Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands


Washing tanks are two species: with manual descent, when water is fed after pressing the drain lever, and automated when the water is automatically supplied at a certain period of time. At home, it is assumed to use the first type of crawled tanks.

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

Repair the shred tank with your own hands for everyone. For this, you can not resort to the help of professional plumbers.

In order for this sanitary equipment to function more effectively, it is necessary to repair the repair, troubleshoot and showfully monitor the flushing system.

Due to the faulty flip tank, the volume of lost water can reach 150 liters per day, which significantly affects the amount of utilities. If the drain system does not function properly or require repair of the toilet bowl, then simple actions will help you save water volume, money and time.

The elementary causes of the disorders of the flushed tank are:

Soap soap toilet bowl with manual descent.

  • depreciation of the mechanism responsible for adjusting the water level;
  • initially incorrectly adjusted float position;
  • displacement of the shutter valve or the float due to hydraulic shocks with the change of water pressure;
  • depressurization of the float;
  • Wearing material float and its mechanical damage.

To adjust and repair the toilet tank to be carried out at the proper level, you will need the following materials and tools:

To repair the plumbing you will need a set of tools: Passatages, adjustable keys, wrenches, screwdrivers, sealant, gaskets, rubber rings.

  • Passatia;
  • adjustable key;
  • tweezers (for individual cases);
  • spanners;
  • pliers;
  • needle or thin wire;
  • screwdriver;
  • Plumbing sealant;
  • Rubber rings;
  • pads;
  • New replacement replacement.

Frequently occurring problems

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

To adjust the float, you should slightly tilt down the suspension bar from the float. The float is properly configured if water flow overlaps when the water level is 1.5 cm. Below the edge of the overflow pipe.

To begin, it is necessary to determine the purpose of adjusting the flue system: you need to reduce the volume of flushing water or reduce it or you need to repair and remove the leakage. To change the amount of washes, it is necessary to remove the tank cover and adjust the position of the float, so that it controls the desired water intake level to its lift. To eliminate the leakage of water from a washable tank, it is necessary to make sure that the float and the plum valve are located in their places smoothly and without distortion, if necessary, the skew should be eliminated. If the listed methods do not help, then you need to look for the cause of leakage. There are cases when water through the tube overflows from the toilet bowl. To prevent this, you need to change the angle of the float or the height of its location. This can be carried out by folding the fusion of the float so that the water in the tank is below the edge of the top of the overflow pipe.

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The release valve must also be verified, for this it is necessary to lift the float as high as possible, while the flap connected to the float must completely overlap the exhaust valve. If, after the manipulations produced, the water continues to flow, then the defective intake valve should be replaced. To repair the valve or its replacement, it is necessary to overlap the water, then unscrew the catch nut on the water supply to the drain tank (the valve also needs to unscrew the fastening nut). The valve is removed, and a new one is installed in its place. For this purpose, all the actions described above are performed in the reverse order.

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

Frequent cause of a cleaning tank problem is clogged with small sand and rust. In this case, the details need to be cleaned thoroughly.

After these actions, it is necessary to include water and check the operation of the new valve. In the case, if it comes to a flip of the old construction, the drain valve may not hold the water in the tank. In such situations, it is repaired and the degree of adherence of "pears" is regulated. For these purposes, the plastic threaded fastener of the drain button is scrolled counterclockwise, the valve itself is set so that it can close the water drain. If the valve served his time and no longer able to influence the result of adjustment, then it is necessary to replace it with a new one.

Phased adjustment of the inside device of the flip tank

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

To reduce the water level in the tank, the float coupling is fixed in a lower position. To do this, squeeze the spring bracket and find the correct position of the clutch on the valve rack.

To adjust the water level in the toilet bowl, do the following: either lift and lower the float, which is inside, or remove the ribbed item, which is attached to the plastic float, and install it at the required level level. In this case, you can be sure that the water will not go through the edge. To resolve the amount of water during washed, this plastic ribbed item must be installed either above or below. Make sure that the type of water is called and the drain is performed qualitatively. Be sure to check whether the water from the tank does not enter the toilet independently, without pressure on the flush button. If this fact takes place, then the reason is the valve. Remove it, unscrew the mount, holding the tube with water, and check the gasket to which the valve puts pressure. This gasket is above the tube. Check if there is no garbage pad. Even a small particle of rust is capable of preventing the normal valve function, so the entire detected garbage must be carefully removed.

