Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video


Any woman since birth stretches to beauty to give her surrounding. Cooking - a kind of art, and most girls learns this quickly. But if you do not just file a delicious dish to the table, but to file it unusually decorated, raising the mood, you need to work a little. For this you need only some time and patience. The master class on the decoration of dishes will show with their own hands that such a decor is an interesting and exciting business.

In order to start, it is not necessary to run to the store for special curly knives and fixtures. It is enough to have a vegetable cutter at hand and a couple of sharp knives: big and small. With their help you can make amazing things.

Several rules

You can decorate absolutely all the dishes, both ordinary sandwiches and porridge for breakfast and festive feast. It all depends only on the fantasy of the hostess. But there are some rules:

  • Salads are decorated with the same products from which salad is prepared;
  • No need to decorate all the dishes equally, each must have their own "packaging";
  • Harmoniously combine colors, the food must excite appetite with its own type;
  • No need too many decorations on one plate.

Observing these uncomplicated rules, you can infinitely please and surprise relatives and friends.

Decoration of vegetables and fruit dishes opens a rich space for fantasy owners. Citrus fruits can be combined with meat and fish dishes, the side dishes are decorated with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, and olives and olives are suitable for all dishes. Fruits, mostly cut and beautifully lay out on large dishes, trying to keep the color gamut.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

For example, we provide a small master class on decorating dishes with your own hands.

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These chrysanthemums are made from the usual Beijing cabbage:

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Make such a flower is not difficult: the Kochan of the Beijing cabbage is taken, it is cleared of contaminants and the top is cut. Depending on how long the petals should turn out, so much and leave from the base. Petals of future chrysanthemum are cut into the sharp knife. The knife must be conducted from top to bottom, to the base, watching the intact about 2 cm. Turning the entire Kochan, you need to put it on the cold water for a while, so that the petals fluff out.

In the same way, you can cut the onions and decorate them with a dish with fish, adding lemon chopped with rugs.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

You can not stop at this, but add a color to chrysanthemum.

It should be remembered that only natural dyes are taken in food: beets, carrots, saffron and curry, greens and other products. The juice should be squeezed immediately before use, it cannot be stored.

Depending on how color you need to achieve, the onions are lowered into beet juice for a certain time. The longer keep, the time is color.

Flowers from pepper

Step-by-step photo will help better understand the technique.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Washing bits of bitter peppers are cut along from the tip to the tail. Gently, so as not to spoil the seeds, carved fruit.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

The pod is attached to the shape of the calla petal. Fruit with seeds is inserted into a small hole on the reversal.

Petals can be made of greens or cut out of cucumber.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Decoration of dishes greens

Fluffy twigs of dill, bushes Curly parsley can create a miniature green garden on the dish.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Also for decorations used any greens, which can be eaten: leaves of various lettuce, onions, etc.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Fish dishes are best decorated with dill, and rosemary and thymes are well suitable for meat.

Dish decoration with your own hands: Master class with step-by-step photos and video

Knowing the basics of combinations of dishes and decorations to them, having a little imagination and patience, any mistress will be able to decorate the festive dishes, having the necessary minimum, sharp knives, colored spanks, toothpicks and greens.

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When decorating banquets, the topic of the holiday is taken into account. For a birthday, as a rule, bake a birthday cake, which inserts candles in the number of fulfilled years. At the wedding, the table is decorated with swans, personifying loyalty and love. To decorate banquet tables, usually invite professionals.

Good luck and wonderful mood every day!

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