How to make an assembly on the curtains: with the help of a curtain ribbon and manually


The traditional version of the curtains is sliding curtains with a tusle curtain under them. So that such curtains look attractive, they are performed with folds that create the effect of drapery and allow you to beautifully lay out the porter cloth. Folds are obtained thanks to the build of the porter.

How to make an assembly on the curtains: with the help of a curtain ribbon and manually

Special ribbons help create various folds, from simple to the most original.

You can make an assembly on the curtains using a special curtain tape or manually.

The last method gives more opportunities for various design solutions. Drapery can be made asymmetric or such that will fully respond to your designer idea. However, in this case, you will need to make more effort, while the curtain tape allows you to achieve a good result without difficulty.

Types of drapery

Pleats on the canvas can have a different appearance and run differently. Drapery can be one of the following types:

  • one-sided (laid in one specified direction);
  • counter (folds laid towards each other);
  • Bantian (performed the same as the counter, but turns the other side).

How to make an assembly on the curtains: with the help of a curtain ribbon and manually

To create beautiful folds, the ribbon for the curtains should not be touched into different directions, and should be durable.

Any of these types of assembly can be performed manually or with a curtain braid. Make an assembly on the curtains with braid is completely simple. Curtain tape, which is a closed design with ropes inside, sews to the upper edge of the porter. Mounted ropes allow you to create folds on the canvas, for this it is enough to pull over the ropes. Folds need to be distributed evenly throughout the canvase.

The only drawback of this method of registration is the low wear resistance of the rope of the curtain braid. In the event that the ropes are broken, you will have to completely replace the design, and this may affect the appearance of the top of the front side of the porter.

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Manual assembly method

Many believe that only professionals can lay the drapery with their hands. However, it is not. This method of registration is more reliable and durable, since the ropes of the curtain ribbon can be broken. To embody this method, you will need to spend more time, but the result is worth it.

Before starting work, you need to calculate how much fabric you need to decorate with drapery. Be sure to measure the length of the cornice with maximum attention. This value determines the length of the curtains. The resulting value must be divided into the number of folds that you plan to lay. As a result, you will have the distance between them. It is not recommended to take it large than 10-14 cm. The optimal depth of the assembly is 14-20 cm.

The selected depth must be multiplied by their quantity, add to the result of the cornice length and 2-4 cm of reserve, which will go to the processing of curtains on the sides. If there is a curtain tape on the porter, and you make the assembly manually, then the ropes from the tape need to be removed, since in this case they will only interfere.

When the material is prepared, you need to hear it in the places of folds at the top of the canvase. This can be done by a manually needle with a thread or use the machine. Pick the thread so that they are not visible on the fabric. Additionally, the curtains can be decorated with buttons in tone or contrasting color, depending on your idea.

Thus, you can now independently make an assembly of the curtains in the way that it will seem more convenient for you and more practical. In any case, the work must be done carefully, so as not to damage the canvas. Before execution, pay attention to the calculation of the required amount of tissue. Drapery The porter will look appropriate in any interior, you can independently determine its delicate depending on their preferences and the overall interior of the room.

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