Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home


It is no secret to anyone that in the modern world people are very scrupulous about the issues of cladding their facade. This finish is performed upon completion of all construction work, and thus wears the final stage when building a house. Very many options for facing materials, I revised until I found the most interesting and suitable for myself. And this material is called - a liquid cork for facing facades. I was immediately surprised by simplicity and at the same time the excellent performance characteristics of the cork coating. Therefore, having become coated and completing all the finishing works on their own, I decided that this information would be interesting to you.

Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid tube for the facade

Acquaintance with Material

Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid facade trim

The cork is completely natural and besides safe, and is made from the cortex of the Mediterranean oak. Raw materials are crushed, and after prespectors. Externally, the cork cover is a liquid conference, which includes water, plug and additive. A huge advantage is that it is well cling to various surfaces, whether they are concrete, brick, asbestos-cement, metal, glass, polystyrene.

Important! With the help of the coating, you can give the walls of naturalness, which is why the liquid probe is actively used for the facades of country houses.

The coating has a bunch of advantages, thanks to which I opted for this material:

  1. The liquid cork is not afraid of the permitting of mold and fungus, and it does not eat rodents.
  2. Even after a long time and despite various negative factors, it does not rot.
  3. Does not attract dust, because it does not have the properties of accumulating static electricity.
  4. Completely safe for humans and animal, because it is environmentally friendly.
  5. The coating has good soundproof properties.
  6. Due to the good heat insulation using a liquid cork, in the winter in the house for longer, heat is preserved, and in the summer of coolness.
  7. The destructive effects of precipitation and UV rays do not affect this finishing fascia.
  8. It is not difficult to prepare the mixture, it is enough to mix all components with a drill with the necessary nozzle.
  9. Rubber, which is located in the cork, provides elasticity and does not allow the presence of microcracks.
  10. Despite the low cost, it looks quite attractive, and, at the request, such a facade can also be painted.

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Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid plug for finishing the facade of the house

Agree, an impressive list - and when I learned that the cork coating reduces the level of electrical and radio wave radiation, which adversely affect the person, was very surprised and did not even immediately believe. But revised some sources, found information that with the help of numerous studies proved: a liquid coating serves as a facade protection from anomalous type of fields and reduces the effect of geopathogenic zone by 80%.

Why the liquid cork

Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid tube for finishing a private house

Of course, having a number of advantages, I want spectes that will help finally make sure that it is necessary to use the liquid cork for facing the house. I want to write a few reasons why the cork cover is so much in demand and popular.

  • No need to be an expert in the matter of facing buildings. It is quite possible to do work yourself, because it is very simple to apply the plug. Thus, it is possible to save on costs and not to attract professional masters.
  • I have already written above that the material is not expensive and, despite this, it has a completely decent appearance. Do not even buy expensive facing materials, you can give the facade a noble view.
  • Having excellent waterproofing, protects the walls of the house from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and thereby can cross even many expensive elements for finishing.
  • Using this method of facing, you can not worry about the outsiders from the outside of the building - the liquid tube is characterized by high sound insulation.
  • The house, decorated with liquid cork, can compete even with the systems of ventilated facades. Thanks to excellent vapor permeability, the greenhouse effect will not be created, and this is difficult to achieve with the help of other materials and have to spend money on creating a mounted ventilated facade.

It is excellent that it does not require preliminary alignment of the walls of the house. You can fix the plug on the surface of different types, and its operation reaches thirty years. It is very profitable taking into account the fact that the liquid cork is both facing material, and thermal insulation at the same time.

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Application technology

Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid plug

Prepare a mixture for applying was very simple, following all tips, I managed to prepare a suitable substance from the first time. In the container with a dry mixture, we need to add water and mix everything using a construction mixer from a drill and a special nozzle. To check the correctness of kneading, you can apply the finished solution to the surface - if the plug is well held, then everything is fine. If the solution is happening, add an even dry mixture, and if on the contrary, then the water. After that, I started directly to apply and want to tell you about the sequence and technology.

Important! An important condition is the need to have a tool that will be applied with a liquid mixture.

  • Only for very running surfaces requires the necessary preparation. In other cases, you do not need to level the facade and close small cracks. Thanks to the good couplings with all kinds of facade, it does not require pre-adaptation under the coating.
  • A liquid mixture is applied with a spray gun, which must be connected to the compressor. I was lucky, because I have long acquired these tools and use them actively, but if you do not have any, you can ask them from someone from friends or acquaintances. I am confident that many motorists have a compressor necessitating.
  • Do not forget that it is necessary to perform all facing work at a temperature of +5 degrees. If it's colder outside, then do not experiment - set aside the process for later.
  • Apply several layers on the facade. Do not even hope that one layer will decide something.

Important! When applying layers, it is necessary not to overdo it. One layer should not be thicker than 4 mm. At one time you can apply a mixture more than 100kq.m.

  • The pistol must be at a distance of about 30-60 cm from the surface of the application. After the first layer is made, you need to wait until the plug is well clipped with the wall, and after apply the next one. On average, there must be at least five hours.
  • The finishing or second layer can be made less than 3 mm.

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Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid wall trimming

Of course, the weather sometimes loves to play a dick joke, but still before starting facing work, I recommend to make sure that the subsequent few days of precipitation is not expected. This factor greatly affects the drying of the facade finish, because the liquid coating should be good. Also, despite the fact that there are no serious preparatory work, it is necessary to clean the wall from the peeling paint and remove fatty oil spots with solvents.

Errors of independent application

Liquid tube for the facade - an excellent solution to facing at home

Liquid plug for finishing the walls of the private house

Finally, I want to warn you from errors that you can do if you decide to fit the facade yourself. All errors can continue to negatively affect the quality of the facade and liquid cork.

You should not completely neglect the preparation of the wall - even though applying and does not require special efforts, it is still better to clean the wall and apply a primer layer. If the wall is wet, then the quality of the facade will suffer very much, so you need to take into account not only the mark of +5 degrees, but also work in dry weather. The composition that will be applied to the wall should be as homogeneous as possible, and the thickness of the layer should be at least 4 mm.

If you manage to take into account all the moments and seriously take the application of a liquid mixture to the facade, the result will not make you wait!

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