Storage of food in winter on the balcony


Urban apartments do not always have a sufficient place for long-term preservation of products or large volumes of vegetables. Moreover, many are now fond of homemade blanks for the winter, so the question arises whether it is possible to store the cooked jam on the balcony in winter. If there is a need to store products not in the apartment to this question, you should come seriously.

The answer to the question

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

On a warmed balcony, you can not be afraid of jars with pickles

If the balcony does not have insulation, but glazed, it is possible to store jam, regardless of whether it will be frost or not. Banks do not give cracks. Only when it comes to enter the jar in the house, it is necessary to give time to acclimatize at room temperature. Jam when exposed to frost does not freeze, but quickly suaches.

Banks with cucumbers and tomatoes can be kept on the balcony before frosts, and then put inside the room, as the brine can freeze, and the bank is bursting.

Paints are well preserved when the temperature ranges from 0 to + 15 ° C, but if the room is raw, the covers can be combed. Especially even if the bottle does not crack, and the liquid will freeze, the taste of the inside the product will be lost. As after any freezing, they become soft.

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

Long storage of preservation is undesirable, even if it is stored correctly. Chemical interactions occur between amino acids, proteins and sugars located in products.

Subsequently, a dark substance is formed on conservation. It does not bring harm, but an appetizing appetizer is lost.

The most optimal shelf life of conservation and jam is two years. Therefore, it is necessary to boil it with so much so that it is possible to store no more than this period.

Storage cereals

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

To avoid problems with flour, as well as the croups are very attentive to be during the purchase. There should be such goods in a dry room in compliance with the norms of humidity. If sticking of flour or cereals is observed, then the products were kept incorrectly.

In addition, small black dots that speak about the presence of bugs can be seen. Check may make it difficult for paper or cardboard boxes, then you need to pay special attention to the production time.

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

How to store cereals at home? You can deliver them in the oven, it will not affect quality, and you can get rid of bugs. Some hostesses advise to keep the croup in the freezer. The cold is destroyed not only for bugs, but also larvae. It is not necessary to keep in the refrigerator for more than four days.

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If you store sugar or cereals, you can take them in the winter to a spacious balcony. Processing Causes with a microwave oven is also effective: send it there for 5 minutes. But, when a new product is received, the procedure should be repeated. Even when compliance with the production of all measures to prevent the appearance of insects, they still have trouble.

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

After buying it is worth a break and remove insect larvae

When buying absolutely clean at first glance, the cereals can be larvae. When the goods come home it is better to immediately move to the glass dishes, but it is not recommended to store cereals in packages from polyethylene. They can "suffocate" and acquire an unpleasant smell, as well as a taste.

There are perforated packages that are also not suitable for storing croup, they can refer to them or infected insects.

Storage bushes

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

The gardener is known that each of the flowers requires a special relationship. How to save correct seedlings? In order for the flower to bloom for a long time and bright, it is not enough to care for it, carefully storage is also important. If you do not dig a rose sapling and leave in cold soil, it may not die, but there will be no bloom. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the place for the proper storage of roses in winter in the basement or refrigerator.


Storage of food in winter on the balcony

You can save bushes from freezing, if you make training on time, which starts from late September or after the first cold weather. Each escape must be cut down in such a way that a twig remains over the soil around half a meter.

The older the bush, the more to cut. Do not allow mistakes to help the counting of the kidneys that remained on the plant, they should be at least eight. Remove from the bush all the remaining leaves and tend a rope branches. Process plant with special means to prevent infections.

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

Need to dig bushes before frost

It follows to dig a bushes when the first small frost appears when at night they reach - 2 ° C, in dry weather. In crude weather it is difficult to clean the roots from the lumps of dirt. If you failed to dig up on time and the bushes remained too wet, they need to dig and put on drying in a warm place for a couple of days, so that it is possible to remove excess soil. When transporting bushes (if the place of storage is far away), they must be tied with the twine to keep the branches in solid.

The soil after the bushes are dugs, it is necessary to swap and treat the tool from the bunign to simplify the planting in the spring.

Storage in tank

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

For storage of seedlings, use any plastic packaging suitable size.

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For storage of seedlings, you can use special containers or plastic buckets. In each individual capacity, put the bushes, one or somewhat in such a way that they are tight to each other. Free space fall asleep with fertilizer. During the execution of this procedure, the bucket should be periodically shaken, so that the Earth slightening tightly and completely covered the roots. Then pour all the water. This option is suitable for those who plan to move rose bushes.

Some gardeners are confident - the flowers should be stored in the sand, as it keeps moisture longer and keeps the constant temperature, which prevents the rapid growth of plants. The organization of preservation is carried out in the same method as with soil.

Storage on racks

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

Roots seedlings before storage thoroughly wash and dry

The basement having special racks to store plants does not need to put tanks with soil. To prevent the formation of diseases and the process of rotting, before the bookmark you should thoroughly wash and dry the racks.

Cove the shelves of shared paper and place seedlings on it. Several times a month inspect and spray roots with water, if a drying is noted.

The humidity of the room must be 90-95%, and the temperature is +2 - 0 ° C. Such climate will help to remain sufficiently moistened, and also retain all the necessary properties. If the temperature is raised to +5, the seedlings can germinate and give the kidneys. It must be reduced, pour roses with cold water or in the cellar to put ice, put next to the bushes. It is impossible to allow ice or snow between bushes, as they immediately begin to mold. Learn more about how to store seedlings in the winter, see this video:

Also should not allow the temperature that goes to -1 ° C. This can lead to the freezing of the Earth, and the roots will disappear. It is better to immediately increase the humidity and cover the plants with a film or other insulation. After the signs of warming, the film is removed.

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Flowers are well stored in a dry, as well as a clean and well-ventilated room.

When mold is detected or mice, it is pre-performing disinfection. After all, otherwise, the seedlings may not transfer the wintering.

In a refrigerator

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

Keep seedlings in the refrigerator at the right temperature

For what reason do you need to store roses in the refrigerator? In winter, when a constant temperature on the balcony exceeds 5 ° C. But, before placing the branches, it is necessary to check whether the mode is encouraged. Making sure that everything is in order, pack the prepared seedlings into packages from polyethylene, but not to tie and not to pull too tightly so that the plant can breathe.

Storage of seedlings will be correct if plants are tight on the shelves tightly to each other. Once a month to check for moisturies and lack of mold. If there is a need to sprinkle with water from the spray and remove the mold that appears. Useful video about storing seedlings:

Storage of flowers

Storage of food in winter on the balcony

If tulips are cut off, then it is better to do it early in the morning or in cloudy weather. The inflorescence should be semi-friendly either in the booton, and the slice is made at an angle. After cutting, it is better to immediately put roses into the water, which will not be very cold, and the tulips and chrysanthemums are better not to lower. If possible, it is better to use resistant tap water and save flowers in a refrigerator or on the balcony. The main thing is to have a permissible temperature - 8 - 10 ° C. Tulips are well preserved in the "dry" form. On how to store bulbous flowers, see this video:

So that the water does not disappear, the "crosant", "bud", etc., and others should be added to it. They have antiseptic properties and supply tulips with the necessary minerals. To purify water, you can use the tablets of activated carbon or put in it a silver coin. A good feeding can serve a diluted sugar with water (1 tsp by 0.5 liters of water). It is also important to change water daily.

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