What is rafters and their installation



What is rafters? This is a scope roof system consisting of inclined beams, vertical racks and pods. A common geometric figure of construction that provides maximum stability is a triangle. By type, these designs are divided into hanging and ulissions. They have both advantages and disadvantages.

What is rafters and their installation

The device of the rafter system.

Current and hanging

Slot rafters.

The elements of the rafted are based on the walls of the building, and the middle part - to the strapping of the intermediate value, which, of course, involves the design of the house with the middle wall, or it is suitable from the pillars in the attic.

Similar rafters are allowed to install in their own homes, where attic rooms do not exceed the widths of 6.5 m. And additional supports will enable it. The plus of this type is the ease of construction.

Hanging rafters.

What is rafters and their installation

Hanging and sleeve rafters.

Ends of rafters are based on Mauerlat - support element made around the perimeter. In this role, the upper crown of the house, made of timber or logs. It can be performed throughout the perimeter at home or only under the rafyled. If the house is built of brick, then the support bar must be hidden by brick masonry. Between two textures is laid out a layer of waterproofing, which today is a great set.

The design of the hanging rafters should be designed for light buildings, for "legs", compression, can "break down" walls. The rafters in this case are subject to strapping from below, mounting a metal or wooden protracted design. If the strapping is located above the base, it must be even more reliable.

If more than 8 m is supposed to do, then the rack with a pink is mounted in the design. This and their main advantage is the ability to overlapping a large distance of the spans.

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In order to assemble the upper ends of the rafting design, the skated run is made. It is required for the device of any roof, which involves the scakest option.

Determining the calculation of the load for rafters

To correctly calculate the material consumption and installation of installation, and then the maintenance of the roof, the masters should find out a lot of different factors preceding work. The main one will be the determination of temporal and constant loads on the solry system.

To temporary attributes:

What is rafters and their installation

Subspecies of hanging and sputum rafters.

  • repair roof and people's exit;
  • roofing, cleaning snow, chimneys, etc.;
  • Weather conditions: precipitation, seismic instability, wind.

Continuous loads include the proportion of the house and the roof design as a whole. The wizards or designers of a typical project of the house will not forget to take into account the climatic conditions of the region, and, relying on them, will choose the roof type and, accordingly, the construction of the rafter. This has special tables for which the "formula" of the optimal solution will be found.

Calculation of material for mounting a rafter system

The approximate section for the wooden elements of the island of the roof should be fitted under the following dimensions:

  • Mauerlat - Bar from 100 * 150 mm;
  • Endov and diagonal - 100 * 200 mm;
  • tightening beams - 50 * 150 mm;
  • Racks, Rigel - from 100 * 200 mm;
  • Circular boards - 25 mm.

The list of incomplete, more covering information can be found in the passports of the intended buildings and, depending on the roof design by an individual project.

The necessary actions carried out before the installation of the rafter system include the following:

What is rafters and their installation

Load on rafyled.

  1. All wood design is processed by means of chemical industry from ignition, mold, fungus and insects.
  2. Parts directly in contact with brick masonry or concrete blocks should be subjected to routine or in a different waterproofing.
  3. All fasteners should be processed by anti-corrosion compositions or already be so at the purchase stage.
  4. During the installation of rafters, falling into chimney or ventilation, must be curved at the ends. The place of these pieces set the struts of the same cross section.

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Required tools and materials

These include:
  • actually a timber for construction;
  • ax;
  • saw electric;
  • plane;
  • cord or rope;
  • anchor bolts;
  • staples, sharpened on both sides;
  • Self-tapping screws or nails. We will be needed only in order to grab the strapping. For capital fasteners, they are not suitable.

Mounting Scroll: Recommendations

The arrangement of the roof can go with the use of many technologies, but the essence of the rafter system is one - to arrange the ends on the perimeter and make the appropriate strapping.

After all precautions with wooden elements, check the roof base for protectedness from moisture. If necessary, the second crowns of the second layer of the rubberoid or another insulator are steed. Either Mauerlat is deceived by bituminous mastic and attach to the walls through steel anchors.

What is rafters and their installation

Fastening scheme rafters.

The end of the skunk run, which, in accordance with the roof project, should divide the construction of the rafter system in half. Subsequently, when the roof coverage will be ready, the run will be a certain mark to install the skate.

After that, the installation of rafters from the edges begins, that is, at the opposite ends of the house. This is done in order to check the parallelism of the faces of the bar using the stretch cord. If this did not happen, we can talk about the violation of the technology of the construction of walls. The climb on the ends of the bar makes strictly diagonally so that the adjacent to Mauerlat and the skate bruus was perfect. To further strengthen the reliability of the attachment, you can resort to the help of metal plates or corners.

Then, making sure that extreme legs satisfy the requirement, the average rafters are attached, and also checked for the presence of discrepancies.

To Mauerlat, the rafter system is attracted by a twist from a wire with a cross section of 6 mm.

What is rafters and their installation

Table Select section for rafting legs.

It is done quite rigidly, for no discrepancy with Mauerlat is not allowed. The clamp is carried out by corners or plates.

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The installation step of the rafter is determined by the length of the wooden elements - the thicker and longer the bar, the greater the step. For example, for a breakage of 100 * 250 mm, a distance of 2150 mm from the adjacent one will be required.

The bends and compression in the design are inevitable, so in addition to the rigid fastening you need to make a strapping. It is conducted by the same materials, below or at the skate run. The more reliable there is a strapping, the less chances to fall apart. It will especially be unpleasant when the house will already become a residential. By the way, a strong strapping, made of bolts, made of bolts, can serve as an additional overlap for the arrangement of an attic room.

What is rafters and their installation

Types of rafter systems.

Also, the technology of the installation of the rafter system includes a horizontal battle - stitching a bar strictly parallel to Mauerlat. This element works in the occurrence of loads on the roof - snow, as well as with unrecorded factors for sending the foundation, i.e. the emergency version.

The process of mounting a rafter system can be accelerated if the farms should be done in advance on the roof. But only the masters dealing with the construction of the roofs are not the first time can afford such technology.

Rafters: summarizing

It is not worth a hurry to make the system of rafters with my own hands - everything should be turned carefully, for the roof is the most important element of the house. We need a lot of work on the calculation and formulas relative to the material for rafters. If it takes to this challenge, you should not wait for durability from your own home.

And from the alterations in case of unsuccessful installation of the roof and can go at all. And in the literal, and in the figurative sense. Therefore, if the master is able to make a simple gazebo, this does not mean that the construction of the rafter system will be on his shoulder, but not the gods of the pots burn - it is worth trying.

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

What is rafters and their installation

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