How easy it is to finish the walls of chipboard


The decoration of the DSP walls makes the room cozy. The more surface is covered by this material, the more carefully the wood should be chosen. The methods of fastening and facing there are two - horizontal and vertical. Chipboard panels for walls are installed on a pre-prepared wood grid of wood.

In order to make the interior in your home a pleasant look and beautiful there are many ways. All of them differ in their decorative properties, appearance and quality. Some materials require careful preparation before they are installed, which entails large financial costs. But if you do not want to spend a lot of money, and at the same time it is pretty an acceptable result, you should pay attention to the chipboard.

How easy it is to finish the walls of chipboard

The decoration of the panels is considered a modern, highly aesthetic and inexpensive embodiment to them acceptable. Due to the difference in forms and colors of the DSP panel can satisfy tastes as much as possible consumers.

Quality and security is determined by the percentage of presence in the resin panels that are necessary for the ligament. To determine their level, there is the following classification: SUPER E stoves are considered very safe, the category E1 allows the resin content of less than 10 mg, and E2 from 10 to 30 mg.

For finishing works in the house you can choose between the types of DPP panels. They are ordinary and special. The second category has a protective coating and is a little better than its fellow.

It also has a special color or can be finished under wood. It is environmentally friendly, the finish can withstand both high loads and temperature differences or humidity.

Pros and cons of chipboard

Like any other material, the chipboard has its advantages and disadvantages compared to other materials. Grouped the main advantages that we get from the use of a chipboard, the following result is formed:

  • Chipboard is a waterproof material;
  • Chipboard - high strength material;
  • The chipboard is easy to handle;
  • It keeps screws and nails for fastening;
  • A small price compared to other materials.

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Wood-chip stove of chips and sawdust, which are impregnated with formaldehyde resins. It is possible to meet it in the construction, furniture manufacturing, in the design of interiors of the premises.

How easy it is to finish the walls of chipboard

The finishing material is created by the hot press method, but some companies consider chipboard environmentally dangerous and even harmful to health. It is not recommended to make cladding in the bathroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen or balcony - that is, in those places where the material can succumb to high levels of moisture or adverse weather conditions.

Panels may vary in shape and size:

  • Typical panels are often called clapboard.
  • Tile panels, square, differ from the lining view, but the attachment method remains the same. Such panels can create various patterns, combining different colors in one composition.
  • Sheet panels can have a drawing or be homogeneous. At first glance, such sheets are similar to Orlamines.

Fastening panels

The wall should be without irregularities, for this requires special preparation of it with the help of wooden gaskets. For the vertical method of fastening the wall, horizontal rails are installed, the distance between them should be 500-800 millimeters. Accordingly, for the horizontal installation of the chipboard, the rake is attached to the wall vertically.

How easy it is to finish the walls of chipboard

They serve as a support for the stove and must be installed quite securely to withstand the load and keep the slab for a long time. Thermal insulation properties of the wall are improved using insulating plates. The thickness of such plates should not exceed the rack thickness, because between them there should be a layer for air ventilation.

The sheathing of the chipboard with an unprotected surface is not applied in the facing due to its toxicity. But in some cases, the use of such slabs is permissible. If still have the need to use them, they must be lined with paper or special film.

If there is no such plating, there must be another way to get rid of the toxicity of the material, for example, with the help of putty and apply a special protective layer on all surfaces.

The decoration of walls with the help of the help of a chipboard does not require special training or professionalism. Stone or concrete walls are prepared, that is, a rush frame is installed on them. Building material is widespread to give aesthetic species as urban apartments and office space.

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How easy it is to finish the walls of chipboard

The installed panels are covered with decorative wax or varnish. The purpose of the use of this type of material is imitation of wood, and the attractiveness of pressed chips is justified by its value. The strength of the wall from the chipboard is not amenable to challenging, because resistance to damage or scratches is verified in practice.

Video "Application of moisture-proof chipboard for wall cladding"

The video shows how to successfully use the chipboard to cover the walls in the kitchen.

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