What to do if the frying pan began to burn


Cleaning in the kitchen is a process that many daily takes more than one hour. And if a frying pan is burned, it has to spend a lot of effort and time on its cleaning. Why do we tolerate these inconvenience and what to do so that the pan does not burn?

Those who are preparing often and with pleasure, a lot of secrets and ways are known to save time when cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. There are such secrets in the matter of product use.

The frying pan is the tableware to which the food can easily stick. If you fry food on the oil, then there are excess fat in the pan. Fat and residues are difficult to remove when washing dishes.

What to do if the frying pan began to burn

And sometimes food completely burns to the pan. Most likely, many have come across such a situation: the time has been spent on cooking dishes, but at the most responsible moment something distracts something and this is all the contents of a frying pan, and the smell of Gary spread across the kitchen.

What to do, so that the pan does not burn? You can avoid problems, knowing some nuances of using this dish.

Why food is burning

As soon as frying pans with a non-stick coating appeared on sale, it seemed that the solution was found to be found. Now you can fry food without applying the oil and do not worry that food will remain in the pan, creating difficulties when washing.

There are indispensable such dishes for those who observe the diet and excluded fatty food from the diet. In addition, it is convenient to prepare pancakes without using oil, and they are obtained by non-large and less calorie.

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But sooner or later, even to a frying pan with a non-stick coating, the remains of food begin to stick, and there can be no speech to fry pancakes. Why is this happening? There are a number of reasons:

  • Low quality of dishes (branded tableware with an angigar coating is suitable for use for 2-3 years, and if it is not original to buy, then the likelihood is that after a month of the pan will be useless in the economy);
  • Mechanical surface damage (during operation and in case of improper handling of dishes on ceramic, teflon or other coating gradually appear scratches and microcracks);
  • The expired "shelf life" of the frying pan (if the dishes from the cast iron can serve decades, then the other materials are not so durable).

With these flaws, teflon and ceramic dishes loses its properties, and the food begins to burn to its surface.

Thus, if the ceramic frying pan ceased to be a non-stick, it is necessary to get rid of it immediately. Food prepared on spoiled dishes can bring harm to health.

What to do if the frying pan began to burn

Scratches can occur in a frying pan of aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. It is necessary to make a replacement of dishes if it has lost the integrity of the outer layer.

The new dishes need special processing before operating, it will help extend its service life and prevent burning.

Food burns to a pan, why does this happen? Between the metal of the dishes and food there is a chemical reaction. If products are saturated with proteins, then burning occurs especially active. To slow down the flow of this chemical reaction, you can use efficient and long-known methods for pans from different metals.

If a cast iron frying pan is burning

As you know, the most delicious pancakes are obtained precisely on a frying pan from cast iron. But this is possible only if the liquid dough does not stick to the bottom. Such a pan can be protected from burning as follows:
  • New dishes need to be washed with hot water and rub the towel to dryness.
  • Cove the bottom of the frying pan with a centimeter salt layer and keep in the oven or on the stove for 1 hour. Salt should be intermitted periodically.
  • After that, salt is removed from the dishes and lubricate the inner part of the bottom with vegetable oil.

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Fat and oil ensures such a frying pan. Due to the uniform distribution of heat over the surface of the cast-iron pylon, it turns out very tasty food. Prepare pancakes in such a dishes just pleasure.

What to do if the dishes from aluminum began to burn

The aluminum frying pan to which the food burns can be reanimated. To do this, you need to use this way:

  • Roll over the pure frying pan on medium heat.
  • Cut a little bread cubes and evenly cover the bottom of the dishes.
  • Fry crackers for 5 minutes on slow fire.

The use of this method will reduce the burning of aluminum coating.

Burns "Brazier" from stainless steel

Stainless steel frying pan do not burn if frying food on the oil. On any metal, including in stainless steel, recesses and scratches appear. Preheated oil fills these defects and allows you to fry food, not allowing it to stick to the surface of a stainless steel frying pan.

If the enameled frying pan began to burn

Such dishes requires delicate appeal, it cannot be calculated, it will finally spoil the coating. But if you have noticed that pancakes or other food began to adhere to the bottom, do not hurry to throw away such a frying pan. Take advantage of the following method:

  • Carefully clean the bottom of the dishes using the detergent.
  • Sound the surface, removing moisture with a kitchen towel.
  • Abundant Sattail the frying pan with any fat or a piece of sala.

It is advisable to spend this procedure every time before starting cooking on this dish. At the same time, it is necessary to fry, adding a large amount of oil.

What can be done to eliminate the burning of food to a frying pan?

What to do if the frying pan began to burn

What is needed so that the frying pan sustains its non-stick properties longer, and you did not have to constantly wash off the bottom of the burnt food? Take advantage of young tricks that will help ease the life of the hostess.

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When operating dishes from any material, you need to follow the following rules:

The frying pan is an indispensable subject in the kitchen. It is difficult to imagine the preparation of a variety of dishes. Any hostess is nice to cook when the tableware pleases with its own species and quality. Paying due attention to frying pan, and complying with simple rules of operation, you can extend the service life and maintain the appearance of the dishes for a long time.

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