Handrails for stairs :? varieties, manufacture and installation?


Although the staircase or railings are not always applied, they are sufficiently important and you need to tell about them in detail. The main function of these elements is to ensure the safe and comfortable operation of the staircase. Consider the features of metal, wooden, glass and other handrails for stairs.

Basic staircase requirements

The railing should ensure the safety of the ladder operation, therefore, for the manufacture of these structures, you should be guided by certain requirements:

  • Racks are designed on the first, as well as on the last step of a staircase march. Otherwise it is impossible. All other racks need to be placed between extreme at an equal distance.
  • According to GOST, the height rate for stair fences is not less than 900 mm for internal stairs and no less than 1200 mm for staircases on the street and in children's institutions.
  • Currencies are recommended to do on two racks after 300 mm from direct corners. The rack cannot be in the corner, since in this case the necessary stiffness of the structure is lost.
  • Snip railing should not be excessively wide. It is necessary to provide a convenient capture when moving. The required thickness is approximately 6-8 cm.
  • On the surface of the handrail should not be sowing, sharp corners and other flaws. At the same time, during the production of these items, it is not recommended to use too slippery materials.
  • The number of parapet and rail is calculated from the march width. On narrow stairs, which adjoin the walls, one enclosing structure is allowed, on wider spans - two parapets.
  • In the process of designing railing and stairs for a private house, where small children live, it is better to equip the designs as long as a low handrail, for which the child can comfortably hold.
  • In order for the design to be rigid enough, you need the minimum three attachment points. It is forbidden to install a fence on two racks. Vibration loads will reduce the level of safety and reliability.

Sizes of stair railings and handrails for GOST

Varieties of Peril

The railing can be completely different - they differ in design, manufacturing material and design. Also products vary in shape and fasteners. Before designing the fence, you should familiarize yourself with different types of handrails and explore their features, pros and cons.

By construction

The fences differ in the method of installation of the handrail. Fasteners can be vertical, horizontal or wall. Also, the differences are available in the method of fixing the railing to the ladder itself - allocate fixation to the surface of the stage or to the end.

Types of stair rails by fastening method

The traditional solution is when the handrail is attached to the bassins horizontally. It is on him that the hand slides during the operation of the stairs.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)


In modern interiors, victim or wall handrails are used. Such elements are very comfortable, practical and look stylish. The difference between such chairs from traditional is that they do not depend on whether there is a flight march. The element can be used autonomously.


For mounting a used or wall handrail, you do not need to install support racks and bales. As an independent element, the wall handrail is fixed directly on the wall or fixes to the floor.

The handrails of this type can be used as a railing replacement and if the staircase surround the outer walls and there is no need for a protective system.

Wailed handrail for stairs

By material

The modern market presents a wide selection of fender systems for stairs. Products differ in appearance due to the variety of materials for manufacture. This or another option is selected based on the financial capabilities of the consumer, the features of the design of the room, where the staircase is installed, as well as depending on the type of construction.

The most popular options for stair railings:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • forged;
  • glass;
  • from PVC;
  • Concrete.

Types of railing for stairs

Consider more than the differences in the products from various materials, the advantages of their installation and other important characteristics.

Article on the topic: What tile to choose for the stairs in the house: types of facing material


Metal is best suited for the manufacture of similar protective structures. This is a very strong and reliable material that allows you to get aesthetically attractive and durable railing, resistant to various external influences. In addition, you can easily perform any metal processing.

Main types of metals and alloys for the production of railing and handrails:

  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • stainless steel;
  • cast iron.

The choice of one or another metal is affected by the mass of factors, but the most important is the purpose of the product. According to the manufacturing technology, you can select prefabricated structures, forged, welded solutions. For the construction of outdoor fences, stainless steel railing is used - nickel plated railing is well obtained from it. Speeciously look in the interior and ordinary steel products.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

In old entrances, cast iron products can be seen as a fence. They are distinguished by strength and durability, can be combined (racks and bales of cast iron, and the handrail is made of wood) and solid. Most often there are stairs completely from the cast iron.

Staircase with cast-iron railings

Aluminum is more suitable for the manufacture of handrails indoors. Due to the characteristics of the material, the design may have a complicated form. Such products most often do not have any special design - material is mainly used in mass production.

Staircase with aluminum railings

The iron, unlike aluminum, is difficult to be processed without the presence of special equipment and is badly suitable for products made by their own hands.

Welded iron railing for stairs

Stainless steel

Stainless steel - the most optimal option for the production of modern railing. You can see such products on any construction objects. Products are very popular, and popularity is caused by excellent performance, decorative properties, manufacturing speed, simplicity of installation.

Using stainless steel, it is possible to achieve any designer and design solutions.

Stainless steel staircase

Finished stainless steel products can be several types - classic options and solutions based on glass and struts. It is possible to make such products individually, since each of the fences are taken into account specific features.

