Balcony design in the panel house (photo)



Given the small sizes in Khrushchev, the owners of the apartment have to break their heads over how to make a small balcony in a panel house cozy and original.

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

Someone turns the balcony of its apartment to the room to store unnecessary things, and for someone a balcony is a way to increase the space, creating additional, albeit a small room.

Someone turns the balcony of its apartment to the storage room for the storage of unnecessary things, and for someone it is a way to increase the space, creating additional, albeit a small room. It is necessary to make a lot of effort to create an interesting design and interior in Khrushchev.

Warming and finishing work

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

The first thing you need to do is insulate and glazing the room. Walls are insulated using glass gambles, foam blocks, as well as drywall. Each chooses the material on the basis of its financial capabilities, as well as its simplicity.

The first thing you need to do is insulate and glazing the room. Walls are insulated using glass gambles, foam blocks, as well as drywall. Each chooses the material on the basis of its financial capabilities, as well as its simplicity.

Glazing the balcony in different ways. If desired, the window opening can be narrowed by turning the balcony in a full room, but it is not necessary to do this.

After working on insulation and glazing is performed, you can safely move on to the interior of the room. For wall decoration, you can use a wide variety of materials: plaster, putty, paint, tile, plastic or wooden panels, wallpapers, etc. The choice of material for finishing depends on what design you have chosen for yourself. Laminate is often chosen as an outdoor coating. But in addition to this material, you can use linoleum, and tiles, and carpeted coating. Floors can be wooden. If you want to turn into the office, it will be wiser to use laminate. He will complement the interior, make it more stringent. The carpet will be appropriate if the balcony in the future will turn into a small bedroom or children's room.

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Interior design

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

Design in Khrushchev implies primarily reasonable and rational use of space. Because of the small size of the balcony, it is unlikely to be enjoyed.

Design in Khrushchev implies primarily reasonable and rational use of space. Because of the small size, it is unlikely to be enjoyed. Creating an interior, you need to maximize the existing space. For example, the zone of the window sill can perform the role of the table. The balcony can become the place where it will be so pleasant to relax and drink a cup of coffee in the morning. To do this, you only need to expand the window sill zone.

The design should mean compact furniture, which can be easily transferred, folded, move. One of the walls of the balcony can, for example, to build the emblem on a wooden basis, with a built-in drawer, where you can add different things. At the same time, you are not only saving space, but also get a seat for seating. From above, a wooden box is covered with foam rubber and cloth, creating a soft surface on which it will be convenient to sit.

A table for such a room can be plastic, wooden, main, compact. It is possible to fasten it to the wall, thereby saving space. He can be folded, so that if desired it could be hidden into the wall. Relevant on the balcony will be a wicker rocking chair. Thus, you can relax, relax, enjoy views from the window, read your favorite book.

Designers often recommend paying the attention of owners of such balconies to a set of stools that are hiding in each other, as well as on wicker cows that can be used as a table or bedside table.

The interior of the balcony in Khrushchev implies the correct use of the walls. The main rule of such a small room is to use all that you can. So, you can hang on the walls of various lockers, bookshelves, hanger for clothes or bags, all kinds of hooks, etc. An interesting design can assume paintings hanging on the wall or some other applications.

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Selection of material

The design of the walls may be the most diverse. For the office, plastic panels with imitation of wood are well suited. Natural wooden panels can be used, but this option will be more expensive. But, if you still preferred him, do not forget that the tree requires the necessary care and processing. The balcony is quite vulnerable to the room temperature, because it is actually accessing the street. Formed home dampness and humidity can lead to the fact that the material will begin to rot. In order to avoid such incidents, it is necessary to process it with special means.

For the bedroom zone, wallpaper fit well. Now in stores there is a huge selection of wallpaper. The main thing is to take into account that any dark shades will make a visually space even less than it really is. Therefore, to finish the zone it is better to choose the material of light tones that are able to refresh the interior.

Very important in creating a cozy balcony design in Khrushchev have curtains. They can be the most diverse, but there is a major importance to simplicity. The easier, the better. Select the curtains of preferably bright shades, without any patterns and patterns that can visually drag them. Roman curtains are very relevant. It is desirable that they be translucent, then the room will be lighter and easy.

Lighting space

Each person has its own individual taste, someone in the soul is a romantic, someone prefers minimalism and severity of the interior. Lighting the zone is worth paying enough attention. The closed balcony allows you to apply any designer solution in choosing lighting. You can safely combine small chandeliers with luminaires and sconces; You can use them individually and combine each other. The main thing is to withstand everything in one style or choose the lighting devices in colors.

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Lighting, like a lot more in the design, is selected based on the overall style of the finish. For the reading zone, for example, the landsher will fit perfectly. There are LED elements built into the ceiling. The right to choose always remains for you.

It turns out that even such a small room like a balcony in a panel house, you can turn into a cozy and secluded corner, where it will be so pleasant to relax, relax, drink tea, read the book, work at a computer, etc. . Do not be afraid to experiment and then you will definitely work out.

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

Balcony design in the panel house (photo)

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