile glue.
  3. Soap solution or vaseline.
  4. Brush and paint.
  5. Level.
  6. Molding with perfectly smooth walls and bottom. It can be made with his own hands from moisture-resistant plywood and wooden bars, but do not forget to treat all seams with moisture-resistant silicone sealant.

So, first of all, you need to choose (or make with your own hands) the correct form. Much depends on its size. If your decorative brick will come out too thin, it will eventually break, and if too thick, then you will spend a lot of plaster on it, and this waste will be completely unjustified. The ideal height of the form varies within 0.5-2 cm.

When the form is chosen, it is necessary to prepare a gypsum solution. To do this, we need to dissolve gypsum water to the consistency of thick sour cream and mix it well. Before pouring the mixture into the molds, they need to thoroughly wrap with soap solution or vaseline, otherwise you simply do not extend your bricks from the forms. When you board the mixture, crush it with any flat object (for example, by the usual ruler).

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Brick imitation is dry enough for 20 minutes. After this time, you can safely turn the shape and get the finished product from it. Now brick can be painted in any desired color. So that it looks as natural as possible, it is better to apply at least three layers of paint. Depending on the desired result, you can additionally open the brick lacquer.

After that, you can proceed to the next step of work - the wall design and the creation of masonry imitation. To do this, you need to post the wall using the level and start the laying from the bottom. It is best to lay tiles in a checker order. It is necessary to mount them on the tile glue, which is applied to the wall with a special gear spatula.

Brick imitation do it yourself

Ceiling tiles bricks

In order to make brickwork on this technology, you will need one-time ceiling tiles of polystyrene foam. The perfect size of future products is 7 cm for 15 cm. In this case, bricks on the masonry will look most natural. To cut such bricks on the tile, it must first be placed in a pencil or handle, then to the toothpick to go through the future cut and after that an acute flat plank "squeeze" bricks. Such a bar can be made, for example, from the lid of a rectangular canning can.

Fasten similar bricks to the wall best glue for ceramic tiles. Between bricks, you need to leave small gaps (no more than 1.5 mm). When you paint the wall, try to make paint in the gaps. It will make the design more natural.

Brick imitation do it yourself

Painting wall

Both first, and the second work method requires the subsequent coloring of your brick wall. Natural view of bricks will depend on properly selected paint. In order to achieve an ideal shade, mix the light and red okhru, and then spread it with a small amount of Belil.

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The method of applying paint is also important. The most realistic will look tamponation. This technique is to apply a thick paint on the wall using a washcloth.

At the final stage of work, you need a shade of paint called "Luggage bone". Well to spread this paint (it should be liquid) and apply in small quantities, splashing it on the wall using a conventional toothbrush.

Brick imitation do it yourself

The most simple ways

If the above brick imitation techniques listed above are not suitable for any reason, you can choose one of the following ways. All of them are extremely simple, and a person will be able to fulfill them without experience like this:

  1. Use of finished decorative panels. This is perhaps the easiest option. Some building stores sell ready-made panels with brick imitation. You only stay to prepare the wall, apply glue and collect "mosaic" from pieces of panels.

    Brick imitation do it yourself

  2. Powing textured wallpaper. Modern technologies allow even the most common wallpapers to make incredibly similar to brickwork. Such an effect is achieved due to special tensions. At the same time, you have a choice between conventional paper wallpaper and washing on a vinyl or phlizilin basis. So you can choose the option and for the bedroom, and for the kitchen. Glue similar wallpaper should be the same as the most ordinary.

    Brick imitation do it yourself

  3. Embossing stencil. For similar imitation of bricks in a construction store, you need to purchase a special rubber or polymer stencil. The wall must be covered with a thick layer of plaster, stencil moisten with water and press the wall, and then remove carefully. On the plaster there will remain a print mamping brickwork. In this paper, it is very important to observe the boundaries of the seams and transfer the stencil from place to place very carefully. When the plaster is driving, it must be painted. Do not forget when the paint on the plaster dries out, its color becomes darker for several tones.

    Brick imitation do it yourself

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