What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species


In the old days, when the finishing materials were not yet such high quality, as they needed, they needed to be covered with various protective compositions, to increase the service life. Painting accounted for boards, walls, wallpaper. If we consider the wallpaper of the past, then for their physical protection, a varnish was applied, which additionally attached to them glossiness.

Modern wallpaper of various species can also be covered with a special varnish, which will help them resist the adversity. What a wobble lacquer to use and for what types of wallpaper, we just now tell.

What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Not bad solution for many wallpapers

What wallpapers can be used

Pollution of wallpaper can be due to various factors: in the kitchen is a cooking food, in the hallway dirt from the street, in children's tricks. To protect the wallpaper from dirt, you can create a protective film on them on top, and a special varnish is required. It is important to understand in the types of wallpaper and varnish, so that all the activities on the painting of the walls have passed successfully.

Of course, there is a universal lacquer, which is perfectly located on any surface, even on Faneru, at least on the wallpaper. But in order to achieve a maximum result that will last for a long time, it is not better to paint anything ababy than, but to pay attention to the type of wall cover, and pick up the optimal option for it.

What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Use in the children's room of white wallpaper is not the best option requiring additional protection.

Consider the most popular of them in turn:

  • Porous materials, such as paper or phlizelin, are most often subjected to protective compositions. To protect against contamination, paper wallpapers can be coated with various compositions, but the most effective will be acrylic varnish created on a water basis. Water based lacquer is suitable for various wallpapers, it is good to lie on paper and fliesline, they cover the photo wallpaper. It provides high protection against moisture and dirt, and at the same time does not spoil the decorative type of bulk coating. Painting the walls of this paintwork is convenient, work does not take a lot of time.
  • Vinyl wallpaper Conducting an additional protective layer in the vigorous majority of cases. Vinyl and so excellent modern material, easy to carry moisture, and ready for constant washing. An additional layer of varnish, applied from above, can harm the decorative and practical qualities of wallpaper. It is permissible to cover with varnish only foamed vinyl wallpapers, the material of which is the most gentle and vulnerable. The vinyl and hot embossed blades do not need additional processing, so you do not need to paint.
  • Natural wallpapers, such as cork, wooden, bamboo, most often needed additional processing, because they do not particularly tolerate moisture in their natural state. Knowing this, manufacturers of paints and varnishes, prepared a special varnish for each type of material. For example, the usual lacquer is unacceptable for wallpaper from the tube, since it significantly reduces the elasticity of the material, and at the same time it closes the holes and pores through which air passes through the plug. The special composition partly solves these problems. Bamboo wallpapers are not so sensitive, so you can choose any varnish for them, and after the sticker on the walls have passed successfully, the coating should be diagnosed. It is desirable, of course, paint a bamboo with a colorless coating, because it and so has a pleasant color.

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What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Bamboo on the balcony often requires additional protection

  • Whatever varnish you wanted to cover the fabric wallpaper, it will definitely be the wrong decision. You do not extract any benefit from this event, due to the characteristics of this material, but the decorative surface can be ruined on the root. If you still want to try, start painting with varnish in the corner, and you will see how badly reacts the fabric to such processing.
  • Cover the liquid wallpaper varnish can not even use a brush, it is enough to add the composition into the mixture during its preparation. Without a doubt it will be a worthy decision designed to strengthen the performance of the material. Varnish will show particularly well if you use it in the manufacture of liquid wallpapers with your own hands from paper. If you missed the moment, there is nothing terrible, you can also apply a lacquer coating on the finished finish from liquid wallpaper, for this, special compositions are produced. However, in this case, you will have to sweat in order to gently apply lacquer on the entire surface of the wall, with all its flaws and growths. In some cases, liquid wallpaper will even look better, after varnishing.

Note that not every varnish is effective for wall coating and safe. For example, Nitrolac will not only be happy to damage the decorative canvas, but will not bring absolutely no benefit. This lacquer is not used to protect wallpaper, it is impossible to paint.