Racks, as well as handrails made of stainless steel pipe. The material in the process of manufacture is cut in size, deformed and polished. Sometimes factory technologies and solutions can be used, but the presence of additional elements, namely glass, handrails, holders, riglels, flanges, swivel and decorative elements can only be customized individually.

Stainless steel railing elements

Installation of such products does not take much time, and the process is not complicated - installers will easily cope with it even with small experience. All design details are connected by argon-arc welding technology. Fasteners and joints are grinding and polished.

Staircases used in conditions of change of temperature and high humidity are made of AISI316 stainless steel. Balaasins, as well as racks make from AISI 304 or 304L.

Stainless item

Since the basis of the alloy is a chrome in an amount of 19%, this material has a lot of advantages:

  • High anti-corrosion metal durability due to the presence of chromium. This type of fence can be installed in the pools, on the streets, on the marins.
  • Rental products have a homogeneous structure that is restored after machining or influences.
  • Surface layers are not susceptible to wear due to the absence of any types of coatings.
  • This species has become highly durable and easily connected by welding.
  • With these railing, any interior will be able to seriously transform, whether it is a classic or high-tech.

Stainless steel railing

From PVC.

Polyvinyl chloride is a completely safe polymeric material for humans. It enters a group of thermoplastics. It produces a lot of various products, including the railing. Polymer handrails can be round, oval and curly. Semi-finished product comes in the form of 6 m long blanks.

PVC handrail has different color options - this is black, mahogany, oak, wenge, pine, nut. Stairs of the stairs must correspond to the color of the handrail.

Handrails for PVC stairs

The material is easily processed and is an excellent alternative wood. PVC railings are designed to install in the interior. The material does not withstand the effects of sun rays - when heated plastic handrails can be deformed.

It should be borne in mind that the bulk of these products is produced in China. Companies that produce this product are not delivered by regular graphics. Therefore, the warehouses can not always find what you need. At the price of PVC are more expensive than metal.

Article on the topic: Options for performing aluminum stairs and their features | +55 photo models

PVC handrails for stairs

Plastic has a lot of advantages:

  • Good alternative to wooden solutions. PVC products can be installed inside a private house or in the apartment, as well as on the street.
  • Universality and aesthetics. The staircase with plastic railings can be entered into classic and modern interiors.
  • The possibility of arranging spiral and screw stairs. Polyvinyl chloride handrails are what is needed for such structures.
  • Plastic allows you to get the handrails of complex forms. PVC is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees, and then get the desired product.

PVC handrails for screw staircase


Wood - classic among all other materials. But the handrails are suitable for installation only indoors. The unique texture of the tree fills the interior with special warmth and comfort. This will not give metal and plastic products. Unlike steel parts, the tree is easily and simply processed, so you can make a design even with your own hands - even non-professionals can cope with such works.

Staircase with wooden railing

Additional advantages include:

  • Product strength with properly performed calculations and installation work.
  • The ecological purity of the tree - the staircase with the railings does not have any harmful effects on the body.
  • A high level of safety and comfort of using wooden handrails.
  • The tree has a natural beauty that cannot be obtained using other materials.
  • Due to the softness of the wood from it, you can make curly elements of any complexity and perform threads.

Staircase with beautiful carved railing

In contrast to the metal, wooden solutions are not heated in the sun, and it is impossible to stick to them in the frost. This may seem a strange adult person, but relevant for families with children.


Many have accustomed to see welded metal stairs and accessories to them. But the metal can be processed differently. Such a technology as forging is widely used in the production of railings and handrails to stairs and allows you to get very interesting models.

Wrought stair railing

Wrought metal products are distinguished by exquisite design and complex manufacturing technology. Mass production is impossible and this railing group is made only on individual orders.

A variety of finishes are available to the selection - from light openwork fences to massive and reliable. The forging gives any fencing a special charm of antiquity and seriousness.



Glass at the expense of its characteristics is perfectly suitable as a railing. In combination with stainless steel, the protective properties of glass is very high as external qualities. However, do it yourself such a product will not work. Manufacturers are equipped with a staircase with glass rails with accessories and accessories made of matte or polished stainless steel.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

You can choose from three types of solutions:

  • Glass fences for stairs combined with stainless steel.

Glass Fencing For Stainless Steel Stainless Steel

  • Glass on a point fastener.


  • Glass fences on a trap profile.

Glass Fencing on the Tube Profile

In the fences for stairs, several types of glass are used, namely: tempered glass 6-18 mm in thickness and glass-triplex from 8 mm and more.

Also, glass can be transparent or clarified. The texture may be matte or tinted.

Fencing for ladder from matte glass


As the basis, ordinary, but durable steel can be used. Then the product is covered with chromium on galvanic technology. Do not confuse chrome details with stainless steel. Although the appearance is similar, but the difference is big. The stainless steel is glittered by itself, and chrome coating is only a coating of a black metal.

