Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos


Gerdan (or Gaitan) is a cervical decoration woven from beads. The Russian-speaking name Gaitan designated a rope, a woolen thread, on which a cross hung, icon. Gaitan is the decoration originating from the Ukrainian village, where the craftsmen did luxury medallions connected by beaded stripes. Each element of the ornament had a deep meaning and in various fields used their own patterns. We offer you to weave Gerdan from beads, with schemes provided in the article, this occupation will bring you a considerable pleasure. The result will be a magnificent decoration, anticipatory notes of antiquity, but at the same time not lost the relevance and in our time. After all, at the peak of fashion, the ethnic style was reversed again, combining the echoes of the ornaments created by our ancestors.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Beading story

Bead's cradle is an ancient Egypt, where the masters managed to get the glass for the first time. Over time, people learned how to create small beads. They decorated with clothes and household items of rich nobles. Initially, all products were manufactured using the base, and after the invention of the mesh nization, the masters have the opportunity to make independent decorations.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gradually "Beads", i.e., an artificial pearl appeared in Europe. Although uneven muddy beads were actually difficult to call pearls. Italian masters improved glass production technology, bringing it almost to perfection. No wonder Bohemia to this day is considered the center of the glass case. The secret of production tried to close in the factory walls on a separate standing island - Murano. But even the threat of the death penalty did not hold production secrets, and gradually glass plants appeared in other cities of Europe.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Italian, Czech and Japanese beads are considered the highest quality. Manufacturers make it perfectly smooth, calibrated, bright and very resistant to abrasion. To create a high-quality decoration, better choose the material in these manufacturing countries.

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Why are the masters so appreciate tiny beads? They allow you to create unique things that are not afraid of time. This is evidenced by the records of archaeologists, discovered small green beads in the ancient tomb internally internally. At the moment, these products are already over 5.5 thousand years.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Weaving techniques

To weave beautiful Gerdan, you will need:

  • special machine;
  • high-quality beads (better Czech);
  • monofilament;
  • Beaded needle;
  • scissors.

Many craftswomen prefer to weave in the old manner, without a machine. In this case, the canvas turns out softer, flowing. The convenience of this method is that it disappears the need to hide a large amount of threads.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan consists of two parts - a medallion and bead tape.

The tape can be made as a separate detail, consist of two parts or to connect with a medallion during the weaving process. If the parts are woven separately from each other, they are connected by means of threads, powered by beads.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

For the creation of Gerdan, the technique of beading weaving is used. It consists in riding a certain amount of beads and their color ratios (according to the selected scheme). In the second and all subsequent rows of beads are rolled on one in accordance with the pattern. For weaving, masters use the following low scheme.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

The master class, filmed on the video, will help you easily master this technique.

The phased process of setting canvas you can see in photo instructions:

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Work on special equipment

To work on creating decoration, you can use the purchase machine or make it yourself. The execution of hemana on the machine is characterized by simplicity. Homemade equipment can be made it with their own hands. To do this, glue the following design from the cardboard:

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Make small slotes at the base of the sides and strengthen the threads. Their amount should exceed the number of beads in the scheme per unit. The length of the thread must match the wise hand.

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Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

This master class used the following scheme of weaving.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Secure the needle on the cardboard with the working thread, leave the tail 15 cm. Learn beads on it according to the pattern.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Distribute beads so that each bead is between the bases of the foundation.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Grind the needle through the dialed row so that it passes above the base threads. Lightly pull the working thread.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

A further set of rows is carried out similarly. The method of machine weave is ideal for beginner masters, since combines the simplicity and speed of the set.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

The new thread is fixed by holding several times through the previous beagle row. The tail is hiding inside the canvas. Having reached the expansion of the pattern, you need to add work threads. To do this, thread the addition thread into the second needle and stretch it through a series of beads, align and secure the ends on the machine.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Continue to weave according to the scheme.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Ubaulk is done by transmitting edge threads of the base.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

When part of the hedan is ready, it is removed from the homemade machine and the connecting beads are bubbling. Then reinforce on the machine and continue to weave according to the scheme.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

When both halves of the necklace will be woven, they are removed from the machine and combine low beads together. The result you can see in the photo.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Ethno-style decoration is ready.

Selection of patterns

We offer you a small selection of schemes for weaving Gerdan. They will help in creating decorations with Ukrainian motifs, as well as its more modern variations.

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Gerdan from beads with schemes for beginners with photos and videos

Video on the topic

From the following collections of videos, you will learn the subtleties of weaving luxury ornaments in ethnic style.

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