Adjusting the drain of the toilet tank, make sure that the tank is not overwhelmed with water. A rubber ring is located between the drain tank and the toilet, it serves as a seal and periodically bears during operation. To replace it, it is enough to turn off the water, remove the worn tank and install the new ring you need.

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How to reduce water flushing

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

To reduce water consumption, bend the brass lever, it will change the float level. If the set of fittings is made of plastic, then to install the float in a given position, the attachment screw is used, which changes the bending of the lever.

In order to save it, you can reduce water costs with each tank washed. Initially, it is worth paying attention to the sets of reinforcement, which are equipped with two drain buttons. A more flexible water consumption is due to the fact that pressing the main button gives a standard eight-liter washout water, and pressing additional - only half, that is, 4 liters.

The moment when water overlaps the valve, determines the consumption of its number . If the lever is brass, then it can be bent, thereby changing the level of the float. If your set of fittings refers to a more modern type and made of plastic, then in it, to install the float position, the fastening screw is used, which changes the bending of the lever. Otherwise, it can be a conventional plastic ratchet holding a float in a given position.

There are cases when the "pear", which overlaps the plums in the tank, does not completely overlap the water completely, which contributes to the constant flow of water from the tank, even in cases where the tank is not full. The repair of the tank drain in a similar situation can be laid to the elementary maneuver: hanging extra weight on the "pear", such as pig-iron clutch, lead weight with a hole in the center or a pair of nuts. An alternative to such diasov is the replacement of pears.

Sharp deterioration process

Adjustment of the volume of the flushed tank with their own hands

If the parts in the tank broke or wear out, you can replace the entire kit.

If your toilet suddenly began to wash off the water, regardless of the amount of water in the tank, then the reason may be hitting a toilet toilet or in the tank release. In frequent cases, this foreign object is the rubber hose from the float valve, which is put on the release of the valve to ensure a silent set of water into the tank. Over time, rubber loses its elasticity. In such cases, the hose itself is removed from the valve and goes into swimming. Most often, after another wash, it is delayed between bowls of toilet bowl and releasing the tank.

In this case, you need to turn off the water, raise a pear and look under it. If a foreign object is detected, the tank adjustment process ends on it. If the hose or other item is visible, but it is not possible to extract it, it is necessary to apply tweezers. If after all manipulations to the source, it is impossible to get to the source, you have to remove the tank. The amount of work is easy: the bolts between the shelf and the tank are unlocked using the passage and the adjustable key, the tank is carefully lifted and put on the toilet, while the flexible wiring can not be disconnected.

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For convenience, it is recommended to put a rag or towel, then a foreign object is extracted from the recess in the shelf. When removing the tank, access to the plum becomes easy. If the tank is not equipped with a shelf and is part of the toilet bowl, then you can get to the strategic area by removing the cuff between the tank and the shelf. Bolts are better to first turn out for the convenience of extracting the cause of the blockage. After the drainage device was cleaned and the tank is waters back into its place, it is necessary to turn on the water and make sure that the system functions normally.

If water does not enter the tank

If water does not flow into the shred tank, overcoat the water and clean the blockage in the narrow part of the float valve.

The reason why water ceased to clogged in the tank, in most cases is clogged by the narrow part of the float valve. It is located in the fastening of the float lever. Most often, the cause of the blockage and clogging of the opening is either the scale, or the sand, lime deposits from water can also create problems. To repair the toilet bowl repair, it is preloaded to overlap the water to the tank, unscrew along with the lever and the float inside the tank part of the plastic valve. The brass valve needs to remove the stud with which the float lever is attached.

The plastic valve is all available, the brass need to pull the lever and the part of the valve, which is responsible for overlapping the water. A foreseeable small (with a diameter of no more than a millimeter) a hole through which the water is gained, it is necessary to clean the needle or thin wire and slightly open the valve in order for the remains of the saration to enter the tank. After the volume of water persists and moves it, you need to open several times and close the valve. This is done to be sure that the slag residues completely retired from the valve. Then the valve is going outdoor when the valve is covered. It remains only to let the water and adjust its level in the tank by the beaches of the float lever.

Regular leakage of water from the tank may be due to such a factor as the spinning button spinning. With regular contact with the button and exposure to it, it can change its position, because pressure and tension constantly turns on the lever. In this case, it is enough to adjust the function of the drain button to the product of the free stroke. Repair works of this type only at first glance seem complex. Almost the same repair and scope of work apply to the manifold of all types of tanks.

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