Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself


When a person enters the house, the largest load is obtained. That is why you need to give the porch of maximum strength and durability. Just facing steps tiles helps to cope with the problem.

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself

Laying tiles do it yourself

Next, we will tell you how to choose plates for finishing the stairs, and in what sequence to do work. We also give recommendations that will help you quickly and efficiently complete the repair and arrangement of the porch.

What conditions for high-quality laying must be observed?

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself

Laying tiles

Facing the porch and steps with plates - a complex process with which no definite skills will not work. If you do not have enough practice, it is better not to put the tile on my own, because it arises the risk of its disappearance, after which the steps will turn into place of high injuries of residents and guests at home.

On the steps and the porch there are a detrimental effects such as:

  • rain;
  • snow;
  • dust;
  • elevated temperatures;
  • Frost, etc.

Therefore, when laying paving slabs on the porch, such conditions must be observed:

  1. Laying steps should be made from reinforced concrete or concrete that will not allow shrinkage and backlash.
  2. The porch needs high-quality moisture protection, so it is necessary to insulate the zone in contact with the soil as possible and increase the rod of the roof.
  3. Use exceptionally high-quality building materials.
  4. Confine the rise of anti-slip coating or tiled with special rubber notches.

How to choose a tile?

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself

Finishing steps tiles

Facing the porch with their own hands paving tiles can be performed from various finishing materials, of which the most popular is considered:

  • clinker cooker;
  • ceramics;
  • concrete tile;
  • Natural or artificial stone.

The clinker plate is the best option for the outdoor design of the stairs, because it is one of the varieties of ceramics. Clinker tile has such advantages regarding the usual ceramic coating:

  • high level of wear resistance and impact resistance;
  • long service life;
  • Low moisture absorption coefficient;
  • frost resistance;
  • Safety of anti-slip surface plate.

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Such positive qualities of clinker tiles are obliged to specific manufacturing technology, as a result of which the surface is covered with a protective layer, which does not lose its attractiveness and is purified by any chemical cleaning agents.

Technical features of clinker tiles are shown below in the table.



Water absorptionNo more than 3.3%
Flexural strength18-22N / mm2.
Surface hardnessGrade 5.
Thermal conductivity0.45-0.6 watt / ms
Strength200 MPa
Density1400-1900kg / m2
ThicknessFrom 8 to 19mm
WeightFrom 16 kg
CostFrom 700 to 3000 rubles / m2

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself


Ceramics in the construction market is presented in a large range, which allows you to create:

  • structural;
  • Relief;
  • glossy;
  • glazed;
  • Convex or on the contrary, a concave surface.

To choose high-quality ceramics plates Follow these recommendations:

  • To avoid trimming tiles, select the size of 30x30 or 30x60cm;
  • For the outer decoration, the paving ceramic tiles use double firing material, which improves its mechanical features;
  • Do not buy material with a class of strength less than 5, and abrasion resistance should be about 4.

Concrete fabric is distinguished by such properties:

  1. moisture resistance;
  2. practicality;
  3. wear resistance;
  4. Long service life.

Concrete steps are prohibited from cleaning with chemicals that can spoil the structure of the canvas or to deform it.

Also on the porch can be put artificial or natural stone. But, pay attention that the cost of artificial stone, not to mention natural, an order of magnitude higher than the cost of plates.

Today, marble marble and granite is increasingly popular. Such plates moisture-resistant, practical in operation and withstand the maximum load and temperature drops.

But, flaws from marble and granite is also there. These include the high cost of the material and the complexity of the installation work, which with their own hands without any help to perform almost impossible.

What sequence work is performed?

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself

Self laying tile

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Laying the plates and facing the steps is performed according to a certain technology, which we will tell on.

Facing the staircase requires the implementation of the preliminary surface preparation, which is the following actions:

  • The porch needs to set the slope and align the screed;
  • Seared substantial damage.

To give the staircase of the slope, it is necessary:

  1. Metal grid lay on the surface of the slabs;
  2. beacons are exhibited;
  3. A solution and glue for plates are applied to the resulting frame, moving from the doors to the steps;
  4. Leave the surface for grazing, as a rule, for a day.

When it passes 24 hours from the moment of the fill of the concrete, the staircase is grinning, they drag and smell defects if they are formed.

Subsequent cladding and laying of tiles with their own hands is performed in such a session:

  • The surface is cleared of garbage and other contaminants;
  • primer is applied or a water-adhesive solution based on PVA;
  • Works stop for half an hour to dry the surface;
  • The tile locked around the perimeter of the staircase (start from the door from the door, so that trimming were on the edge of the steps, and not at the entrance to the house, so they will be less noticeable).

So that the tile lay exactly, the glue layer should not exceed 10 mm, and all the gaps between the canvases must be filled with a solution.

Please note if the tile is fixed not well enough, it must be removed, remove the old glue composition and apply a new one in sufficient quantities, then press the surface again.

After the design of the site in front of the house is complete, you can proceed to laying the stoves on the steps, which is performed in such a sequence:

  • So that the stoves were durable, to cover the first riser, you can use a stencil - a corner with a cut from the plate thickness;
  • If the risers are more than 30mm, it must be reinforced by cutting from reinforcement or a metal grid;
  • When the end dries, you can mount the plates on the horizontal plane;
  • When you lay the tiles, keep a certain slope, so that the water is unhindered down;
  • When the steps are lined, you can make ends.

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A day after laying the plates, the seams are made. A mass of liquid glass is suitable for the grout or a frost-resistant special solution.

Corners and protrusions can be separated by metal corners, protective rubber bands or anti-slip finish.

Recommendations for finishing

Laying tiles on the steps of the porch do it yourself

Laying tiles on the porch step

To improve the quality of the facing of the territory at the house, we want to reveal some secrets:

  • Conduct installation plates at a temperature of about 20 ° C;
  • Observe the width of the seams between the tiles from 3 to 4 mm;
  • For applying glue, use triangular trinkets;
  • For firmly fixing plates, use rubber hammers that can be knocked on the surface of the plates for their "rambling";
  • Immediately remove the glue, if he got not at the place of destination by a soft foam sponge, pre-moistened by it with water.

That's all the secrets! We hope with our advice your repair will be held for you as comfortable as possible and the positive result will not wait long for a long time.

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