Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?


The decoration of the walls is not only the pasting of premises with wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster and other, it all applies to a greater extent to the internal works. But there is also an outer part of the wall, which also often needs to decorate. An excellent version of the decor is cladding wall bricks.

Advantages of bricks

Brick, like a material, a simple simple, but in fact, it is very and very different. With its use, not only decorated, but also build whole buildings. Of course, as the main material, it is no longer so popular, due to the appearance of cheaper building materials for construction, such as aerated concrete, but as a facing, there is no equal yet.

Why choose a brick for lining of the walls of your home? There are several reasons for this. Thanks to attractive appearance, and a variety of forms and shades, with the help of bricks, you can make even the most dull and dilapidated building, new. Speaking "new", we are not talking about purely visual perception, the brick is able to extend the life, any building, at least fifty years.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

In addition, cladding walls with brick, protects the building from the negative impact of the external environment, from winds, rains and cold. This is a very strong material that is not afraid of temperature drops, and due to its thermal insulation properties, saves on heating.

Thus, using a brick as a facing material, you can make a house built from cheap and practical foam blocks, more respectable in appearance, and protect the building from premature destruction.

Another important advantage of bricks is a huge selection in the construction market. Anyone who wants to make a facade of the facade of their house, can choose the material, to its taste and wallet. Brick prices depend on its species, which are divided by color, shape, and most importantly, according to production technology.

Selection of material

Since we are talking about a brick as a cladding material, then you need to choose it with your taste and presentation of how your home should look after the completion of the work. Of course, the first thing worth paying attention is the color of the brick.

They can be almost any color, but unusual shades for it, like, green, blue, blue, etc., are more characteristic of purely designer material, such bricks are often decorated with furnaces, arches and other similar designs.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

The most common brick colors are, dark brown, which is obtained by adding manganese to clay, yellow and white colors, mixing clay with lime, red brick, get under the firing of a certain grade of clay. All these colors can be combined with each other, their configuration is limited to your fantasy.

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What else can be said over shades, this is that when choosing it is better to buy all the necessary batch at once, in the same place. Otherwise, if, in the process of the facing, it is lacking that the brick is missing, and it will need to buy it, it will be extremely difficult to choose the same shade.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

Bricks are also divided by design. They are full, that is, uniform, and there are hollow, such a brick has several inner through cells. The first brick version is more expensive and heavy, second, respectively, easier, but also cheaper.

In addition to color and design, this material is also divided by their production technology, thanks to which they have different physical properties. For this parameter, they are:

  • Glazed;
  • Ceramic;
  • Clinker;
  • Hyperpressive;
  • Silicate.

Glazed and ceramic bricks

Produced on the same technology. Glazed brick, this is the same ceramics, but susceptible to bulk staining. These are the same bricks about which we talked above, those that can be any color. Therefore, if you need to make a designer drawing on the wall, then without this type of material do not do.


Externally looks like an ordinary brick, but it is much stronger thanks to a special approach to production. Their composition includes a special grade of clay, which when firing, attaches brick incredible strength. Clinker brick species, I recommend using in places of the highest voltage, such as base, door and window openings.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?


The technology of production of this material, implies the absence of firing, clay as so so is not used. Brick is obtained by, very strong pressing of various breeds. Due to this, the material, has the appearance of natural stone, but it is cheaper, and it is better to succumb to processing.

Silicate brick

The most ordinary and usual material. Really cheap and practical, but as a facing, not suitable. It has all the properties, except for a pleasant aesthetic species. Therefore, it is no longer quoted in the construction market as a facing material.

Requirements for foundation

Facing walls with bricks, demanding not only to the material itself, but also to the base, namely, the foundation of the building on which the masonry will be made. I think I do not need to explain that brick is a very heavy material.

Conducting the walls of the walls, you actually build another wall, and it will have tremendous weight, even if the hollow brick is used. It goes, it's better that all this weight has a reliable support in the form of a foundation, and there may be a problem.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

As I said, the facing can be carried out immediately on the building under construction, and it can be used to refresh the "lived" house. In the first case, when building a building, the foundation must be laid out with the calculation of facing laying, it must be expanded for this. Layout such a width so that the facing masonry does not perform for it more than half of its thickness.