What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Not the most popular varnish varnish today

However, there are decisions not only finished, some experts create a protective composition on their own from the primary materials. For this, they prepare an original mixture of shellac and borants. It turns out a dark protective composition, which is permissible to apply for similar finishes. It is possible to evil this tool aromatic resin (saunks) and white color pigments.

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The application of varnish primarily implies the creation of a protective layer on a finishing material that protects it from unwanted contacts with the surrounding world. But this is not all the beneficial properties of such a coating:

  • After drying and polymerization, the lacquer coating perfectly opposes moisture, which can be destructive for paper or natural wallpaper.
  • You can always wash the wall with a conventional soap solution to remove dirt and settles, thereby easily maintaining cleanliness and order.
  • Varnish reflects the sunlight, thereby preventing the decorative bulk fabric from burnout. This is a long-known dignity of the material, it is enough to remember how long the lining on the balcony saves its original color.
  • The fortress of the protective layer is a wake-up cloth from mechanical influences, now the wallpaper is not scary scratches, chips, dents.

What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Light walls look beautiful, but quickly dirty, especially in the children's

Of course, I would like to ignore the shortcomings of this way to strengthen the finishing material on the wall, but we say about them:

  • First of all, I would like to note that the lacquer gives glossiness of the surface of the walls, so minor defects get out out. If the walls were prepared well, then such problems will not be viewed, even when sticking extra thin paper, or photo wallpapers.
  • In order to put lacquer on the walls, it needs to buy, and this is an additional repair costs. Of course, they are not very large, compared with the total volume, but it is worth considering.
  • When drying, the lacquer is slightly narrowed, as a result of which he tightened the bulk fabric. In some cases, physics of this process will allow wallpaper joints to disperse.

If you do not embarrass these negative sides, you can safely go to the store for cannor varnish, we will apply it on the walls.

Application and removal

You can do the work on the application of the varnish coating yourself, there are no difficulties in this. Enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to stick wallpaper on the walls. This is done according to the overall strips of sticking. Before lacquering, it is necessary to give glue as you can dry.
  • Excellent if you have a primer composition of transparent color. It can be applied to the bulkboard before varnishing. If there is no soil, you can cover the lacquer wall with wallpaper and so.
  • Varnish coating must be applied in several layers, the minimum is 2-3 layers. In this case, each layer needs to give time to dry.
  • Upon completion of the varnishing and complete lacquer drying, you can slightly polish it with a soft cloth, to make the walls of intricate glitter.

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Having done these works, you will get an excellent result, your lacquered wallpapers will be ready for long-term operation. If they are annoyed or ruled, they can always be removed from the walls.

What varnish can cover the wallpaper of various species

Painted and scared bamboo wallpapers

Dismantling of lacquered wallpaper is longer than the removal of ordinary canvases, for example, vinyl. We can go on two different ways in our work:

  • The first way implies the purification of the lacquer layer using sandpaper with large grain. Then the sweated place is abundantly wetted with water, and after turning, the finishing material is scruplated with a wall with a metal spatula.
  • The second way implies the processing of the surfaces of the walls by specialized compositions, for example, dissolip. To remove the wallpaper from the walls, it is necessary to put the composition in their structure, for this wall pierced with a needle roller. After that, the aforementioned composition of the dissolution is poured, and the canvas are removed from the walls more or less simply.

In conclusion, I would like to note that recently people are not as actively experimenting on finishing materials at home. After all, it is much easier to immediately buy modern vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis, having full-fledged characteristics, and ready to transfer daily washing than to strengthen not the highest quality wall covering. Moreover, painting the walls of the wall is quite a tedious lesson for many of us.

If you need such work, follow the simple instructions described in this article. Special attention is paid to the decorative side of liquid and paper wallpapers, so as not to harm it with a varnish coating.

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