How to polish furniture at home


Polished furniture has a very "parade" view. It is quite specific, but many like many. The complexity is that the brilliant surface is easy to spoil, and the attractiveness is difficult to return it. Often the only way out is polishing furniture.

How to polish furniture at home

Polished furniture is good in classic interiors

The most common problem is scratches. It is still possible to divide with small oils with special properties. Deep, with damage to wood or veneer, can be removed only with a new polishing (if it is an old Soviet-old furniture coated with nitroloma). To do this, first remove the entire old coating, then apply lacquer and polished completely all the item. That is, polishing of furniture - new or old - occurs on one algorithm, with the only difference that the old layer of varnish has to be deleted.

If the product is newer, it is most likely covered with a thick layer of varnish. If the scratch is deep, but it has not reached veneer or wood, the situation is somewhat simpler. First, the skurt of 80 and 120 is considered a scratched layer. Then grinds all the smallest grain. Next, one two layers of varnish are applied, after drying - polished.

Another case when the polishing of furniture may be required, - when clouding or yellowing varnish. This often happens. The treatment is also not an easy-to remove the old varnish and applying a new one with polishing. Similarly, problems are solved with all other traces that cannot be removed by ordinary means (about restoration of polished, veneered, wooden furniture, read here).

How to polish furniture at home

Can be varnished only on the horizontal surface

Another point: polishing furniture is made only and exclusively in a horizontal position. For this, it is often necessary to disassemble everything. It is difficult, but there is no other way out. You can only work on the horizontal surface.

Preliminary grinding

Furniture polishing is a long process and it begins with grinding. At first, all cracks and other defects are making a suitable spacure on the tree. After its complete drying (the period is indicated on the label) grinding begins.

For polishing a tree or veneer, a grinding machine is best suited. Ribbon Go Disc - the case of taste and preferences, also depends on the complexity of the furniture shape. Also need a set of sandpaper grain from large (80) to very small (1200).

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As a last resort, it may be necessary to come up with a special nozzle (disk and velcro). But when working with it, it is difficult to achieve a really good result - there is no required mobility of the grind-platform, so the result of such a tree polishing will not be higher than the average.

How to polish furniture at home

What might need for the varnishing of furniture

Grinding start from grain 80. They work carefully, removing only large irregularities. Then we repeat the treatment with an eye on 120, then - 180 and 240. Throughout work, it is necessary to periodically remove the dust and inspect the surface, for the identification of irregularities and other defects. Sometimes they are better determined to the touch.

Then we take water and sandpaper with grain 320. Welcome a grinded surface and sandpaper. Again everything is grinding, but already with water. At this stage, there should be a good result - everything should be smooth. If everything suits, moving on if not - some time we grind.


Grounding wooden and veneered surfaces are necessary in order for the varnish to leave. When grinding, we opened most of the pores, freed some part of the fibers. If you immediately cover them with varnish, it will be absorbed unevenly, because of which the surface will go stains. The primer closes most of the pores, so the lacquer will fall evenly.

Primer furniture with a veneer coating can be made in two ways. The first is fast, but accompanied by a strong smell. It is necessary to take a nitroquac or polyurethane varnish, dilute it by 10-20% (depending on the source denotation), cover the surface.

How to polish furniture at home

The primer is needed so that the lacquer lay down

The second way of primer is long, but the right and almost odorless. We take epoxy glue, soft tissue tampon. Better - flannel, preferably - white, so as not to lens and has not changed the color of the furniture. This tampon is rubbed epoxy in veneer.

While everything dries, dust will surely stick on the surface. It must be removed. It can be done in two ways to be in two ways: cyclumin and grinding. If the cyclovka - take an acute blade (you can from a wallpaper knife) and they consider everything too much. In order not to damage the veneer, move the blade along the fibers. With grinding everything is known: the skin with grain 320 and water. The prepared surface is purified from dust, wash with water, dried. After drying, you can apply lacquer.

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Actually, further polishing of furniture may not be needed. Already at this stage, the product looks decent.

Application of varnish

Immediately about what varnishes it is better to use. Alkyd (ticcurila series Unika-Super), polyurethane and water-polymeric (good - Swedish Bask) are considered the best.

Despite the lack of smell, water-based varnish is not the best choice for the first varnish experience. In essence, this is a suspension based on water. But it is not so harmless, as it is considered. In the composition of water-based varnishes, very harmful solvents are present, though in small quantities. Just familiar acetone and others cannot retain a similar composition in a stable state. So you have to use much more "steep" solvents.

This is by the word, and the reason is essentially different - difficulty processing. When applied, water in wood fibers absorbed, they rise. As a result, after the first processing, the surface is far from flat, but very rough. This effect is particularly strongly manifested on products from pine. So, after drying the first layer of varnish on a water basis, we take the ESM or a grinding machine, we cling to her skin with grain 320 and grind to smoothness. If you are lucky, the next layer will fall smoothly and the pile will not rise again, if not, we will have to repeat the operation again. The situation is not fatal, of course, but unpleasant. With the other varnishes, this does not happen.

How to apply lacquer

Now a little about the ways of applying varnish. Professionals believe that the best is spraying from the collapse. Maybe it is and so, but not all the home masters have such a device, and you have to be able to work as a paintopult. From the manual ways of applying a popular way - applying a piece of foam rubber (can be a new kitchen sponge) or tissue tampon (soft, white, white, without a pile). To decide, you need to try, than you are more convenient, as it turns out even (if it turns out at all).

The following method is a small foam roller. Suitable if the simple form surface is packed without small parts (door leaf, for example).

How to polish furniture at home

Brush's varnishes - the most unpopular way

Use with the varnishing of furniture brushes, oddly enough, in the last place. The fact is that it is even difficult to apply a layer of varnish in such a way. Need a good brush with soft, thick, natural bristles, which in no case should have climb.

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Regardless of the selected method of applying varnish, it should be thin, uniform thickness. On the brush / sponge / roller / tampon take a little means, rub on the surface as carefully as possible. Focusing in the lacquer the next time only after the "gun" traces no longer leaves. In this way, we cover the entire surface, leave to be dried.

How to polish furniture at home

Laca layers may need a lot

The applied layer of varnish is not to the end, and the time specified on the varnish packaging in the column "on the lowlight" or "applying the next layer". On average, for water varnishes it is 1 hour, for alkyd - 5 hours. The next layer is applied by the same technique. Total layers are usually from 5 to 9, depending on the quality of veneer and pre-grinding. When the surface becomes absolutely smooth, the lacquer is dried to complete drying - 2-3 days. After that, grinding begins again.

Grinding varnish

The process is the same as when preparing, only skins use with a thinner grain - starting from 400. Grinding necessarily with water - moisten the surface and sandpaper. Having finished processing, secure sandpaper with 600 grains, then from 1000 and 1200.

How to polish furniture at home

Grinding Lac.

This stage is the last before direct polishing. After this treatment, the surface must be absolutely even, uniform, without defects.

Polishing furniture

Final stage - finishing polishing paste. To do this, need a polishing paste. You can use furniture, but more often used automotive. Any suitable, which contains no wax (for example, "anticyrapine"). A good result is given those in which there is at least a small percentage of Teflon. They also smooth small scratches and heterogeneity.

Polishing furniture after applying varnish requires less time than everyone else. For this stage, natural felt will be required - they are rubbed over the surface. In order not to work manually, on the velcro of grinding or ears, fasten the felt circle carved in size. A paste is applied to the polished surface, they include grinders for maximum turns and bring furniture to the desired degree of gloss. With good preparation, really get a mirror surface.

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