Handrails from chrome steel

Chrome fencing is universally, durable, steady to a variety of effects. The color of the coating does not change from long and intensive operation. The handrails are suitable for installation in a private house or office. It is possible to make a product of any form.

Details are distinguished by a magnificent appearance. Elements polished to shine have a unique design and become the basis of any interiors.

Ladder with chrome railing

Apply chromium in one of the following ways: diffusion or electrolysis. The first option is not suitable for home conditions, but to get a chrome-plated coating with electrolysis is quite possible. After the procedure, the details become simply shiny. We need simple components - chromium, electrolyte from the battery and the power supply.

You can chromate forged constructions, but most often chrome covers modern stairs and accessories.

Chrome stairs components

In the video: Combined balasins for the fence for the stairs.

Manufacture of wooden fences

For the stairs in a private house, it is better to choose forged or wooden railing, as it is possible to make it with your own hands. A variety of options is so great that it will not be difficult to choose the option that perfectly fit into the interior. However, if you are an inexperienced master, the easiest way to start with the details of the tree is more economical and easy to manufacture material.

Article on the topic: How to choose a ladder-ladder: a variety of options and advice of professionals

Step number 1 - Drawing up a plan scheme

To develop a project, you need to know the parameters of the ladder and take into account the rules and connectors specified at the beginning of the article. Nothing else will need. Make a fence is not more difficult than putting a fence. Below is an exemplary assembly scheme for the staircase, which you can take the basis.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Step number 2 - Wood selection

The correct selection of the tree breed is the guarantee of reliability and safety design. For the manufacture of handrails and fences, you can use pine, oak, beech:

  • Pine is cheap and therefore popular. With a small price of performance, this wood has high enough. For treating pine, you do not need a special or expensive tool. In terms of competent treatment, the pine may normally look, but such wood highlights the resin and is distinguished by a low density.

Bars of pine

  • Oak will fit perfectly. If there are machine tools from oak, you can build a whole staircase in the house. The material is durable and highly valued around the world, has an attractive appearance. Minus - price. The structure of the oak is porous, which is not very good.

Bruks from Duba

  • Beech is a good oak replacement. Such wood will cost cheaper than oak, and the operational characteristics at the same level.

Bruis from Buka

Stage No. 3 - Balasine Production

Balyasits can be flat or volumetric. In the first case, the fence resembles a fence. For the manufacture, we need the appropriate billets, sketch and a suitable pattern.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

The drawing is transferred to the workpiece and further cut the jigsaw. When the ornament is ready, performing finishing processing.

Production of flat bassine

On the video: Balyasina do it yourself from the board.

Machines will be needed to work with volumetric balusters. You can use manual milling mills or milling machines CNC, or machines with a copier. Most often used conventional lathes, but when there is a lot of bassine, it is not effective.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Production of volumetric bassine is a rather complicated process. To begin with, it should be repeated from the size of the staircase - the number of racks that must be manufactured are depends on it. The height of the product is a difference between the overall height and the thickness of the handrail, the thickness of the coating of the steps. Most often, the height ranges from 650 to 1000 mm. Next, it remains to choose a design, write a CNC machine program or pull the product.

Production of Balyasin on CNC

Stage №4 - Installation of the Handrail

The handrail is the part of the fence for which the ladder holds during the operation. Traditionally, this is a semicircular beam or oval profile. Its length corresponds to the length of the design. The profile can be any, most importantly is a thorough grinding of the element.

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Consign the handrail can be in various ways: with the help of waders and threaded studs using auxiliary bar, on spikes. The most convenient ways are with the help of auxiliary plank and waders. In the case of the plank, the mount is carried out on the tapping screw.

The bar is cut with a spike in the shape of a groove at the bottom of the railing. A smooth side of the bar is placed on balusters. Then the screws are attached. The planks are attached not only by self-draws, but also nails - to whom more convenient. Then the upper part of the bar is drained with glue and the decorative part of the handrail is attached to the glue.

Installing the handrail for balasins do it yourself

Step No. 5 - Balaasine Fastening to Steps

Basp balusters to the steps of the staircase can also be in various ways. Experts use specks, studs with carvings, screws and screws. All these methods do not differ in difficulty. The wars are wooden plugs that are inserted into the pre-prepared holes on the steps, and the connected elements are securely connected. It is suitable only for wooden structures.

Installation of Balyasin on a wooden staircase

After performing all the operations described, high-quality railing in the house or apartment will turn out. All dummy connections are recommended to miss joinery glue. Then after all installation work, it remains only to perform decorative processing of the resulting design.

Installation of metal railing (2 video)

Stairs with beautiful railing for every taste (86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

Staircase railing and handrails: main varieties, manufacture and installation (+86 photos)

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