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No need to lay the screw pile foundation, it will not be able to withstand the weight of the wall. For this purpose, a concrete foundation, fortified by stones concrete supports, is better.

Important moment! The bearing wall and facing madding must be on one foundation.

But what to do if the building has long been built, and the width of the foundation is missing to build a brick wall on it? Do not worry, from this situation there is a way out, the proof of this can serve hundreds if not thousands of old buildings lined with bricks.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

To expand the base, experts recommend using steel galvanized corners, which are attached to the main foundation, using steel anchors. Consider the corners should have a large cross section to withstand the crazy weight of brick masonry.

Tech masonry bricks

Naturally, the first thing to do before starting work is to calculate the required amount of material. To do this, we need to put a test row of bricks, the desired size, in several rows, and considering the resulting laying height, equate to the height of the carrier wall. Property masonry is performed without using a solution.

Having calculated the required amount of brick, and purchasing the whole game, you can start work. Six the cement-sandy solution, its consistency should be sufficiently thick, for a more reliable clutch, the brick of one with the other. The density of the solution should be such that when you put a brick on it, he should not "swim" on it, "and should, confidently hold on it.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

Observe the distance from the carrier wall when they are cladding, it should be approximately 30 cm. This air pocket is needed for two things, to improve thermal insulation properties, and in order not to accumulate condensate between the walls, this is especially important if wooden facing at home. You will also need these 30 cm if you are planning, the use of insulation like mineral wool or foam, but we will talk about them just below.

So that the masonry does not fall, it must be copped with the bearing wall. The best way to do is use "knitting". This technique implies clogging of metal dowels to the carrier wall every 4-6 rows of bricks, on a width of 50-70 cm from each other. One end of the wire is attached to the hats of dowels, and the second is hiding in the masonry by its width. Thus, part of the load falls on the carrier wall, and gives facing better stability.

Separately, it is worth saying how to lay a brick, when cladding, how to apply a solution. Since our masonry carries in initially decorative properties, the solution layer should be the same and not exceed 10 mm in thickness. Before putting a brick on a cement mixture, you need to wet it, it is necessary so that the material does not take moisture from the solution, thereby worsening its properties.

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Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

Each 6 rows of masonry, check whether the solution hit the outside of the brick, if it takes place, then the mixture must be removed immediately. Otherwise, then this will be done problematic, as well as it increases the risk of salts from the material in pollution places.

Constantly control the level of the wall plane using a horizontal level and a plumb. It is also important to set the right level at the very beginning of work, if this is not done, then the result can be deplorable, up to a complete layout.

To get a good - even tone of the entire plane, the brick must be taken immediately from several packages. Also, after completing the work, you can process the entire wall, chlorine, it will also allow you to set a homogeneous surface color. In the process of work, remove the excess solution from the seams, it needs to be done immediately, because, otherwise, you will have to re-collect forests, and efforts to remove the solution will have to be applied much more.

Warning! Do not work in cold weather. If the air temperature is below 0, then work must be collapsed. The same applies to rain, with its arrival you need to cover the laying and material, collect the tool and wait.

Three-layer walls with brick facing

Three layers of the wall are nothing but a carrier wall, insulation and actually cladding. The most popular insulation is mineral wool and foam, as well as their varieties.

Mineral wool, has the best properties of thermal insulation, but it highlights toxic substances, of course, within the limits of the norm, but they have no toxicity from this. The term of its service is less than the foam. Therefore, it is preferable to use it. So how to disassemble the laying to replace the insulation, I think your plans are not included.

Technology cladding wall brick - how to prevent errors?

Fix the insulation to the bearing wall with the help of plastic anchors, which are called "umbrellas". First, the hole is drilled through the insulation in the bearing wall, the anchor is inserted into the hole, in turn, the expansion rod is clogged into it.

The use of the insulation necessarily provides for the establishment of air circulation between the bearing wall and cladding. Make it very simple. It is necessary during the brick masonry, every 4-5 rows leave one vertical seam empty, that is, leave it without a solution.

Also, the ventilation can be done more "beautifully" using bricks M 150, it must be used during the construction of a cladding, every 4-5 rows, to put it on the side.

Video "Finish house brick"

Look at this video, what result can be achieved using a brick for the inner lining of the walls.

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