How does "Hyugga" and "Lagoma" save from depression and chanders?


Despite the fact that the Scandinavians see the sun for the sun no longer than 6 hours a day, they managed to find the way to overcome the seasonal depression, which contributes to the acquisition of happiness even in a daily routine. Danes call the positive vital philosophy of "Hugga", the Swedes are "Lag", in both options there are simple measures that drive out sadness and Handra.

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More light and music

In conditions of a short daylight, work and recreation at dusk should be avoided. Auxiliary light sources are needed - day, solar, as well as special equipment for phototherapy - they contribute to getting rid of despondency. This is a great investment in your own health, it helps to fight seasonal nerve disorders.

How does

Important! According to the experiments of scientists, the flickering of living fire remove stress, normalize blood pressure. It follows more often to disperse fireplaces, furnaces for the purpose of relaxation.

In order for the gloomy dark in the morning it was easier to cheer up, psychologists recommend to form a playlist with favorite dynamic compositions. One of the areas of the brain is particularly strongly influenced by the influence of music, regular therapy normalizes the mental state, helps to struggle with voltage, improves cognitive functions.

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Essence of happiness in Hyugg

Scandinavian life structure emphasizes that it is necessary to be indulgent to themselves, kinder, spending time consciously, meaningfully, to carry out taste every minute. Danes from time to time encourage their small weaknesses, appreciate the cozy atmosphere and simple things.

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Tip! In order not to suffer from depression and Handra, it is important to pay time to the time of joy. Uncomplicated events, such as family tea drinking, warm bath with a book, evening under a blanket with a TV series, allow you to slow down, create conditions for useful inaction, bootable forces.

Aromatherapy, Chocolate, Tea and Baking

In the cold season, you will help to awaken, feel calm, the protection of cinnamon fragrances, vanilla, carnations, sandals, musk, orange. As part of food and beverages, they strengthen immunity and improve mood.

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The use of dark chocolate leads to the synthesis of endorphins, thanks to them a person plunges into the atmosphere of happiness and tranquility. To get the maximum effect and not to create a sugar dependency, you should choose verified stamps.

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In the Scandinavian region, home pastries from the test is considered a traditional autumn-winter time. Culinary and psychologists support this ritual, emphasize that the preparation and use of baking reduces the risk of adhering to the advent of Handra and the symptoms of anxiety. This is a proven Millennium the Medical therapy method, besides the personally cooked dessert or meat pie is extremely tasty, tea drinking unites households, the aromas of the drum make the house cozy. The antioxidants present in tea, caffeine and amino acids help to cope with signs of overwork, favorably affect the memory, soothe.

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Order in the house and in the shower

Scandinavians believe that daily cleaning, which occupies no more than 15-20 minutes, contributes to the positive attitude, while trash, the unwashed dishes and the garbage interfere with focus. When in the rooms, the order and everything is in its places, do not have to be distracted by cleaning, the forces will remain on more pleasant classes.

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News ribbons and social networks, according to Hyugg, cause depression, strengthen the feeling of anxiety. It is better to pay attention to good books: reading expands the horizons and vocabulary, relieves stress, helps to distract.

How does

Philosophy of happiness suggests that every person will devote daily time to good deeds, to make at least one act. It must be remembered that sympathy, the help surrounding work in both directions.

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