How to keep dry apples at home


How to keep dry apples at home

When the time of blanks for the winter comes, many mistresses think how to make it best. In particular, if we are talking about apples, always gets up: make a jam or make a drying? Let's look together how to save dried apples where they can be stored and how to prevent bugs to the finished drying.

Storage in the apartment

Apples are unique fruits. Their composition includes many microelements and vitamins necessary for normal human life. So, instead of cooking jam, significantly reducing the content of the content of the useful substances in these fruits, it is better to cook drying. So they will continue for a long time and save useful elements in themselves.

It seems especially difficult to find a response to the question where to keep the dried fruits, if you live in an apartment and a little place. Wherever you live and wherever plan to keep dry fruits, you need to know the basic requirements for their location:

  • darkness;
  • cool;
  • dryness;
  • Permanent oxygen access.

It is important to understand that near heat sources the product may be spoiled. If dried fruits are packaged correctly, then the desired amount of oxygen will continue to come to them, and they will not begin to deteriorate and mold.

Important! Never pack drying into polyethylene bags or in plastic containers that are tightly closed. This eliminates the constant access of oxygen, and it means that the product can be spoiled.

Where in the apartment put a container with dried fruits? Here are some options:

  • Drying can be placed on one of the cabinet shelves;
  • In the kitchen in the closet or on the shelf, low on the floor;
  • On the balcony, but provided that there is a low level of humidity.

Tip! Having a drying for storing on the shelf in the kitchen, provide her place away from radiators and furnaces and eliminate contact with the hasty substances.

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Obviously, even in a small apartment there is a place to store such a product. Let's look at how to properly store dried apples, which containers for this use and how to deal with pests.

How to keep dry apples at home

Home storage drying

An ideal option for storing apples after their drying is a rag bag. It can be sewn independently. First, he will protect your workpiece from the penetration of some insects, and secondly, dry apples will be well ventilated and not forbidden.

But how to keep them in a bank? So that the drying felt well in his chosen container, put it up with the bottom of the packaging paper. This will help absorb any dampness that dried fruits can be distinguished.

Tip! In addition to the place where you will store a dry apple blank you need to place a small container with salt. This will eliminate any dampness and protect the apple drying.

How to keep dry apples at home in another container? For this, any baskets, drawers or boxes are also suitable. The most important thing is that they are made of a material that is well transmitting air. For example, folding apple drying into a cardboard box, linger it with paper, and then gradually pour the product. It is best to shift each layer paper.

In order for dried fruits, no bugs and the favorite product did not become unusable, it is necessary to carry out a regular inspection of tanks with drying. It is best to spend it weekly. If you find this problem at the earliest stage, the fruit workpiece will be able to save. Let's talk how it can be done.

Bottling apples on the winters by drying, think about it in advance, what kind of fruit you can provide a suitable storage location. It is better to harvest less, but save all stocks in due state. The same is true of purchased dried fruits. Do not buy more than you have time to consume before the expiration date will expire.

What to do if there are still bugs in the dried apples

It happens that as if we tried to protect our billets from small insect pests, they still come true. What if such a trouble happened to you?

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There are many recipes, how to protect drying from bugs, as well as how to deal with them. Let's find out what kind of cooking recommendations exist so that all living creatures will be attended.

Fruit drying secrets

Before proceeding with the drying of apples, it is necessary to carry out a small prophylaxis. If you prepare your drying of this method, you do not have to look for ways to cope with pests.

  1. Cut apples on slices that will dry.
  2. Rinse them under running water.
  3. Rosen to a weak salt solution.
  4. Place in the container filled with water with vinegar.
  5. After 10 minutes, apple slices need to dry.

If you start the process of drying fruits after such preparatory activities, the mole in the workpiece will not be established. This is due to the fact that in the process of the procedure is destroyed by a sweet smell, which attracts insect pests.

It is also important to take care and that dried apples do not damage no bugs. Let's consider other methods how to deal with insects in dry fruit reserves.

How to keep dry apples at home

Economic soap - assistance in the fight against bugs

This advice is relevant for those owners who store dried apples in rag bags. To cope with a small amount of insects, this bag must be wrapped, applying a household soap. At the same time, soap should not be missed.

Fixing the product, soda it with soap and leave to dry. Dry drying in a dry bag. No insects will be able to endure the smell of the household soap.

After these manipulations, leave dry fruits in the bag for several days. Then the apples need to go through to make sure that the pest is left.

Temperature effect on bugs

As you know, many parasites do not like neither overflow cold, no heat. So you can try to cope with the pests that have appeared, exposing the fruit blank with certain temperatures. How to do it right?

To destroy pests in drying, you can do the following:

  • decompose apple cutting on baking sheets;
  • Additionally, dry in the oven on weak temperatures.

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This method is relevant and if your dried apples suffered badly from pests. But do not forget to carefully sort out drying after heat treatment.

But is it possible to store such fruits in the cold? For a permanent storage location, frosty temperatures are clearly not suitable, but if the product has a bug or other insects, you need to do the following:

  • Place them in the freezer;
  • set the temperature to -15;
  • Leave for several hours.

After the procedure, the apples must be shifted into another container, rinse and dry. Pack them, as before, put the paper and leave stored in a dry cool and ventilated room.

How to keep dry apples at home

When dried fruits should not be saved

Although in some cases it is not worth a hurry to throw away all stocks at the sight of a small amount of moth, but there are cases when it is best to get rid of all dried apples. When is it appropriate?

Undoubtedly, every hostess tries to be economical, but it is not worth saving on the health of your family. If you found a mold on the surface of harvested arrows, with this product it is better to part. Why is it so important?

Some experts conducted a study and concluded that if the mold captured several pieces of product, its disputes had long penetrated into the deep layer. It means that even if you manage to destroy all individual fruits with a visible mold, this does not mean that the pests will not remain anywhere.

Although there are many tips on how to deal with mold, it is not recommended to do this. Even if you manage to quickly destroy all its traces, the cunning enemy will roll inside and can cause significant harm to the body. Interestingly, mold disputes can cause negative symptoms even if you did not eat a splenic product, but simply sniffed it.

How to keep dry apples at home

The video presented below will tell about some tricks of successful storage of dried fruits.

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