Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment


Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

The union of the balcony and room gives many advantage of the balcony or loggia in the apartment has always been an attractive moment for tenants. And if the balcony in the apartment is not alone, it is considered the most comfortable. Many new buildings, acquiring an apartment with a balcony, immediately begin to dream of the accession of this small space to the main apartment. After all, it gives a lot of pleasant opportunities.

Balcony or Loggia: Additional space for apartment

The most important for the majority, of course, is the increase in the area of ​​residential space in the apartment. Sometimes extra two or three square meters allow you to solve a lot of household problems.

In particular, the accommodation on the attached balcony of the working office allows you to solve the problem with the inability to retire to work or learning. The balcony, combined with the children's room, will be a great place for children's games where you can arrange boxes with toys. Or the wardrobe room on the loggia attached to the bedroom solves the problem with the placement of cabinets and chests for various things. Here you can also place the ironing board, which is always so difficult to attach in small apartments. From the balcony adjacent to the kitchen you can make a bar zone or storage for storage of supplies. The easiest and most pleasant solution for the balcony or loggia will be placed there of recreation rooms and relaxation.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

By combining the balcony and room, you can get, for example, a cozy office study

Comfortable chairs in combination of a beautiful view in large windows make it possible to relax, drinking a cup of tea or another favorite drink at any time of the year.

In this interior, various indoor plants can accommodate perfectly, creating the visibility of the flowering garden outside the city.

However, not everyone understands with what difficulties they will have to face when implementing the conceived - the union of the balcony with the room.

To begin, it should be understood that the balcony and the loggia are not exactly the same thing and determine what is precisely located in the existing apartment.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

It should be understood that the loggia and the balcony is not the same

The balcony is always a protruding part of the building outside the outside of the facade wall. The base of the balcony always serves the protovet overlap. Usually the balcony has only a slight fence.

Loggia in turn presents a niche inside the facade of the building. Usually loggias have a solid fence on all sides.

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These differences in structures determine and difficulties in the joining of such a room to the room in the apartment. But without permits from the relevant authorities can not do anyway.

Competent redevelopment: for what you need agreement

Attaching a balcony or loggia to the room, in fact, is a restructuring of the room. Therefore, the work of such redevelopment requires permission from BTI or other local registration authority. Before the alteration of the balcony or loggia in the apartment should learn the features of local legislation in this regard and obtain the appropriate permits and restructuring plan.

If many can make repair and finish with their own hands, not attracting third-party organizations, then the union of the balcony with the room must be done only if there is an approved plan.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

The union of the room and the balcony requires the mandatory compilation of the plan and the subsequent coordination

The fact is that constructive balconies and loggia are closely connected with all the designs of the building and their placement is made taking into account complex engineering calculations. Any change must be calculated taking into account the set of conditions. This is the type of building, its service life, previously perfect redevelopment in other apartments and even the temperature regime of the premises. Such a plan can only be engineers in the organization engaged in the operation of the house. It should be taken into account all stages of alterations, power supply and heating systems. An incorrectly compiled plan or non-compliance with at least part of the conditions provided for by the technical plan can lead to destruction not only in the design of the balcony, but also the whole building as a whole.

Therefore, the independent attachment of the balcony or loggia to the room faces not only administrative responsibility, due to unauthorized redevelopment of the premises. But criminal liability in the event of the destruction of the facade of the building and damage to other residents.

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Like a balcony to connect with a room: the main stages

Balcony glazing is better to entrust professionals. Only they can calculate the weight of the future design and choose the appropriate material. It is better to give preference to light aluminum profiles.

The union of the balcony with the residential room involves the commissioning of several stages:

  1. Glazing of the outer part of the balcony.
  2. Dismantling the separating wall between the balcony and the room.
  3. Warming of the resulting space.
  4. Finishing of the entire room.

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All these steps, possibly, besides the latter, must be described in the process of redevelopment. In accordance with this plan for finishing a balcony space, only light building materials and building structures are used. They do not lose the resulting room and will not create an additional load on the support of the entire building.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

As a rule, the wall between the balcony and the room is carrier and demolition it is prohibited.

If the technical plan is allowed to dismantle the wall between the balcony and the room, then this will allow the use of the obtained room in the maximum volume. However, it is worth strengthening the beam or columns carriage. Most often it is forbidden to destroy such a wall, so joining is limited to dismantling the balcony door and windows.

The remaining part of the wall, or rather the windowsill, can be equipped like a bar rack, a rack for books or a colors or aquarium stand.

The insulation of the obtained space is a very important detail. After all, it is impossible to carry elements of the central heating system to the balcony. Therefore, the walls and the floor should be thoroughly insulated, and if necessary, placing additional heating systems on them, they are also called a warm floor. But it is perfectly mounted on the walls.

Further, it remains only for the trim of the balcony. Now he is part of the dwelling, and the design is better to make a similar mood of the room to which it was attached. In this case, the fact of the association will be minority.

Solid balcony with room: Stages

Combining rooms and loggias: repair features

The process of restructuring the loggia when it is connected to the residential room much different from connecting the balcony. It also occurs in accordance with the alterations developed by the engineering plan. The difference lies only that the loggias themselves are usually larger in area and have a fortified fence at least from two sides. Cheaper building materials can be used to restructure such premises. Complex window systems are suitable for glazing, with sliding elements.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

As a rule, the union of the loggia and room requires smaller cost due to the fact that the side walls of the loggia - capital

Easy the central heating batteries on the loggia is also not allowed. However, they, unlike balconies, are less implanted in the cold season due to their location inside the facade.

The functional use of such premises may be similar to the use of an attached balcony, but the loggia can be placed heavy furniture without fears of harming the building design. And, consequently, the loggia is quite large even can be an extra room in the apartment.

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Differences of alteration in the panel house

The construction of panel houses has become a find in the construction of multi-unit at one time. This technology allows you to cost the building as quickly and easily. However, such ease of construction is fraught with difficulties in decoration, restructuring and even the operation of these houses in the future.

If we talk about the joining the balcony or loggia to the rooms in the panel houses, then it is worth mentioning one important circumstance - demolition or dismantling the wall separating the balcony and the room is simply not possible. It should not be thought that the refusal to issue permission to redevelopment in this case will be only a bureaucratic caprication. In the panel house wall is one holistic stove, which holds the base of the balcony with its own weight and supports the overlap of the top floor.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

If the house is panel, you will have to limit the dismantling of the window and the balcony door - it is impossible to demolish the wall

Destruction Even parts of this vertical plate can lead to serious consequences, up to the destruction of the part of the facade.

Therefore, thinking to combine a balcony with a room in a panel house you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be limited to the left after parsing the window and the balcony door of the window sill. But he can become a beautiful part of the interior, if competently beat it.

Is it worth: all "for" and "against"

With all the excellent features obtained by combining the balcony and the room, many specialists in the construction and redevelopment of premises recommend to think well before proceeding with active actions in this direction. You should soberly assess all the upcoming difficulties and costs and compare them with the result obtained. Will it be profitable? Is it so necessary to attach the open space of the balcony with an apartment? After all, it is originally a balcony and loggias are conceived precisely as an open space.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Before making a decision on combining the room and the balcony, you should think about how much it is necessary

In addition to a purely practical function, important in the fire, when people are easier to evacuate from the balcony, it has aesthetic meaning. An open balcony, beautifully decorated and conveniently equipped, is more suitable for recreation and contemplation of the surrounding landscape.

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment (Video)

Examples of balcony combining with room (photo)

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

Balcony Union with Room: Perfect Solution for Little Apartment

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