What chandelier to choose in the kitchen: a combination of style and practicality (+43 photo options)


What chandelier to choose to the kitchen so that it creates cozy or bright lighting, harmoniously looked and did not lose an attractive look in a short time? Let's figure out what criteria you need to navigate.

Selection of the design of the lamp

To choose the perfect kitchen chandelier, you need to think not only about her design, but also about practicality. Its form and dimensions depend on the design, it affects the ease of installation (which is important if you perform it yourself) and the care is washing and changing the lamps. Features of the two most popular types of chandeliers for kitchen are shown in the table.

White chairs

NameType of fasteningDimensionsFeaturesExamples of design
SuspendedCase on suspension (chains, cord or string), which is attached to the hook in the ceilingFrom medium to largeEasy to install, change lamps, wash, suspension can be adjustedClassic chandelier with rich decor, relevant and in the interior living room, cozy lampshade for dining area kitchen
CeilingCase-ceiling, which is connected to the mounting elements close to the ceilingFrom small to mediumTo replace lamps and cleaning the case, you need to completely remove the ceilingSmall chandeliers of geometric shapes in laconic, modern or ethnic style

Tip! For close kitchen with low ceilings, suspended chandeliers are better to choose with caution: too large or small size will emphasize the limitations of the space even in the most thoughtful interior, and the lowest light source will cause discomfort.

Issues of replacement lamps

The following types of lamps use in modern lamps, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Incandescent lamps - the usual option, give warm light, but require frequent shift and uneconomical despite the low price;
  • Luminescent and LED lamps that will cost more, but will spend less electricity, and a comfortable color temperature will have to be chosen;
  • The halogen lamps of miniature sizes are the rarest option, they give a very bright light and serve for a long time, but heated when the incandescent lamps are stronger, it is expensive and require special disposal measures.

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suspended ceiling

Tip! Regardless of what type you decide to choose, make sure that the lamp does not need lamps with a rare size, shape, type of base or unpopular power values.

Kitchen area and functional location

To choose a suitable kitchen lamp, you need to analyze the mutual location of the functional zones and take into account the shape and area of ​​the room.


What chandelier to install in a small kitchen, in form close to the square? There will be a single powerful light source in the center of the ceiling. If you wish, it can be added to the backlight in the working or dining area (if the family is not going at the table in the living room or another room).

Lamp over the table

Middle and spacious

In a more spacious room, the chandelier is better to arrange over the dining table, not lower than at an altitude of 1.2-1.4 m from him so that people sitting behind him did not have discomfort. For the working surfaces in this case, additional local lighting will be needed. This option will be more practical than the placement of the main source of light exactly in the center of the room, where there is nothing important.

black and white kitchen

Tip! On a spacious kitchen with a large variety in the interior, creativity can be shown, for example, the original chandelier with flames in the form of wine glasses will well look in the delirium above the bar.


In a narrow long room, it will be more good to look like a not compact lamp, and a more modern version of it consisting of several light sources on one line. It will allow you to more evenly illuminate the extended form room, especially if the working and dining area is separated by different parts. Lighting in the center is not so important. Another reception suitable for this case is the use of two or more identical luminaires located in a row. What chandelier to choose in the kitchen-studio? Both of these methods are suitable for zoning space in studio apartments, where the kitchen does not separate the walls from the living room: the light curtain will serve as a functional and aesthetic boundary between them.

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Blue apron

Lighting brightness

For maximum comfort, the lighting intensity should be sufficient: too bright or dim light will act oppressively. In order to implement this in practice, the average lighting norms are used for different types of lamps in kitchen lamps. They make up 15-20 W / m2 for incandescent lamps, 3-5 W / m2 for luminescent and 2-3 W / m2 for LED lamps. It is easy to calculate that for lighting the kitchen, for example, with an area of ​​10 m2, two LED bulbs with a capacity of 15 W will be required.

Important! The darker of color are used in the interior, the brighter the lamps should shine.

Crane and washing

It is useful to provide and the ability to control the brightness of the lighting. If during culinary experiments should be as light as possible, then during kitchen gatherings, the muffled light will add comfort and intimacy.

Use the chandelp where you can turn on separate lamps, or a dimmer switch to adjust the incandescent luminance intensity: so you will add atmospheric to your home and you will not consume electricity in vain.

One of the most important criteria for choosing a kitchen lamp is how well he will look in the interior.

Red Apron

What chandelier pick up for different styles

Depending on finishing, kitchen headset and dining group, you can give several recommendations:

  • Laconic kitchen or living rooms in techno, high-tech styles, minimalism or loft require restrained solutions: ceiling chandeliers of graphic shapes or suspended lamps that imitate street lights.

White table and chairs

  • The classic elements in the kitchen interior will emphasize traditional chandeliers with crystal pendants or in the shape of a candelabra, lamps with tissue beams will come to the place in the living room in the style of classicism.

Built-in stove

  • Ethnic oriental and African motifs are well combined with lamps resembling traditional crafts. Authentic decor and natural materials will add comfort and kitchen zone of food intake, and a dining table installed in the living room.

Lamp and lamps

  • Floristic models will be relevant in the interior in the European spirit (Provence, Country, Italian). They can use vegetable motifs made of glass, metal or plastic, or real branches, dry flowers and leaves, pebbles, seashells and other natural materials.

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Multicolored chandeliers

Note! Eclectic techniques and fusion style, representing a mixture of other styles, are always relevant, so not in all cases you need to strive to make sure the lamp in the interior. So, a richly decorated classic chandelier will emphasize the strict beauty of the kitchen in high-tech styles or minimalism due to contrast.

How to choose a color

To select the coloring of the housing or the lamp in the kitchen or dining table in the living room, you can use one of the considerations:

  • Support one of the interior colors. You can choose the lamp in the shade, close to the color of the walls, floor, furniture, or kitchen textiles.
  • Create contrast. In the monochrome interior or against the background of muffled tones, a single accent in the form of a bright chandelier will look no less stylish.

Stove and chairs

Take into account the effect of color on the psyche: warm colors look in the kitchen, they are cheating and awakened appetite, and cold help relax and will be more appropriate in the living room, bathroom or bedroom.

Practical materials for kitchen lamps

When choosing a material for a kitchen chandelier, it is necessary to be guided by security and practical considerations. Even powerful hoods are not able to protect it from dust and droplets of fat, so be prepared for regular cleaning.

Glass, metal and plastic are most versatile in care, but with natural materials will have to tinker. If the tree can be protected by varnish, and the wrought surface is mastic, then the fabric and paper will quickly lose a presentable look, and they are unlikely to wash them without damaging. If you are not ready for regular repairs, leave easily dumping materials for the bedroom or living room.

Socket and stove

The best way - Lamps, which provide for protection against splashes and dust, they will extend the life of the light bulbs installed in them, will serve themselves longer and will not require great efforts when washing.

Choose such a chandelier for the kitchen so that it corresponds to all these criteria, it is difficult, so focusing on the main thing - the purchase should please you.

How to choose the chandelier (3 videos)

Types of chandeliers and their accommodation in the kitchen (43 photos)

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Lamp and lamps

Built-in stove

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Blue apron

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

White table and chairs

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Multicolored chandeliers

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Red Apron

Stove and chairs

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Lamp over the table

Socket and stove

black and white kitchen

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

Crane and washing

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

suspended ceiling

We choose the perfect chandelier for the kitchen: Tips and examples

White chairs

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